Friday, December 14, 2018


Cena hints at retirement:

John Cena says his wrestling time is up...

"It's a giant relay race, and I'm in the phase where I'm handing the stick off. My time is up. Someone else's time is now."

Movie insiders are predicting a big future for him in Holly-weird after his recent praise for his work in 'Bumblebee'. Offers are already said to be flooding in for future projects, on top of the three he already has penciled in for 2019.


Stephanie McMahon shares the first picture she ever took as a WWE star, modelling for the WWF merch catalogue. (Anyone else want that tee?)

Ronda had heat:

For the first time one of the women (Becky) of WWE has confessed publicly that they were hot with Ronda Rousey for the way she was debuted at Royal Rumble this year...

"Absolutely there was resentment, that's the thing with some many people and the people they want to succeed, right? And that was never me. There are chosen people and that was never me. I was never meant to succeed. I was never the one that was meant to be the champion, the one that was meant to be on top, the one that was supposed to be on the posters and the billboards. I think that's what made it all the more sweeter and I think that's what the audience relates to because they could see that. And that is why I think they've supported me because I made this myself and nobody can take that away from me. Nobody can take that away from me."

WWE want ROH star:

WWE are hopeful of signing Dalton Castle in 2019.

'Swoggle takes big risk:

Hornswoggle says it is time he steps out of the comfort zone he is in since leaving WWE, so has challenged Nick Gage, the man that savaged David Arquette, to a death match.

Vinnie Mac coming back:

Vince McMahon will be on Raw next week, to try to arrest the record low viewing numbers of the past couple of weeks.

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