Wednesday, December 19, 2018



Paige was removed from control of SD last night. Shane McMahon says a new role will be found for her to stay with the blue brand.

Becky reveals role Finn Balor played in her career:

"So I decided I was gonna get fit. And I was an unconventional kid, I didn't want to go to a gym. So I was gonna take up kickboxing, but low and behold my brother found out that they were opening a school in Bray, which was about an hour and half from where I lived. It was opened by Fergal Devitt/Finn Balor. I was the only girl in the place. And I expected to go in and see like a warehouse, and a bunch of big tough guys, and a wrestling ring, and a big sign on the door. I walk in to this little school gym. There were 6 blue, padded mats on the ground, and there's a bunch of skinny teenage lads with their hair trying to grow it, trying to look like the Hardy Boyz. And I was like, alright, this is it, here I am. And you have to believe me when I say I was awful. I was God awful. Most uncoordinated, couldn't pick up a damn thing, but my God did I love it. And I was just - I couldn't believe that I was getting to do it."

She also shared why she walked away from the sport for several years...

"I left for seven years. Seven years. It was a lot of self sabotage, like, people talk about the fear of failure, right? But they also don't talk enough, I think, about the fear of success. Because at the time, I was 19 and I was doing well. And I was making a name for myself. I also didn't really have any support, or any backing, or any guidance. Like, my mom didn't want me wrestling. And if you weren't in WWE you were off fending for yourself and I wasn't making a lot of money. I'd make like, what? $50 dollars a weekend, if even. So it was just a lot of, I got so in my head. I got to succeed, I got to succeed, I got to succeed, I got to succeed. But then it was like, oh, but what if I do? And what if I'm not good enough? Ya know? And all these things. So I kinda got depressed, I got confused, I got lost, I got hurt in a match, and I kinda used that as an excuse to kinda step away. And I couldn't even face up to the fact that I couldn't face up to it. I had to hide behind the excuse of, oh, I'm hurt. Which is why I think I take extra exception to when I'm genuinely hurt and people are calling me out like I'm hiding behind something."

JJ produces title angle:

Jason Jordan co-produced the red women's title angles on last nights Raw's.

Christmas Day SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

As with Raw this week, WWE taped a double episode of SmackDown last night. The next will air on Christmas night, here is what happened...

  • Bar & Sanity vs Club & New Day
  • R-Truth & Carmella had a Christmas dance party to celebrate winning MMC2
  • Daniel Bryan cut a promo saying Santa was not real
  • Andrade Cien Almas vs Mustafa Ali
  • Miz TV with Shane McMahon
  • Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe
  • Rusev vs Shinsuke Nakamura (US title)

WWE have already announced the result of the main, probably because they were expecting someone to reveal the result on social media, I won't post it here until next week.

205 promotion:

After pinning Daniel Bryan last night, Mustafa Ali has been moved to the SmackDown roster.

Twitter cleared:

Velveteen Dream is the latest WWE star to wipe his Twitter time line clean.


Chris Jericho has announced a second rock 'n' wrestling cruise.

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