Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Raw  tribute:

WWE dedicated Raw last night to a former US President, George Bush, who died last week, aged 94.

WWE star retires:

Rhyno announced his retirement to the live crowd during an ad break, following a loser gets fired match on Raw last night. He is still booked for a tour of South America, but it may just be that WWE, who have not yet confirmed his status, have not gotten around to updating their tour page. 

Vince McMillions:

Vince McMahon sold $22 million of WWE stock last week.

Fastest ever:

Neville vs Will Ospreay is already setting speed records, and the match won't happen until February. The venue hosting the match has sold out of all tickets in a record time. The match was only announced yesterday.

SmackDown tease:

  • Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Asuka sign their TLC Match contract
  • Daniel Bryan to appear on a must-see "Miz TV"
  • Jeff Hardy goes one-on-one with Randy Orton
  • Woods, Uso and Cesaro square off in Triple Threat Match

Jericho fights fan:

Chris Jericho has reportedly gotten into a physical confrontation with a fan of his band, after a gig in Canada. A young fan was hanging around near the tour bus waiting for the band to come out of the arena, for autographs, and when they did he was reportedly let onto the bus with the band. An inebriated man saw the younger fan get on and decided he wanted to get close to the band too. The band did not want him on the bus, but he became physical, trying to get aboard, so a member of the road crew stepped in to remove him. He ended up getting thrown from the bus and suffered a broken collarbone. This infuriated Jericho, who reportedly speared the guy off the bus, and after hitting the asphalt, rained punches down upon him. He got up shouted some abuse at him, then dropped down and started with the punches again. He tried to hold him down until police came, but the guy managed to get away. He was though later apprehended, and is currently in police custody.

Roman return:

Roman Reigns will be at, and on, Tribute To The Troops, which tapes this week.

LU vs WWE:

WWE have been delayed in securing the signing of Shane Strickland after Lucha Underground started playing hardball over his contract with them.

Worst Raw ever:

This weeks Raw scored the worst viewing figures in the shows 25 year history.

Mark Henry reveals how bad Alexa Bliss was hurt:

"We sat and talked for about 15-20 minutes, and she was like, 'Yeah, I was really bad off. I couldn't remember where I was, I couldn't remember what I was doing in the city.' We were flying from London to Switzerland and she said, 'I couldn't remember what flight or anything. I had to rely one everyone else telling me what to do. I couldn't stand up straight, I had vertigo.' She said she was in a bad way, and then she came back too soon, banged her head again, and really was in a bad place. Now she's fine. She's been cleared. We are very happy she's going to be back in the fray, and I just wanted to remind her who she was. 'Remember who you are, don't go back too soon if you're not ready, and when you go back - Ronda's great, and Nia is doing her thing, and Becky & Charlotte, but you are a major player. And remember, when you come back, be who you are.'" 

SD guests:

Christian, Ric Flair and Maryse are backstage at SD tonight. Flair made quite the entrance, his uber crashed into a parked car in the car park of the venue.

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