Thursday, December 13, 2018


WWE feud:

Becky Lynch and Corey Graves have fallen out, and taken their issues to social media...


"So Graves has been saying I'm too cocky, and I talk too much on social media - like that's a bad thing. I drum up more interest in 1 tweet than you do with 5 hours of your Heenan-lite routine every week. Listen, I'm here to make history, you're just here to observe me do it."


"I'll admit it. It's tough to go FULL-Heenan when the boss is actually paying attention to your work. You'll realize that someday."

He has also drawn heat for changing his Twitter name to 'The Woman' mocking Becky's gender defying moniker, but offending female rights campaigners.


Eric Bischoff has named the former WWF star he wished he did not hire for NWO...

"Ted DiBiase was probably the worst idea when it came to casting the nWo. It has nothing to do with Ted DiBiase; we have touched on this before, I love Ted DiBiase. He is a great guy. We see each other on the road, we hang out and have dinner. He is a gentleman and a pro, but yours truly, in a poor, decision-making mode, cast him as one of the talking heads to kind of lead the nWo. It is just bad casting; I don't know how else to say it. It has nothing to do with Ted's talents or ability. It had nothing to do with his credibility. Had nothing to do with anything other than being a bad fit. Now, Michael Wallstreet was another example of that and there were others we can talk about any of them."

Raw change:

WWE had to pull a segment from Raw this week. They planned for Alexa Bliss to host a press conference style promo, but she was suffering with a heavy head cold, and could barely speak, so they had Nia dominate the segment, with Bliss staying mute.

Indie star says he would not join WWE because of his real world job:

Brody King says he enjoys his lifestyle so much that joining WWE would not be on his radar...

"My work ethic is pretty good, I have a full-time job that I work Monday through Friday and I also train five days a week. I don't think I can sacrifice the life that I have now to have like a starting rate at somewhere like WWE, that would be huge blow to me in my personal life. The stuff that I have coming up that I cannot confirm or deny, I am able to do my job part-time which is like the best part-time job in the world cause when you want work you can look for it and when you don't, you don't look for it. And I can do that and do my wrestling career full-time."

Cena off TV:

John Cena says he will not appear on TV when he comes back to WWE...

"None of these shows are televised. I'm literally just doing it because I want to get back to a place I feel most comfortable and to working with people I can call my family. And I want to have some fun."


Sin Cara has been cleared to return from injury.


Kurt Angle is booked to return to WWE TV next week.

Paige delay:

The Rock has released the poster (Photo) for his film on Paige and her family, but has pushed it's release back by two weeks, from February 8 to 21 next year.

Alum joins WWE stars at good deed event:

Hornswoggle helped Zack Ryder and Curt Hakwins with their toy drive this week.

WWE Christmas schedule:

To avoid the controversy of last year, WWE have released their schedule for the holiday period. They will tape two episodes of Raw and SD next week, one live, one for Christmas week and the New Years episodes will be recorded on the 28th and will air via tape delay, to allow the roster to have the festive period off the road, as much as possible.

Natalya addresses her late father being used in current WWE storyline:

"A lot of people have asked me, girls that I work with backstage, other superstars, people at home, if I'm OK with this storyline and how do I feel about it. For me, this is what is going on in my life, this is the elephant in the room. My dad was a professional wrestler. He was a WWE superstar, he was a WWE legend before he passed away and I feel like in some crazy way this is like my dad is having one last run. I feel like if I asked my dad right now, 'Daddy, how do you feel about me doing this storyline?' My dad would say go for it. He understood pro wrestling, he understood how, for fans to become emotionally invested in stories, there has to be emotionally charged content."

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