Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today's News

Santino Marella:

Santino Marella has announced he will open a school in Toronto on July 1, it will cater for Pro Wrestling and MMA hopefuls.

Hardcore Holly interview:

On Sparky Plugg...

"Honestly it was a gimmick in wrestling but I really do race cars in real life. Back in the eighties and early nineties everything in wrestling had a cartoon character theme to it. When I had a meeting with Vince (McMahon) and JJ Dillon they hired me and said they would send my contract in the mail, when it arrived it had Thurman 'Sparky' Plug on it. I just kind of laughed and thought are you kidding me, yeah it was a corny gimmick because Vince and JJ liked the idea that I was a race car driver so they wanted to play off of that. The thing is what I tell everybody is that you can't sit there and tell me if they gave you a goofy name like that you would turn them down and say no I'm not going to come to work for you because of that name. The WWE is where everybody wants to be and I just thought to myself, I'll go with it and we'll just take it from there and see what happens. I wasn't too crazy about the gimmick because I had to be someone I really didn't like portraying. In wrestling if you're not comfortable portraying somebody you're not going to put a hundred percent into it. I went to Vince about it and we discussed it, he was all for changing it."

On Brock Lesnar...

"Let me clear something up, people write stupid s--t on the internet all the time saying me and Brock didn't get along, me and him got along just fine and we worked well together. I did break my neck during a match with Brock but he called me all the time whilst I was in the hospital checking up on me. People say that he did it on purpose and I got what I deserved, let me tell you something no one deserves to get a broken neck number one, and he didn't do it on purpose!"

On CM Punk...

"At first our styles didn't really match up that well but then once we started working together more we started to really gel together. I enjoyed working with him, I really liked the guy."

On Vince McMahon...

"He was a good boss, he knew what he wanted and you did what he asked of you but you had liberty to talk about it. He was very easy to talk to, a lot of people find it hard to talk to him but for me he was easy to talk to. He kept me around for 16 years and I thank Vince for giving me the opportunity to be there for so long because he could've easily got rid of me several times if he wanted to. He has always taken care of me when I was hurt and I never had to worry about anything, he's always been good to me, he really has. A lot of people don't like him but he's a businessman, very smart. When it comes down to wrestling he knows what he's doing, that's why you don't really question what he wants. If you have any ideas or anything like that you throw them at him but there's really no reason to question him because look at the empire he has created."

On TNA...

"I did some stuff for TNA recently; I did one of these One Night Only PPV's for them, which I enjoyed immensely. Everybody over there was so nice to me and I teamed up with James Storm and Magnus. It was a completely different vibe there, nobody had any pressure on them, no stress, and everybody was enjoying their jobs. I might be doing some more stuff with them in the future so hopefully you can look out for me popping up in TNA."

Michael Cole interview:

He has revealed he had heat with Chris Jericho...

This is following the disastrous Highlight Reel segment with Brad Maddox on Raw a couple of months ago...

"What I felt bad about is that I disrespected Chris, who has obviously been in this business longer than I have. He's one of the legendary greats of all-time. More importantly than all of that, Chris is a friend of mine. Believe it or not, I felt bad. I felt bad for a number of reasons... because I didn't go to Chris and explain to him what happened, so he had to hear through the grapevine the next day. So he wasn't happy with me. We ironed things out and he's a great guy."

He also discussed the events leading up to the Jerry Lawler heart attack...

''In the middle of this match I heard Jerry snoring and I thought he was doing like I used to do when I was a heel, especially back in the NXT days, I thought he was making fun of the match in the ring and I thought he was snoring because the match was boring. So I chuckled because I thought that’s what he was doing and then I looked over to Jerry to my left and Jerry was laying down on the table, his head was down, and he was literally snoring. At that point I thought this obviously isn’t good, he looked blue. So I jumped up, first thing I did and I’ll never forget this is I hit my mute switch on my box because I was screaming for the doctor. Luckily we had Doc Sampson at ringside. So I’m screaming for the doctor, ‘Doc, doc, Jerry needs you,’ and I hit the mute switch I think out of instinct but I’ll never forget, I remember doing it because I knew something serious was happening and I knew that his family watches the product and I didn’t want them to know at that point what was going on because I thought that if it was me I wouldn’t want my wife or anybody in my family to learn about what was happening from live television. So I hit the mute switch and Jerry at that point I grabbed him to try to hold him up and then he fell out of his chair and then the doctor luckily was there. At that point I just went into instinct mode and I just started calling the match that was going on in the ring and didn’t reference anything that was going on. Then obviously we went to commercial break and during the break they hauled Jerry off in a stretcher and all that. So I’m down at ringside and I’ve got to do the rest of the show for an hour, I had no idea what’s going on. I’ve got my producers and Triple H and others telling me and giving me updates in my headset which I would come back on the air and say, ‘hey, this is the latest we heard,’ and so on and so forth and then at about 10:30 eastern, about a half hour before we went off the air, I remember somebody came in my headset, I can’t remember who it was, and they said, ‘Michael, you need to prepare for the worst.’ I’m like, ‘ok,’ and they said, ‘you need to be prepared to deliver the news.’ So at that point I knew what they were talking about obviously.''

He ended the interview saying that he does not want John Cena to turn heel.


The next WWE Video Game from new suppliers 2K Sports will be released on October 29.

Extreme Rules:

Dolph Ziggler has been pulled from this months PPV following his concussion Alberto Del Rio will now face Jack Swagger one on one in a #1 Contenders I Quit match at the show.

Other matches confirmed are...

Kofi Kingston vs Dean Ambrose (US Title)...

Kane & Daniel Bryan vs The Shield (Tag Titles)...

Fandango vs Chris Jericho...

The Miz vs Cody Rhodes (Pre Show)...

Eugene to WWE?:

Nick Dinsmore was at the last NXT live event.


WWE are training the stars (Particularly John Cena) on foreign languages to help broaden their reach to non English speaking nations, they are currently teaching Cena Chinese.

Hall Of Famer wife swap:

Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper will appear on an upcoming episode of celebrity Wife Swap, they are already doing some taping for the show.

MVP to TNA?:

MVP says he would consider a run with TNA if they came calling...

"I've never worked with Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson / Kennedy, Bobby Roode and so forth. I've often wondered what that would be like. The beautiful thing for me is that my future is wide open wherever I end up. Living life on my terms is an amazing feeling. Live for YOU!"

Antonio Cesaro:

WWE management... Faceplam!!!...

WWE management have declared that the 240 day reign as US Champ of Antonio Cesaro was ''Boring'' and that the reason he loses on TV so often is that he ''Lacks the necessary personality'' to make it.

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