Sunday, May 19, 2013

Today's News

Top 10:

WWE's top 10 this week is Foreign Objects...


WWE have released a trailer for their new PPV Payback, starring Randy Orton.

Help a TNA star:

Zema Ion is asking fans to help pay his medical bills, because he has no health insurance, you can do so via this link.

Extreme Rules:

The Final Card has been released for tonight's PPV, firstly though I will not be doing a Lives Comms on our sister page as is usual. 

Tomorrow is my Dad's funeral and I expect it will be a long tough day, so I am going to need sleep (Try to anyway)... 

So apologies to the fans of Shaggy's Wrestling Page who tune in for the comms each month, I will make it up with a Raw Comms ASAP...


The Card...

WWE Title... John Cena vs Ryback

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger (I quit, No 1 contenders match).

(US Title) Kofi Kingston vs Dean Ambrose

(Tag Titles) Kane & Daniel Bryan vs The Shield

Brock Lesnar vs Triple H

Mark Henry vs Sheamus

Big Show vs Randy Orton

Chris Jericho vs Fandango

Cody Rhodes vs The Miz (Pre Show)

My predictions...

Cena will retain, but there will be a screwy finish...

Swagger will probably win his match to use the injury to Ziggler as a story arc...

I predict a big night for The Shield, Dean to win the US strap and the other 2 boys will win the Tag gold...

Brock will beat Triple H as revenge for Mania...

Others Sheamus over Henry, Show over Orton, Fandango over Y2J, Miz over Cody...

Bret Hart:

WWE have confirmed Bret Hart will not be involved in any physical angles when he returns to WWE on May 27, due to a knee surgery earlier this year.

WWE star launches into attack on Sin Cara:

Joe (Michael McGillicutty) Hennig was furious with a loss to the returning star this week, he vented on his Twitter...

"Embarrassing! I lost to @TheSinCaraWWE?! Goin to the bar. Not to drink but beat the crap outta any SOB that looks like that piece of garbage... Love Eddie. Sin Cara blows. Go away... For the record, Sin Cara is a big, pudgy pile of horse crap. If he has something to say, Im not hard to find. Ill knock his punk ass out!"

Personal Note...

WWE's misuse of the this Kid is shocking, I hope someone reads his Twitter feed, he deserves so much better...

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