Friday, May 3, 2013

Today's News

TNA live:

Dixie Carter has announced that Impact will be aired live for the first time from an international venue, on January 30 of 2014, from the Hydro in Glasgow, Scotland.


MVP has thanked WWE for adding him to their website yesterday, and has again opened the door to a possible return...

"I have said before & maintain that I remain on good terms with WWE & a return at some point is always a possibility. Thank you for caring!"

The Rock to TV:

The Rock will team up again with Mark Wahlberg this time on a TV show following the lives of two athletes, it is being described as a ''Dramedy'' and will air on HBO.

Potential SPOILER!!!:

Based on tweets between Seth Rollins and another NXT star it seems that the favourite to become the 4th member of the Shield group is Sami Zayn, formerly known as El Generico.


TNA have confirmed the first match for their annual PPV, Bully Ray will defend his TNA Title vs Sting.

NXT Title change SPOILER!!!:

The Wyatt Family have become the new NXT Tag Team Champions beating Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas, who was standing in for the injured Oliver Grey.

The episode won't air for a few weeks.

King Mo:

Former MMA man King Mo Lawal has had his first match, prior to the last OVW show, he won the pre show dark match.

New commentary teams:

At the NXT Tapings last night two commentary teams were tried out, one coached by Jim Ross the other by Michael Cole...

* Tony Dawson & William Regal

* Tony Phillips & Brad Maddox

E! release trailer for Total Diva's:

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