Monday, December 24, 2018


Alum talks 2019 plans:

Darren Young says he has NJPW, ROH and WWE on his radar for next year...

"2018 I spent a lot of time doing a lot of speaking engagements. Very little wrestling but 2019 is going to be a big year for me! Hopefully New Japan, hopefully ROH. Recently, I was just at WWE in L.A. and they invited me back with open arms. So, who knows? 2019, you may see me as an ambassador with the company. Just because moves aren't being announced doesn't mean moves aren't being made."

Going home for Christmas:

Dakota Kai has gone back home to New Zealand to recuperate from her injury and to spend Christmas with her family.

NXT star planned to retire:

Mia Yim said she had planned to retire in 2019, before her signing by WWE this summer.

Attitude era heat:

Brother Love has recalled the backstage tensions over two angles from back in the attitude era. First how Vince McMahon... encouraged... people to do the kiss my ass club skit...

"Let's address the kissing his ass thing. That was actually brought up, and it wasn't Rock, it was a lot of people including myself, Pat Patterson, Jerry Brisco, there were a lot of people that felt that if you do that to him right now, that it's gonna kill him. It's gonna kill him as a heel, it's gonna kill him as a competitor. From this vantage point, exactly what you just said, he's two gears in and we didn't know exactly what we have here. We feel we've got lightning in a bottle."

He went to add that Vince would suspend people on the spot if they said they did not want to do it, and fired a number of people that actually refused, but did not name them, although Jim Ross was famously fired for refusing at one point, he did do it eventually though.

He also said the locker room were not happy with he result of deadly games in 1998...

"I think that because they didn't make The Rock kiss McMahon's ass there's probably a segment of the locker room who's already jealous of the kid who's come in and in two years is on top of the world. Sure, he's already a good-looking son of a b---, he walks through like he's king s--- because he was king s---, yeah, but a nicer guy. And from the day that he started up to today you pretty much had the same guy. He never really got a big head, he was nice to everybody, but I think that there was still a jealousy of, 'Oh f--- him he's only been in the business two years and I've been in it for ten years, or I've been in for 15 years, why aren't they pushing me like they're pushing him? Look at him getting all this s---. 'Now why this kid? I've been busting my ass here for all these years now. It was a general feeling in the locker room with a lot of the new guys coming in. There was resentment against Bret Hart almost for the opposite. When we made Bret Hart champion, the resentment towards Bret was, 'What the f--- man? He's been a midcard tag-team guy his whole career, why is he getting the belt?' You know it's whoever is on top, whoever is achieving success at the time. Those that are not achieving that success and feel that it's due them are gonna complain and say, 'Oh that should have been me, so in my opinion, that's what was going on at the time as far as dealing with Dwayne Johnson. During that time, it was the same Dwayne Johnson that had walked in and had his tryout in Houston, Texas all those years ago, and busting his ass in the warehouse, and then got overlooked, first went out and s--t the bed. Rocky died and then returned to make the most of it and became successful. Yeah, I just think it was jealousy more than anything else and people looking for anything to hang their hat on you."

WWE fight TM claims:

WWE have filed oppositions to a company using the WCW Halloween Havoc PPV logo and an indie using the name Sister Abigail.

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