Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Today's News

Angle accuses WWE of plagiarism:

Kurt Angle has used his Twitter to accuse WWE of stealing the AJ Styles / Claire Lynch story and using it for their current AJ / John Cena angle, he tweeted to TNA President Dixie Carter...

“Staged “affair” between AJ Lee & @JohnCena, w/date pic & hotel video? WWE outright lifting TNA concepts?”

He also had a dig at a backstage segment featuring Three Man Band...

“WWE production team using @EBischoff’s innovative multi-camera backstage filming technique with OneManBand segment?”

IMO TNA's backstage camera work is shocking... It certainly is nothing to be proud of.

WWE Confirm Flair no show:

WWE have confirmed that Ric Flair was not at Raw this week, as initially planned, they say he watched the show from home. Still not confirmed why he wasn't there, I thought travel issues initially, but then remembered that the show was in his home town, so maybe WWE want his return to be a surprise, and were P*ssed that the story broke on the net, so pulled the angle.

Goldberg Q&A:

Bill Goldberg did a Twitter Q&A earlier, Highlights...

Could we see him in a wrestling ring again?

Does he like Brock Lesnar?
“1 of the few I still communicate with. Awesome dude.”

Does he like Triple H?
“Funniest question all day…”

Will he and Triple H ever make peace?
“We’re from 2 different planets….”

With others performing in their 40′s, does he think it’s wise to get back in the ring?
“Tough call I’m struggling with”

Is he friends with Shawn Michaels?

Bye Bye Beth:

Despite not being popular with WWE right now, Adam Copeland (Formerly Edge) was backstage at Raw this week, supporting his Girl Friend Beth Phoenix as she had her farewell bout vs AJ Lee.

WWE to UK:

The Raw roster are on their way to England (Via France) for next weeks UK tour. Including a taping of Raw and SmackDown which will be live from Birmingham.

Brad Maddox:

WWE say an announcement on the controversial referee Brad Maddox will be made on this weeks Main Event.

Survivor Series:

A second Match has been confirmed for next months super show, The Big Show will defend his newly won World Title against the man he took it from Sheamus.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Miz TV opens the show, guest Sheamus.
  • Kofi interrupts followed by The Big Show, Sheamus wants a rematch, Show walks away, Sheamus and Kofi beat up Miz, and a tag match is announced for later.
  • Prime Time Playa's vs Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.
  • Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett.
  • David Otunga vs Great Khali.
  • Justin Gabriel vs R-Truth.
  • The Miz and Big Show vs Sheamus and Kofi Kingston.

Derrick Bateman:

Derrick had his Knee Cap operated on yesterday after being injured in a match taped for Saturday Morning Slam, his opponent was Antonio Cesaro.

Good news wrestling fans... (Maybe):

The New York Times are predicting Linda McMahon will lose the election next week, with only a 14% chance of them being wrong, they predict her rival Chris Murphy will score 51% and Linda 46%.

Hopefully (If true) this will end her political ambitions and will mean the end of the PG era.

WWE Alumni start new careers:

Chris Jericho will join VH1 this week, to host a run down of 100 rock anthems, and Batista has been praised for his latest movie role and is getting other offers, WWE may have to continue to wait for his return.

“Some exciting career offers came this week. #Blessed what should I do next??”

Late match result change:

Big Show was initially booked to lose to Sheamus at Hell In A Cell, the decision to change came over the weekend, Dolph was also booked to cash in on an injured Sheamus to win the gold.

WWE happy:

WWE are very happy with the resurgence of the Tag Team division, and are heaping praise on Triple H for the work he has done.

Hogan lawsuit:

Hulk Hogan's lawsuit against the smutty website that are hosting his sex tape has been pushed back a week until November 13.

Lilian Garcia:

The WWE ring announcer touted a thank you to WWE fans for the messages of support she has received following her recent accident. (Link).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today's News

Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan and his former friend Bubba The Love Sponge, have settled their lawsuit over the release of the sex tape, Bubba has finally admitted that Hulk did not know about the tape. Unfortunately this story will continue, as Bubba's wife and a website that refused to remove the footage are still being taken to court by Hogan.

Bubba wrote this letter of apology...

''After further investigation, I am now convinced that Hulk Hogan was unaware of the presence of the recording device in my bedroom. I am convinced he had no knowledge that he was being taped. Additionally, I am certain that he had no role in the release of the video.

It is my belief that Terry is not involved, and has not ever been involved, in trying to release the video, or exploit it, or otherwise gain from the video’s release in any way.

Regrettably, when Hulk filed the lawsuit against me, I instinctively went on the offensive. The things that I said about him and his children were not true. I was wrong and I am deeply sorry for my reaction, and for the additional pain that it caused Hulk and his children on top of the pain that they already were feeling from having learned that Terry was taped without his knowledge, and the public release of the video.

I am committed to helping Hulk and his attorneys find whoever is responsible for the release of the tape and holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law.''


THQ have released the official trailer for the new game which is released this week.

Raw News:

CM Punk challenged Mick Foley to a traditional Survivor Series match, Foley accepted, however Foley will not wrestle, he will captain the team which will comprise of...

* Kane
* Randy Orton
* Kofi Kingston
* Daniel Bryan
* Ryback

They will face...

* CM Punk
* The Miz
* Cody Rhodes
* Alberto Del Rio
* Damien Sandow

Couple of other notes on this match, which will headline the show...

WWE had two different ideas for a WWE title match, firstly a Punk vs Ryback rematch, but they decided fans would not forgive a second screwy finish.

The other was set to be a Punk vs Cena match, (The match that should have headlined HIAC, but for Cena's injury), they are hoping to keep us guessing, as to which order The Rock will wrestle the two men in 2013 (One at the Rumble, the other at Mania), but CM Punk is just weeks from moving up from 10 on the all time list of longest reigning champions...

He will go 9th on November 13.
He will go 8th on November 19 (Night after Survivor Series).
He Will go 7th on November 25.
He Will go 6th on December 5.

He will also celebrate a full year as Champion on November 20.

WWE want the title change from Punk to The Rock to be a huge moment, and the more landmarks he breaks down as Champion, the bigger the importance of the loss, when it does finally come.

Jerry Lawler is to return to Raw in 2 weeks.

Beth Phoenix has left WWE, she was written off screen after being fired by Vickie Guerrero because she didn't beat AJ quickly enough or something lame like that...

She said to WWE.Com after the show that if this really is the end of her WWE career, then she has to thank the WWE Universe and anyone who had a hand in her career. She talked about how she has lived her childhood dream and is proud of her career, hoping that everyone has enjoyed it. Beth added that she doesn’t know what’s next but promised that we haven’t seen the last of her.

Beth is the greatest female performer in WWE's history, they asked her to extend her stay by a week because they ran out of time to give her a send off last week, just for that... She deserved better IMO.

Ric Flair was written out of the script late in the afternoon, no word on why, but some WWE stars (Including the now departed Beth Phoenix) had some travel issues due to the epic storm in the states yesterday, so maybe he couldn't get to the show..

Big Show:

Says he wants one more match with The Undertaker, and has recalled his favourite Attitude Era memories...

''My favorite memory happened after the show would end. The Rock would bring his guitar to the ring and Stone Cold would sing and everyone would spend the night BSing, then they would break out The Rock Bottom or the Stone Cold Stunner to end the night. These guys were just so entertaining, but the main difference is that in the Attitude Era, there weren’t as many rules. We weren’t so corporate, we weren’t in the PG era, so back then, it was more of that crazy, rock and roll atmosphere. That’s the big difference about the Attitude Era — it was just really out there, rock and roll.''


A new batch of future WWE stars have started their developmental careers officially today, they have been added to the NXT website. I will add their profiles to Shaggy's Wrestling Page later.

Survivor Series:

To add to the one match that has so far been confirmed for the show, expect Big Show vs Sheamus (World Title) and John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler to be added in the coming days and weeks.

Insiders have also confirmed HHH vs Brock 2 is still on, but did not say when.

WWE vs The Marines:

The Marines have taken offence to a WWE TradeMark, “Marine: Homefront.” they have filed to stop WWE using the term and the case will be heard in December. WWE cannot use it until after the court hears the case. I am not sure why WWE have got this TM, maybe a new PPV or an TV project they plan to work on.

Alex Riley:

Is starting his in ring training today, after an injury lay off.

Jake The Snake:

Just one day after DDP asked Jake The Snake to move into his home, to train him for his last in ring run, Jake turned up unfit to compete at an indy show in Texas, Roberts reportedly confronted his opponent, because he was angry the crowd were giving him more attention, during a mid-show promo in the ring, Jake ordered a confused referee to the ring, hit the guy in the head and then fell on top of him for a quick, sloppy pin. Roberts then reportedly walked straight from the ring to his car and left.

The promoter had to apologize for his behaviour.

The show went on:

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy played a live gig in Albany New York, despite the superstorm battering the city.

Brad Maddox:

The screwy ref end to Hell In A Cell was a last minute decision, made by Vince McMahon.


Derrick Bateman will have to wait to debut his new character the USA guy, he underwent knee surgery today.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Today's News

Hell In A Cell:

Results and Notes from last night's WWE PPV...

Randy Orton bt Alberto Del Rio in the opening bout.

Team Hell No successfully retained their Tag Team Titles vs Rhodes Scholars when Kane was disqualified for not leaving the ring. Kane and his partner Daniel Bryan fought each other as much as they did their opponents.

Kofi Kingston retained his IC Tilte vs The Miz. Miz dominated a slow methodical match after Kofi hurt his knee, but Kofi managed to connect with his finisher to get the 123.

Two bonus matches were added next, the first being...

Antonio Cesaro retained his US title vs Justin Gabriel.

The other was...

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara bt Prime Time Playa's. Nasty botch in this one, Sin Cara was dropped onto the top of his head, and says he was knocked out briefly, Doctors tended to him the minute the match ended, but he got up and went into the ring to show the fans he was OK.

A new World Champion was crowned when The Big Show bt Sheamus, Show dominated the match from the bell, Sheamus only had rare flurries of offense, both men hit their finish unsuccessfully, as Sheamus tried to hit his for a second time Show instead caught him running in with his KO punch to get the win. My favourite match of the night.

Eve retained the Diva's Title vs Kaitlyn and Layla, I was Really impressed with Kaitlyn during this match.

CM Punk retained his WWE Title in the Hell In A Cell match vs Ryback, whose undefeated streak is over. Ryback as expected dominated, but as he was about to end the match, rookie ref (Former developmental star) Brad Maddox nailed Ryback with a low blow and hit a fast count to give Punk a cheap victory.

This IMO was the best way to end the match Punk retains, to keep the momentum building to The Rock match, and Ryback is not overly weakened, despite losing because of the manner of the loss.

WWE were disappointed with the crowd, they were dead all night, apart from (and despite removing all Goldberg signs) when Ryback entered the arena, because they chanted the name of the WWE Alumnus.

Lilian Garcia:

WWE.Com have announced Lilian Garcia has been released from the Hospital after her auto accident, she will still be monitored medically.

Linda McMahon:

Linda has been criticized for missing a NAACP state convention appearance, where she was to debate with her political rival Chris Murphy. Her people said she had accidentally agreed to appear at two different events at the same time.

DDP re-homes Snake:

Jake The Snake Roberts is moving in with Diamond Dallas Page to prepare for a final run as an in ring performer, DDP said...

“Bottom line is, everybody wants the comeback story,” DDP said. “Everybody wants to see Jake look good, and feel good, and not be a mess anymore. That would be great. I think there are a lot of really positive things that can come out of this if Jake really does it.”

Tonight's Raw teaser:

* What will happen when Vickie Guerrero brings her evidence on AJ Lee and John Cena to light?

* Can Kane and Daniel Bryan regroup by the time it’s time to defend their titles again?

* Can CM Punk avoid Ryback’s grasp until it’s time for revenge?

* Can Sheamus find a way to get the World Heavyweight Title back from Big Show?

* What is Dolph Ziggler’s plan of attack and when will he cash in?

Survivor Series rematch:

WWE are teasing a possible rematch from last night between CM Punk and Ryback...

“Survivor Series offers a prime opportunity for Ryback to exact his revenge; can CM Punk elude the creature’s grasp until then?”

John Cena is the more likely opponent however, to continue to build the WrestleMania 29 story up.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Today's News

Lilian Garcia:

WWE have changed their statement on Lilian Garcia's medical condition following her Auto Accident, they removed the line ''Expected to make a full recovery'' and replaced it with ''Her status is currently unknown''.

Worryingly her husband Chris has asked fans of the Ring Announcer to pray for her to make a full recovery.

Doctor's have immobilized her neck.

Hell In A Cell:

Maybe a Heel turn will begin tonight?, The Uso's have tweeted that they are on their way to the show, to take the current Raw GM up on her offer...

“In route to #HellInACell, Maybe now is the time to take @ExcuseMeWWE on her offer??? #CougarInCharge”

Jim Ross, JBL, and Michael Cole will be on comms.

Two Possible extra matches, could be added, dependent on time...

* Antonio Cesaro vs Justin Gabriel (US title).

* Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs Prime Time Playa's.

Vince McMahon is also scheduled to make an appearance.

I will be doing a live Commentary on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

Aces and Eights:

TNA plan on the Aces and Eights story continuing for at least 6 more months.

Morgan crashes party:

Matt Morgan invaded the launch of Hulk Hogan's new beach shop in Florida yesterday, he got into a heated argument with the Hulkster whilst he was been interviewed, then stormed out grabbing some merch as he left.

Also at the launch a friend of Hogan's had his camera stolen, Hulk has been using his Facebook to try to get it back, because the camera held personal pictures of the guy's daughter.

WWE tryout:

WWE had a group of indy stars, including a recent TNA gutcheck loser, work as security on SmackDown this week, WWE do this to see how guys appear on camera, and they also have them work with William Regal and his team, to have their promo's assessed, no word yet if WWE are interested in signing any of the workers.


NWO fans may be disappointed by the new WWE DVD, only two new interviews, with Lex Luger and Vince Russo have been taped, the rest of the footage is lifted from the previous NWO DVD they released.


WWE have named their new signing Ben Sacilly.

CM Punk on Hall Of Fame:

CM Punk has called for Randy Savage to go into the Hall Of Fame...

“I hope that Randy would eventually get inducted in the WWE Hall Of Fame. Now that he’s passed we don’t get to talk to Randy, share stories anymore and that part really sucks.”


Adam Copeland has discussed how he does not miss wrestling...

“The only part that you miss is the adrenaline rush from the crowd y’know, because you can’t bottle that! You’ll never be able to match that! I really don’t miss the way I was feeling by the end of my career. I would be in the ring thinking of things I’d never had to think of before, such as the limitations my body was placing on me. My mind was not necessarily understanding what was going on! It was like my brain was saying, ‘Hey come on, let’s do this’, but my body was like, ‘Woah there’. Obviously, I had pressure on my spinal chord which I didn’t realise at first, and it was making my arm tremble.”

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Today's News

Ex ECW star, not a Paul Heyman guy:

Danny Doring, was not happy about being called a Paul Heyman Guy in a recent interview, saying...

“We weren’t viewed as ECW guys. We were viewed as Paul Heyman guys. It is what it is. Would I have liked to be viewed as a WWE guy? Yes. We were perceived as we would follow [Paul] to the ends of the earth. I grew tired of covering for all of Paul’s lies and douche-baggery over the years. When I was there with WWE, I was basically the opposite of a Paul Heyman guy.”

Hulk Hogan on Andre:

Hulk Hogan has revealed that Andre The Giant did not want to do the slam at WrestleMania 3, and that he told Vince he would not lose the match, he changed his mind during the match, and did the spot and Hulk got his win.

Mike Graham:

Wrestling insiders have come up with a possible reason for the former WCW man commiting Suicide, he went to TNA to ask for a creative job, expecting his family's famous name in the Florida area to help him, he was ''Shocked'' to be turned down flat.

Indy veteran gets TNA try out:

Christian York, former tag partner of Joey Mercury will be this weeks TNA gutcheck contestant. He has competed for TNA in the past, on the very first TNA show.

TNA Impact teaser:

- Thursday’s broadcast features the return of OPEN FIGHT NIGHT! Who will get called out? Who has a score to settle? Who wants revenge? You never know who will get challenged every month during OPEN FIGHT NIGHT!

- One challenge that is already set for Thursday’s OPEN FIGHT NIGHT is Bully Ray vs. Devon from the Aces and 8s! The history between these two superstars is legendary – formerly one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history, now bitter enemies – and their war continues on IMPACT WRESTLING!

- What will be the fallout from the Aces and 8s brutal attack on Kurt Angle? The gang picked Angle as their main target and certainly delivered on their promise. The question is, are the Aces prepared for the possible payback that is coming from the angry Olympic Gold Medalist?

- TNA Knockouts executive Brooke Hogan has informed Knockouts Champion Tara and her Hollywood boyfriend Jesse that ODB plans to call out Tara’s main man for a fight! Will Jesse “man up” and answer ODB’s challenge?

- Also on Thursday’s IMPACT WRESTLING on SpikeTV is the monthly “Gut Check” series, as Christian York will attempt to earn a spot on the TNA roster!

The Miz lands Christmas Movie role:

WWE and ABC will jointly produce a Christmas movie for 2013, and have already confirmed that Mike The Miz will have the lead role in the movie.

TNA announce PPV match:

Kazarian and Daniels vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez for the TNA Tag Team Titles joins Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries on the early Turning Point PPV card.

Hell In A Cell final card confirmed:

Hell In a Cell for the WWE Title
Ryback vs. CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title Match
Big Show vs. Sheamus

WWE Tag Team Title Match
Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan

WWE Intercontinental Title Match
The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

Triple Threat for the WWE Divas Title
Layla vs. Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio

YouTube Pre-show
John Cena will address the AJ Lee controversy

I will do a Twitter live commentary over on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

WWE 14:

THQ have started working on next years WWE Video Game.


WWE have listed 10 interesting facts You Did Not Know, about Brock Lesnar...

* He’s been billed from Minneapolis since his WWE debut in 2002, but Brock Lesnar actually grew up on a dairy farm in Webster, a South Dakota city with a current population of less than 2,000.

* His childhood nickname was Broccoli.

* He was recruited by WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco — a former college roommate of one of Lesnar’s wrestling coaches, J. Robinson.

* He was a former roommate of Shelton Benjamin.

* Before debuting in WWE, he regularly executed the Shooting Star Press.

* Lesnar did not win his first televised WWE match by pinfall or submission. Lesnar vs. Jeff Hardy at Backlash 2002 was won by referee stoppage.

* Lesnar nearly played for the Minnesota Vikings.

* The sword on his chest represents the myriad pressures he felt during a dark period in his life after leaving WWE.

* Lesnar battled the 500-plus pound sumo wrestler Akebono in a one-on-one clash on March 19, 2006, less than one year after Big Show faced Akebono at WrestleMania . Unlike Big Show, Lesnar was victorious.

* Brock Lesnar refused a Japanese rite of initiation from WWE Hall of Famer Antonio Inoki when working for New Japan. It’s tradition for most American stars to get smacked when coming to Japan to compete. Lesnar refused.

Lilian Garcia:

WWE ring announcer Lilian Garcia was struck by a car in Los Angeles yesterday, she is currently in hospital undergoing precautionary tests.

WWE statement...

''Garcia suffered multiple contusions and lacerations on the left side of her body, but she is expected to make a full recovery. Doctors have immobilized Garcia’s neck and will be keeping her hospitalized overnight to monitor her.”

Beth Phoenix:

It seems Beth has changed her mind and will now stay with WWE, she has announced she is switching to the Raw brand as of this coming week. 


British Wrestler Pac has started his WWE career with a NXT match vs Dean Ambrose.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Today's News

Hogan sex tape:

Hulk Hogan's Ex Wife Linda has weighed in on the sex tape...

“I feel there are a lot of holes in his story. As his wife and listening to all the stuff he’s been talking about, I differ with quite a few things. When we were married, he didn’t have an iPhone 3 and I don’t remember that ringtone at all, so that’s really interesting that he says that was six years ago.”

Mike Graham:

Police have confirmed the cause of death of the former WCW man as suicide, adding...

''Mr. Gossett was found dead lying face up on a bed Thursday night in a North Halifax Drive home from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the forehead.”

His Wife, who found the body told Police he had talked frequently about committing suicide ever since his Son killed himself at Biketoberfest 2 years ago, Mike killed himself at the same event, in the same manor as his Father, WWE Hall Of Famer Eddie Graham.

Want to be a Diva:

WWE are so desperate to sign new Women, they having taken to posting Ads in the help wanted section, they write...

WWE is looking for women between the ages of 18 and 30 with charismatic personalities, beautiful faces and great bodies. Resumes as well as headshots and bikini body shots, are being requested.

Wrestling experience was not mentioned in the casting breakdown, with it being noted that WWE Divas instantly gain a huge fan base, travel the world and appear on television in 600 million homes worldwide, and take part in multimedia shoots and charities.

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly has dropped her appearance prices, Autographs and photo-ops are now $30 each, or save $10 by purchasing a combo for $50.


The former Max Moon has responded to Jim Ross mentioning his tag team partnership with Rey Mysterio on Raw...

“Wow i must not be blackballed..thats a first.”

He has been out of favour since he walked from WWF in 1992, Vince McMahon had spent $10,000 on the Max Moon costume, and was said to very high on him.

CM Punk:

Refused to discuss the recent incident with a WWE fan, during a TV interview yesterday. It's his Birthday today, he is 34.

He has also discussed his place in WWE history...

“I can only hope that history will be kind to me when I look back on my career. I certainly don’t look at it like, ‘Oh, I’m a legend,’ ‘Oh, I’m this, which means I’m going to be that.’ I just kind of do my job, I’m confident, obviously, that I know what I’m doing. My fingers are on the pulse of what the people want. When it’s all said and done and I can look back on my career, hopefully people will remember me fondly.”

TNA debut:

Todd Keneley joined TNA's presentation team last night, he was said to have impressed.

Goldberg vs Ryback:

Goldberg's latest comment on Ryback...

”Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…” At this point, Ryback is just insulting. #FearTheSpear”

WWE push:

WWE are to break up the partnership between Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd with the intention of giving Justin, who has really impressed recently, a singles push.

Tyson will be paired with Evan Bourne when he returns from injury.

CM Punk vs Ryback SPOILER!!!:

The result of the Hell In A Cell match has been decided, feeling is Punk will go over clean, they plan or sacrificing Ryback's streak to maintain the long title run of CM Punk, to maintain the importance of The Rock taking the title from him at the Royal Rumble, they feel it would diminish the title change if Punk lost and won back the title in the next couple of months, and that they could make up for Ryback losing the streak by making him meaner and give him some big scalps in the weeks after HIAC, to get him back on top.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today's News

Survivor Series SPOILERS!!!:

Early plans for next months WWE Super Show have emerged, the pencilled in main event will see CM Punk defend his WWE title against John Cena, and the traditional Survivor series match will be captained by Big Show and Ryback.

That would mean Triple H vs Brock 2 would have to wait until Mania, and unless The Undertaker turns heel and joins Big Shows team, the match WWE want for Mania between himself and Ryback would have to get started at the Royal Rumble instead.

Brock Lesnar:

UFC President Dana White says Brock Lesnar will never compete in the Octagon again...

“He’s done. He called me a couple days ago, he’s never coming back.”

He says he physically is not up to it, and IMO took a bit of a shot at wrestling...

“He just said his body – he can wrestle, but he can’t fight,” White said. “But, he was contemplating coming back.”

SmackDown Live:

Next weeks SmackDown will air live from Birmingham, England after WWE were criticized for advertising a live show that they planned to tape over this coming weekend, The show will air at 8PM on November 6, so British fans are going to have a late one at that show.

The Miz:

Mike The Miz has worked himself back into WWE's good books, they have been very impressed with his improvements in the ring and most notably on the mike. Giving him the poster for next months Survivor Series is the start of a plan to push him back to the top of the roster in early 2014.

Linda Criticised:

Linda McMahon is getting heat from her own Political side after asking voters to split their ticket in the upcoming American Elections, saying voters should vote for her as a Republican and Barrack Obama who is a Democrat, not showing much faith in her man Mitt. This has not gone down well with her activists, or I expect at home, Vince McMahon is a big financial sponsor for Obama's opponent Mitt Romney.

WWE censor botch:

WWE have had YouTube remove all footage of Ryback botching his finisher on Paul Heyman from this weekends live shows.

He couldn't lift Heyman so instead slammed him in a move that resembled Goldberg's JackHammer, which angered the former WCW man, he wrote...

“Ryback is to @Goldberg as the Renegade was to @UltimateWarrior. It’s silly.”

In a related note Tensai has been admonished by management for not once but twice, embarrassing Ryback during Raw a couple of weeks back. Ryback couldn't pick him up for his finisher, and the feeling was Tensai was deliberately sandbagging to make him look bad.

Indy stars to WWE?:

As well as Sami Callihan who really impressed WWE, Ricky Reyes was backstage at last nights TV Tapings talking to management, WWE have had the two men on their radar for some time.

DGUSA have told Sami Callihan that were WWE to call, he would be released from his contract and allowed to join them, he has been confirmed for DGUSA shows in early November so don't expect the call up to be imminent.

Hall Of Famer goes under the knife:

Terry Funk has had an operation on his hand to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, he has to get the same op on the other hand.

Rey Mysterio talks illness:

“I think when we are hurt or we’re sick we have to stay on focus. Not to long ago, I wrestled on a Monday night and I had food poisoning. I was in the ring with food poisoning. Sometimes you don’t realize our health. They just see us perform out there and say that was good. But in the back, the cameras aren’t recording anymore and you tend to yourself. In this case, I had to go to the doctor’s right away.”

WWE Officials are high on Rey at the moment, despite his illness, because of the improvement in Sin Cara's work since they put the two Lucha's together.

Y2J / DDP:

The two former World Champions will produce a yoga DVD together.

Rhodes family reunion:

Goldust has come up with a new idea to get WWE to agree to the Brother vs Brother WrestleMania match vs Cody Rhodes he has wanted for about 2 years, he has now asked that his Father, Hall Of Famer Dusty Rhodes be the Guest Referee.

Landmark viewing score:

WWE's childrens show Saturday Morning Slam has broken 1,000,000 viewers for the first time.

Jack Swagger:

WWE took Swagger off TV to repackage him, and bring him back face, with a big push, no word on when his TV return will be, but he is back on the road.

CM Punk:

For the second time in recent months CM Punk has been accused of blading on Raw, when after the lumberjack match, he was seen to spit an object from his mouth (Pic on wall).

Mickie and Trish fight:

Trish Stratus appeared in Mickie James' new music video, and they had a bar fight, Magnus, Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter were also involved in the shoot.

Landmark for wrestling:

WrestleMania 28 has today been confirmed as the biggest event in wrestling history, They show earned 1,253,000 buys – 733,000 domestic and 520,000 internationally, this was a record, beating WrestleMania 23 by 3,000. They also set a new record for international buys, but the US domestic figure has been topped a couple of times.


King Mo has talked about transitioning from UFC to wrestling...

“I thought it was going to be hard, but this (pro wrestling training) is harder than I expected. I’m going to tell you this. Pro wrestling training is three times harder than MMA. It’s harder because of the psychology, the positioning, the bumps, hitting the ropes and cutting promos.”

Hulk Hogan:

Will officially open his beach shop tomorrow, with many wrestlers appearing at the shop for signings Etc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Today's News

Blue Meanie:

Has done an interview with Arda Ocal, Which you can watch via the link, highlights include...

- His feelings on the surprise enduring popularity of the parody faction Blue World Order.

- The reaction of the actual NWO members to the parody: “Scott Hall loved it.”

- The infamous real-life fight that broke out between him and JBL at One Night Stand and how the two were able to bury the hatchet: “If John was in the room now I’d shake his hand.”

- Discussing his talent for imitations, including performing his Howard Finkel impression.

- His transition into movies.

His Howard Finkel impression BTW... WIN!!!.

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho has stated that he feels CM Punk has gone as far as he will go in wrestling, and thinks Ryback should become the new WWE Champion this weekend...

''Punk is as big of a star as he can be as a heel in WWE. Beating Ryback doesn’t make him a bigger star. It doesn’t.”

He later clarified his comments, saying it is about time WWE make another major star, and that Punk already is a major drawing star.

Raw worries:

This weeks Raw scored the lowest viewing figures in 15 years. The last time they scored less than the 2.48 they received this week, was on October 27 1997. (Barring Holiday shows).

They also cut segments from the show to give them more time for the lumberjack match, but they cut too much, and had too much time spare, leading to late re-writes.

Cena honoured:

John Cena has been given his award for granting 300 wishes for the charity the Make-A-Wish foundation, he said in his acceptance speech, which was presented by the Mother of the second child he met...

“I can think of no greater honor than someone who can have any wish they want in the world, yet they choose to spend their time with me,” said Cena. “I will continue to grant wishes as long as there are children who request me. I am proud to be a part of WWE’s long standing alliance with Make-A-Wish.”

Rowdy Roddy Piper:

The Hall Of Famer has said he doesn't like MMA, despite his Son giving it a go.

He is also a part of a group bringing local wrestling back to TV in Portland, Oregon. The show will be on Saturday nights and his Son Colt Toombs is one of the Wrestlers set to take part.

Indy great gets WWE tryout:

Sami Callihan wrestled Johnny Curtis in during last nights TV tapings, he was squashed, delivering only a couple of moves but WWE were impressed, he also did some promo work in the back, which also scored high, however his height and look were a concern.

Johnny Curtis is now wrestling as a ballroom dancer and is calling himself Simply Johnny Curtis, he wears sparkly pants, and puts a rose on his opponents chest after beating them.

CM Punk:

Wants to be in the WrestleMania main event before he retires, which he has said will be in 2015.

WWE.Com tease Mania match:

The official website of the WWE have an article up teasing a possible WrestleMania 29 match between The Undertaker and The Rock, stating it would take a epic challenge to get The Undertaker in the ring, and The Rock could be that guy.

He won't be for two reasons, The Rock will be WWE champion by then, and will drop the belt at Mania, Taker will not return for a full Champions run, and he certainly won't lose at Mania.

Also WWE are growing increasingly concerned over The Undertaker's health, he has still not recovered from damage to his hip replacement he picked up at this years WrestleMania, and is in so much pain he can now now longer travel to New York for specialist treatment, WWE are flying the Doctors to his home in Texas. An appearance at the Survivor Series is looking very unlikely now, and some insiders in WWE are stating that maybe this years Mania could turn out to be his last match at the top level, and asked the question that if he couldn't compete at the top, would he have the motivation to return at all?.

The do plan for him to be a guest in this years Royal Rumble, hitting a couple of spots before being eliminated.

Molly Holly:

Will be honoured by the Cauliflower Alley Club, as the Female inductee into 2013's class.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Randy Orton promo starts the show.
* ADR comes out.
* Barrett attacks Orton from behind.
* Teddy Long makes Orton vs Barrett for later in the show.
* Kane vs Cody Rhodes.
* The Miz vs Yoshi Tatsu
* Segment between the Diva's leading to a PPV match announcement.
(Eve Torres will defend vs Layla and Kaitlyn).
* Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett match.
* Announcement that a John Cena Promo will be the YouTube pre-show before Hell In A Cell.
* Daniel Bryan vs Damien Sandow
* Sheamus and Big Show interviewed by Josh Matthews ends the show.

WWE toys:

WWE are to start selling toys at their live shows in the build up to the Christmas period.

WWE new signing:

WWE have signed Booker T trainee Denton Blackwell, he wrestles for Booker's Reality Of wrestling promotion. Another new signing Ashley Cesaro has started her developmental training today.

Del Rio Brothers:

ADR and his Brother Memo Montengro will team up at the next NXT tapings.

Macho Man / Hall Of Fame:

The Genius has again talked about Randy Savage not been in the WWE Hall Of Fame, repeating the wish that he and his Dad were to go in also, but adding that he was offended that no one from WWE called to offer condolences on the death of Randy, barring Howard Finkel.

Former World Champion to make WWE return:

Sources close to Ric Flair sat he will return to WWE on October 29, and will involve himself in the Raw General Manager story line, the show is in his home town of Charlotte NC.


RVD says he does not miss WWE.

Jeff Hardy says he has no problem with CM Punk, but does not have a view on the recent fan incident.

Wes Brisco has been hospitalized, he says his kidneys aren't working, he is a member of Aces and Eights, and the Son of WWE Hall Of Famer Gerald Brisco. He has been in since October 20.

Spike are to tape developmental group OVW, with the intention of making a weekly show, featuring the future stars of TNA.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today's News

Joey Styles / Tony Schiavone:

Has revealed in conversation with Arda Ocal that he will never return to commentary for WWE or any other promotion.

Arda also spoke with Tony Schiavone, who was making his first wrestling appearance since the death of WCW, saying “Now’s the chance to get out of it. Why don’t I take it.”

He added he was enjoying seeing some of the faces he once worked with, but does not have any involvement in wrestling any more.

He recalled meeting CM Punk recently, and said he was ''Quite the star''.

He also spoke of the moral issues he had with WCW officials telling him to spoil the results of WWE Raw, which was taped, while WCW Nitro was live, and how it once backfired, when he told WCW fans that Mankind was going to win the WWF title, and everyone changed the channel to watch the other show, Tony said he would have done the same.

He ended with his career highlight, which was calling Hulk Hogan vs The Big Boss Man in a steel cage match in Madison Square Garden alongside Lord Alfred Hayes in 1989.

WrestleMania 29:

Tickets for the biggest show of 2013 go on sale on Saturday November 10 2012.

Snitsky to WWE:

Gene Snitsky was backstage at Raw this week talking with management, he posted a photo of himself with Tensai, teasing a possible tag team partnership. Not all positive news though, he was very critical of Drew McIntyre, saying...

“How does drew McIntyre still have a job? Just wondering….”

Then added a dig at Heath Slater...

“Ya him too…. Fukn horrible.”

He then went back to Drew...

“Heez been repackaged so many times I lost count! Ask @CharlieHaas about him!!!”

Then added...

“You should hear @CharlieHaas story about the time he punched him in the face during their match! Lmfao.”

Tag Title match added to PPV:

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow will challenge Kane and Daniel Bryan for the Tag Team Titles at Hell In A Cell after beating Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara in a tournament final on Raw last night.

New GM:

Also on Raw AJ Lee resigned as Raw GM and was replaced by Vickie Guerrero.

William Regal:

Will star in a one man comedy show in Birmingham next month, November 7, the show is entitled ''A night with a wrestling villain''.

He is also now amongst the most powerful officials in the back, he is still a lead talent scout, but has (from the upcoming Harley Race school event) the power to hire new stars to the WWE developmental system.

Beth Phoenix:

The Glamazon was backstage at Raw last night, but did not appear on screen, still no word on her future, but her contract ended yesterday, so unless she has changed her mind and re-signed, an announcement should be imminent.

Linda McMahon:

Has just passed the $28 million mark in spending for her political bid, adding to the $50 million she spent in 2010.

Jerry Lawler:

Jim Ross has said the King hopes to be back on Raw before the end of November.

Antonio Cesaro:

Is wrestling hurt, he has Torn Tendons in his hand.

Vince to Tweet:

Vince McMahon is to start a Twitter account, he probably won't run it himself however.

Indy star evicted from Raw:

Starman, a New Jersey native was removed from the crowd, for trying to promote himself on WWE TV.

Hulk Hogan:

The Hulkster has been frustrated in his lawsuit, seeking damages over the sex tape, the court has told him they will not side with him, but will listen to both sides and make a neutral decision.