Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today's News

Sorry the news is so late today, Had a tough one... 

Scott Hall:

Razor Ramon has offered his opinions on The Undertaker's streak...

"I wonder - 21-0, right?. 21's a cool number to end on," he told editor Wade Keller during his two-and-a-half hour interview yesterday. "I know Take isn't afraid to gamble and play a little blackjack. 21 is a winner. Winner-winner, chicken dinner. That's a decision for Taker to make. I personally don't see an end in sight for Taker. He's such an attraction, he only has to make a few appearances a year to have an impact. I don't know if he still wants to… Maybe a guy like Ziggler. I don't know if he's at that box office level yet to go against Take at WrestleMania. I personally don't see any guys yet who are ready for Taker. That might have been the WrestleMania to watch, maybe the last match for Taker. My instinct, though, is I don't feel he's done. But that's his call."

Dixie Carter pops for Hogan:

TNA Boss Dixie Carter has said Hulk Hogan is bigger than any wrestler, brand or promotion, including The Rock...

"He (Hulk) is bigger than any brand, company, name - he is synonymous with wrestling and is probably one of the most recognisable faces or figures on the entire planet. Name me someone who is alive today who'd be more recognisable in any corner of the world? In places like Africa and Asia, or if you were walking in Thailand? Princess Diana or Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley maybe? But they aren't even with us anymore. The Rock?... Well, if you are walking in a village in Africa would people know who The Rock was? I think his film work has been outstanding. I'm a huge fan of The Rock, I think he is phenomenal, but would that happen?"

UFC star to buy WWE:

Chael Sonnen has announced he intends to buy the WWE when he retires from the Octagon. WWE have responded with...

"We are a publicly traded company, so [Chael is] more than welcome to purchase shares of WWE stock and become one of our valued shareholders."


Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar are both being advertised for an appearance on tomorrow's Raw.

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