Friday, December 28, 2018


Impact tried to sell:

Impact have secured a new TV deal, but, not without a fight. They were rejected by a multitude of sources, including SyFy and Tru TV, reportedly leading them to approach AEW to gauge the interest of the Elite in buying them out. The Elite rejected the chance. Their execs of course deny this.

Enzo at MSG:

Enzo Amore was spotted trying to get into MSG for a WWE live this week. He apparently failed.

Ryder Raw:

Zack Ryder says he has not wrestled a match on Raw at all in 2018.

Legend at WWE:

A Video game legend was a star guest backstage at a WWE live this week. The actor that played Johnny Cage on the original Mortal Kombat game was in attendance and went down very well with the whole roster.

ROH star walks out on taping:

Jonathan Gresham reportedly walked out during this weeks ROH taping after a loss to Zack Sabre.

Rock in media storm:

The Rock is getting media heat after his pay for his new film leaked. He is receiving $22 million for 'Jungle Cruise' from Disney, but his co-star, Emily Blunt, is only getting $9 million.

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