Tuesday, December 18, 2018


WWE hit the reset button:

The McMahon family appeared on Raw last night to ring the changes, to combat the ever declining viewing figures and poor creative output of recent weeks. They started by announcing that there would no longer be GM's, or rival management teams of the two shows, the family would come together to run both as a unit. A number of NXT starts were announced as moving to the full roster, to freshen things up, some were known about, some are new... EC3, Lacey Evans, Heavy Machinery, Nikki Cross and Lars Sullivan.

The company are also playing with the idea of rule changes. They have a survey on their fan council page asking if automatic return matches for champions after they drop a title should be dropped to stop long feuds over a title, with belts switching back and forth between two stars, and to give more people the chance to go for them, and to keep the product fresh. At the time of this writing yes - change the rule leads 65% to 35% for no - it would be unfair to drop the rule. They have also dropped a rule already. The freebird rule for Lucha House Party is no more, on Raw.

Christmas Raw SPOILERS!!!:

As noted, WWE taped an extra Raw last night, to air on Christmas Eve. Here is what went down...

  • Bobby Lashley vs Elias
  • Gable & Roode vs Revival for the red Tag
  • Alicia Fox, Dana Brooke & Mickie James vs Bayley, Ember Moon & Sasha Banks
  • Drew McIntyre announced himself for the Royal Rumble match
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre vs Finn Balor
  • Paul Heyman cut a festive promo
  • Ronda Rousey vs Natalaya for the red Women's
  • Heath Slater vs Jinder Mahal
  • Baron Corbin vs Seth Rollins

There was am issue during the second show, as fans were leaving the building in their droves as it was ongoing, it was said to be particularly noticeable during the main event.

SD teaser:

  • The era of Asuka begins
  • How will Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair respond to Ronda Rousey's interference?
  • Will "The New" Daniel Bryan's crusade continue?
  • Can anyone stop The Bar?

Actor blasts fans:

David Arquette has rounded upon fans for their negativity towards his wrestling career...

"I love all the hate I'm getting here. It baffles me that these people can love wrestling just like I do, but I'm a joke in their eyes. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. Eight months of training. Two surgeries, three broken ribs, traveling across the US, getting stiffed by promoters, helping shine a light on talent I believe in that aren't getting recognized, doing little things I won't mention to give back to both wrestling and individual wrestlers, and I'm the a--hole? Wrestling is for the people and by the people. I may have grown up in Hollywood, but I'm not some stuck up punk. I had an opportunity to be a part of WCW when I was in my 20's to travel with some of my heroes in the ring and I took it. I'm done apologizing. Now I just want to kick some ass, so any of you b------ have a problem with me I'll see you in Tennessee or wherever I'm wrestling and we can settle it like men."

Which poses a question for me, should I stop calling him an actor on here and call him a wrestler, or has he not earned that right yet? I would like your input on this...

Eric Bischoff recalls backstage fight with Ric Flair:

"Number one, I was in a room that was used as a set, a TV Room, or my TV office room. No one else was in there. I was talking on the phone with my wife and my attorney about a real estate deal that I was closing up. I wasn't talking about Girls Gone Wild, so whoever wrote Ric Flair's book is fabricating that story. Ric walked in with Arn Anderson. Arn wasn't standing by the door; he came into the room with Ric Flair. Jonathan Coachman was in there too, and I haven't said that anywhere else before either. Jonathan Coachman was in there as well and saw the whole thing go down. I had no idea because I had been out having a beer with Ric and Arn the week before after TV and had gone out a couple previous to that night right after getting there, shortly after. So my thought process, my thinking at the time was that I was sitting there on the phone with my attorney and my wife was that Arn Anderson and Ric came in, which didn't bother me and I didn't think anything about it until Ric started screaming for me to get out of the chair. For a brief moment I put the phone on my shoulder and asked Ric, 'What the f--k?' I thought it was a rib at first. Now, Ric was throwing punches, which by the way never connected. I was sitting in my chair. I wasn't defending myself. I was sitting in my chair and Ric started rifling shots at my head, which none of them connected. They were working punches. He may have intended for them to be shoot punches, but to my point I was out on television 45 minutes after the fact and didn't have a mark on me, so you can believe me, not believe me, don't give a f--k, just giving you my side of the story because you asked. But he's rifling shots off. he was so upset, and by the way my wife and the attorney were still on the phone and they were hearing all of this. I was still confused about the entire thing, like, 'What the f--k is going on? Am I in a scene? Where's the camera? We're shooting an angle here and nobody told me about it.' Those were the kind of thoughts that were going through my head and I was really confused until I looked at Ric Flair and he was so pissed off he bit the inside of his lip and blood was coming out of his mouth. Mind you, I was still sitting in the chair and he's bleeding from the mouth throwing punches at me. Now, I did get up and I threw the phone down and I said, 'Ric, what the f--k are you doing?' He then went off on me, although I forgot what the words were. I told him that I wasn't going to fight him, there's just no way, I wasn't going to fight Ric. He came after me and threw a couple more punches, he wanted me to come after him but I wasn't going to do it. I finally got back up against the wall and I had no where else to go, and that was when Sgt. Slaughter came in and broke things up. So I never got kicked in the leg, he never had his thumb in my eye, he never had me down on the couch, none of that stuff happened. What happened was that he walked in, I don't know what set him off, something must have triggered him, he was hot and wanted to beat my ass and threw some leather at my head, I got up and got out of the way, didn't have a mark on me when I went out to do television and Sgt. Slaughter did come in and pulled him out of there. Arn Anderson didn't do anything, just stood and watched. I lost a lot of respect for Arn Anderson that day. That was it, it was over, and when Slaughter took Ric Flair out I was thinking, 'What the f--k was that all about?' Again, context is king. A week before that I was out having beers with both him and Arn Anderson after a show. It was just weird. As soon as it was over, I thought, 'Well, this was f--ked up.' I didn't want the word to go around and I didn't want Vince McMahon hearing it from someone else first, so I went back to Vince McMahon's office, which wasn't something that I ever did. I didn't go back and try and talk to him during the course of the show unless it was something I had a question over in a performance he was involved in I left him alone. I went back, knocked on the door and told him, 'I don't know what the f--k just happened but here's what happened, it's all cool with me. I have no issues but I wanted you to know. I didn't fight Ric Flair. I wasn't going to fight Ric Flair, not at an arena.' And he said, 'Alright, I will look into it.' I walked out and Gerald Brisco met with me. By this time he had heard what was going on and Gerald Brisco was upset. He thought that I would be a lot more upset than I was. I really wasn't upset, I was just confused more than anything. I was shocked and confused because he didn't lay a finger on me. I wasn't concerned about getting my ass beat, I was just confused more than anything."

History made:

Mickie James set a record with he performances on yesterday's Raw's. She surpassed Trish Stratus as the female with most matches on Raw in the 25 year history of the show.

Seth updates Roman situation:

"I talk to Roman once a week or so just to see how he's doing. And mostly it's about that, at the end of the day, he doesn't want to worry about work. He doesn't want to deal with that right now, so it's mostly just about how he's doing, seeing how he's feeling, and how his recovery is coming and stuff like that. It's nice to hear from him and every once in a while I do have a question about how things are, but for the most part, it's just two friends keeping up with each other and making sure everyone is doing alright."

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