Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today's News

More on Kofi's heel turn:

Potential SPOILER!!!...

Kofi Kingston may be about to join Paul Heyman's stable of stars, this is a very early rumour, but the Kofi turn has been talked about for a long while and this is the first time flesh has been put on the bones of those rumours, so maybe it is finally getting closer.

Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake Roberts continues to rally WWE for a spot in the 2014 Royal Rumble...

"I'll be in the Royal Rumble next year, count on it… I worked too hard in this business to go out that way. So I guess we're going to have to take a victory lap. I'm definitely coming back."

New book:

George The Animal Steele's biog has become available for pre order today, at this link.

The release is on June 1.

Austin Aries:

TNA Star Austin Aries has been given a ''Severe Fine'' for his sexual bullying of Christy Hemme on TNA last week.

He has also personally apologized to Hemme, and She is said to have accepted his mea culpe, and is now willing to move on.

Batista appears in movie trailer:

For the new Riddick movie...

WWE relationship revealed:

Natalya has tweeted a pic of Naomi of the Funkadactyls, and Jimmy Uso, it appears that the two are an item, and will be featured in the Total Diva's reality show.

Rob Van Dam:

Rob Van Dam says he is talking to both WWE and TNA about where his future lies, however TNA insiders say there is, and has been no contact between themselves and RVD since his contract expired, WWE is looking ever more likely to be his destination it seems.

TNA game:

TNA are expected to sign a deal for a new video game very soon.

Bruno to be honoured:

Bruno Samamartino will be honoured in his home town of Pittsburgh later this year, to mark the 50th anniversary of winning the WWWF title, he has already been awarded the belt by WWE, Triple H presented it to him earlier this year... (Video)...


Is officially sold out.

Gorgeous George:

When WWE inducted the legendary Gorgeous George Wagner into their Hall Of Fame they planned to release a DVD of his career and make a movie of his life, those projects are now officially dead, because WWE Studios have shown no interest in the movie for a very long time.

Locker room go to bat for Cesaro:

After management criticism of the former US Champion Antonio Cesaro (See yesterday), the WWE locker room have jumped to his defense, he is said to be highly respected by his peers, for his attitude, work rate, drug free lifestyle, and is regarded as one of the company's finest workers, by his fellow grapplers at least.

Shawn Michaels:

May 24 will be Shawn Michaels appreciation night, however unlike Bret Hart's night 3 days later, it will not be televised from his home town, but will be a house show in Salt Lake, Utah.

Ex WWE man arrested:

Justin Credible has been arrested for third degree forgery and sixth degree larceny, for crimes that he allegedly committed in August of 2012, he was released on $2,500 bond, and was summonsed to appear in court on June 21.

Booker T:

Booker T's surgery was due to a freak accident, and was not wrestling related, he will be out until the end of the month.

El Generico reigned in:

Sami Zayn, formerly known as El Generico has been told to stop hitting so many high spots in matches, NXT officials are impressed with him, but feel he does too much and is outshining the other stars on the roster.

Matt Hardy vs WCW:

Matt Hardy has recalled WCW stealing his early ring name, before he joined WWE...

"Yeah, that's 100% true," Hardy replied when I asked if WCW had taken their name. "Chris Kanyon, who was one of the regulars at the Power Plant, later when he came to the WWE, we were friends. He was really close friends with Hurricane Shane Helms. He was the main reason that he and Shannon [Moore] were hired in WCW. Once he came to WWE he actually had told us that that tape sat there for a long time and they had these two guys, they were looking for a name and they said oh, this guy that does this demo tape here, his name's High Voltage. I think that would be a good name maybe we can use that for your tag team. And it stuck. So I actually changed my name, on the indie scene at that time, from High Voltage to Surge, something along the same personality and character traits. That is a true story. It's absolutely 100% true."

Saturday Morning Slam:

SMS has officially been dropped by it's host channel Vortexx, it will be replaced with Dragon Ball Z.

Hardcore Holly interview:

More from a recent Bob Holly interview...

On his relationship with Chris Benoit...

"For the people that didn't know Chris, he was the kindest human being you would ever find on this planet. I don't know what happened, I just honestly couldn't tell you what happened. Chris was one of the kindest, politest people. I never saw the guy get mad, not one single time. He didn't get upset about anything. When I was writing the book and reflecting back on him, it was kinda hard because then I started thinking about it again, and it's almost like it's hard to believe that he's not here anymore. Me and him were pretty close; we confided a lot in each other. It was very tough, just thinking about it and talking about it. Back when it had happened, that's something that you've got to push out of you mind right away, because you have to move forward. We're on live TV every week; it's a sad situation, it's hard to heal from something when you don't mourn over it. It's something that you have to do, just put it out of your mind. Otherwise it'll ruin you, it really will."

On the WCW invasion...

"When I came back, I was like 'Wow, this isn't good if I'm sitting around because of all these new guys coming in.' Your mind starts playing games on you, and it's like 'Okay, am I sitting out for a while now?' I've been sitting out for eight months, and I come back and we've got the whole WCW thing going on, all these guys coming in. It's like, where do you fit in? You do worry about that. I worried about it, but then again, it was like 'Okay, if they let me go, at least I have a trade to fall back on.' That was always in the back of my mind, that I had something to fall back on. Of course, that's not what I wanted to have to fall back on, I wanted to move forward with my career instead of backwards. That weighed heavy on my mind when they had all these guys, and you're seeing all these guys in the locker room, and I was like 'Wow, I'm gonna get lost in the shuffle here.' I tried to come up with ideas and stuff like that, and a lot of times it just didn't work."

On Buff Bagwell...

"That guy, he blew it huge. He was on his own watch; he thought he was gonna do what he wanted to do, just like in WCW. The rules were completely different with WWE, and that's why Vince runs such a tight ship. We have certain times he wants us there, and for a good reason. Buff would just show up whenever he wanted to. For example - one night, the show starts at 7, of course, and we're supposed to be there at 6. He shows up right when the show is starting. He doesn't change with boys, he's gotta go find his own little locker room or something. He did generate a lot of heat, and he brought it all on himself. I always got along with Buff, I never had a problem with him, but I think he kinda blew it for himself because I think they had big plans for him. He just kinda threw it away, and he didn't want to play the game; he didn't want to follow the rules, and that's something you have to do."

On the Matt Cappotelli incident...

"If that was the case, if I was a bully, as some people say I was, do you really think Vince would have kept me? Do you really think Vince would have kept me if that was the true case, that I took advantage of this guy and roughed him up just for the sake of doing it? No, I wouldn't be there, trust me. Vince doesn't put up with that kind of stuff. That's what I tried to get people to understand; once they start thinking about it, it's like "Oh, okay, that does make sense." Also, you've gotta understand, it's like Randy Orton. These guys tell me to do something, well these guys are the ones that sign my paychecks, so I'm gonna do what they ask me to do. It's 50/50 about the Matt Cappotelli thing; a lot of people understand coming from my point of view, and then some people understand from his point of view. I think the people that are on his side about it don't get the wrestling business. These are people that are not in the wrestling business that don't get in the ring and wrestle. Matt gets on television and cries because he has a black eye and a bloody lip. I did not break any bones, I did not knock any teeth out of his mouth, I didn't send him to the hospital. He was perfectly fine, except he got his feelings hurt and he had a black eye."

Also on Bob, and probably because he is in the media a lot right now, promoting this book, he has today been added to WWE.Com as this weeks new Alumnus.

Legend reveals retirement date:

Mean Gene Okerlund says he will stop working in 3 years, health permitting.

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