Sunday, December 23, 2018


Josh Mathews says he is over his anger with WWE after release:

"I think through Madison's eyes like last year and watching everything that she did and seeing her get to compete at 'All In' in front of the largest crowd she had ever competed for and watch her excitement because of that, to get the call to do Mae Young, to sitting down and talking about whether she should go to Ring of Honor, or should I do this. Through her excitement it made me kind of go, you know what, it was a really long time ago that I was trying--it was almost so easy for me to get to where I got to because I was so young and in hindsight I didn't really get to take me years and years to get there so watching her do it last year and everything that she did, it is really hard to do this, hard to get to the level that I got to and still at in getting to live a great life and all of those things that come with it, but to watch her level of excitement over the past year, also, to learn that the WWE isn't the 'end all, be all,' that there are other places out there. There are people doing amazing things, like we are doing amazing things too, and you don't have to be associated with that company and there are other opportunities for growth and space."

New promotion:

All Elite Wrestling have started trade-marking names for TV and PPV events. They plan to make an official announcement early in the new year.

Cena backtracks:

John Cena says he was stupid, ignorant and wrong about The Rock during their past feud. He says, given his own transition from the ring to the screen, he know understands and that his criticism of him was unfair...

"I'm sorry and I was wrong. That's the best thing I can do. I think my gripes were legitimate inside the WWE Universe. The WWE Universe is so dedicated and so fanatical, that they're giving me the same comments that I once gave Dwayne Johnson because every Monday and every, now moving to Friday, when they turn on the TV, that's their lives. That's the thing they follow the most. I'm not there anymore, I'm here promoting Bumblebee. They're gonna watch Bumblebee but it's only like they'll go to the movie theatre just once, twice, whatever watch it. It's every Monday! And if you're not there every Monday, as a viewer, especially since I've been with you guys for fifteen years, you now feel offended. Especially since before, I was like, 'Hey man, where'd you go?' This is a very tough balancing act and it's one, when I called out Dwayne, I called him out because of ignorance. I called him out as someone who had tunnel vision in WWE and didn't understand the process that when you make a movie, you are not allowed to do anything else. Because if you ruin this, if Seth Rollins puts my nose over here, I can't film the movie. And that's not conceded, there's 100 other people who's financial well-being depends on if I show up for work in one piece. So, if I stop production, that could shut production down. That cost the movie money, it hampers the success of the movie. So once again - I was foolish, selfish and ignorant but it made for awesome TV!"

Hogan defends not putting Bret over in '93:

''Back then before you were born we we still drawing huge money,his era did start yet brother lol. HH''

Sabu burned:

Sabu burned himself with one of his fireballs during a live video greeting to a fan this weekend.

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