Saturday, May 4, 2013

Today's News

Triple H awarded:

Triple H has won the ''Most Metal Athlete award'' at a show hosted by Chris Jericho.


Tonight will see the debut of the Jokers Wild PPV, the event was taped in January.

Women's Title tournament:

WWE have announced a tournament to begin on May 23, which will crown the first ever NXT Women's / Diva's Champion.

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker is now officially written out of the WWE stories, however he has told WWE to keep the door open for him to return later in the year for him to renew his feud with The Shield.

He came out of his last run healthier than ever, crediting this to a change of diet, a different workout routine, and more than that a significant change in mentality, he says he wanted to give the fans a great match at WrestleMania, but is no longer willing to destroy himself in the process.

Skyler Moon talks health problems leading to WWE release:

"I mentioned before I have an eating disorder. I went to treatment because I was killing myself. ... Nothing else matters. ... My disease is dealing with food, or no food, or too much exercise. ... I was miserable and I was dying… It was either treatment or dead. ... I made the decision [to go]. I knew I couldn't give my best performance. ... I couldn't do this by myself. I needed help. I needed to put my life on hold, I needed to swallow my pride, throw my hands up in the air and say 'Hey, I need help with this, I don't know what else to do.' I had to check my ego at the door and allow other people to help me with my life. ... Rehab is awesome, and I wish I could give everyone who needed that opportunity, or wanted that opportunity, I wish I could give that to them. ... I don't know where I'd be without it."

WWE list it's top 10 heel turns:

Hall Of Famer remembers backstage fight:

Superstar Billy Graham was recalling the infamous fight between Jacques Rougeau and the Dynamite Kid, which resulted in the British Bulldogs leaving WWE in 1988.

CM Punk:

WWE have removed CM Punk from all Raw's, Live and international tour dates between now and SummerSlam, he will now only represent the company at 3 fan / comic fests between now and then.

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