Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today's News

Charles Robinson explains why he didn't count Cena out:

At Extreme Rules...

''To those complaining about me not counting i was in shock of what happened and was more concerned about their safety. I did what was right.''

Hall Of Famer joins Twitter:

Terry Funk's new handle is @RealTerryFunk.

Kane to continue wrestling:

Glenn Jacobs has confirmed he will not be seeking political office, telling The Tennessean...

"(I have) no plans on running for political office at this time."

Rey Mysterio needs another operation:

He tweeted the news...

"Great news today with Doc Andrews! Revisit on the 19th of June for a minor procedure and still trying to b back in the ring by late August!"


The first match at WWE's newest PPV has been confirmed...

John Cena vs Ryback in an ambulance match.

Michael McGillicutty:

Is no more 

Joe Hennig returned on Raw last night under the name Curtis Axel, a blend of his Father Curt Hennig, and Grand Father Larry The Axe's names.


Batista will be spending the next five months in the UK filming a movie.

Titus in trouble:

Titus O'Neill is in huge heat for dropping an F-Bomb during Raw last night.

Stars leaving WWE:

Brock Lesnar will be written out of the WWE stories until Summerslam soon, and Mark Henry will be away for a couple of weeks, before returning as a babyface. Mark suffered a shoulder strain at Extreme Rules, so the break will allow him to heal.

Vince unsure:

Vince McMahon is said to be unsure of where he wants the Cena / Ryback feud to go.

Triple H:

WWE are running the concussion stories with Hunter, to promote the new bond they gave formed with former WWE man Chris Nowinski's foundation, and to raise awareness of the issue.

The story line will have a big pay off down the road, with the McMahons becoming involved as the angle progresses.

Related to concussions, WWE have warned talent to stay away from head shots as much as possible, after Dolph Ziggler's recent injury.

Lawler apology:

He has caused some offence by suggesting Triple H may have suffered a stroke on Raw last night...

"I want to apologize to Triple H and his family for insinuating that he may have had a stroke. I know firsthand how upsetting it could be."

TNA injuries:

James Storm will be back in 6-8 weeks, and Jesse Sorenson has confirmed he does hope to return to the ring, and has set a time frame of October for the return...

"Just to be clear there ain't gonna be no come back, just new beginnings! Real return is going to be in Oct!#Motivated #Thankful #Reality"

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