Thursday, December 27, 2018


Best man:

The Man Becky Lynch has been named wrestler of the year by CBS. To be clear that is not female wrestler of the year, she has been named best of everyone.

Royal Rumble:

A fatal 4 way for the Cruiserweight has been booked for Royal Rumble. Qualifying matches will air over the next three weeks to earn spots vs Buddy Murphy.

Bischoff warns Elite:

Eric Bischoff says Cody and the Bucks should be careful if they do start their own promotion...

"They're in a zone right now. It doesn't come easily, it doesn't come often but they're there. Be smart, go slow, don't let it go to your head, trust me. Go slow and always surround yourself with people you absolutely trust."

New live ring announcer:

Vince McMahon worked the live circuit this week. It was an MSG live, and he was announcing John Cena for a match, but is still counts.

Impact have new attitude:

Don Callis has teased an attitude era is coming for Impact...

"This week we announced our move from Pop TV which was a great partner for us. A lot of fans thought, 'Wow, you guys should be on a different network with a different demographic' so we announced this week we're moving to Pursuit which is an exciting thing for me. When you talk about how you deal with your content as a company because our parent company Anthem owns not only the Fight Network and Game TV, they also own a significant stake in Pursuit. It's a great strategic move for us, and I think people are going to love to see a sexier, edgier, maybe even a little more hardcore IMPACT Wrestling. I'm really, really pumped about that."

AJ Ill:

Mustafa Ali got another dream match this week. He fought Daniel Bryan in a steel cage for the World title. He was subbing for AJ AStyles, who has contracted the sickness that has been working it's way through the locker room.

Fans walk out:

Fans left a live in Chicago this week half way through the show. WWE did not announce an intermission after a women's triple threat and fans thought the show must have ended.

Old boy - new job:

Shad Gaspard has gotten a script about wrestling, called 'Pinfall' which he wrote receiving great praise around Hollywood. It is on a ''Blacklist'' of unassigned scripts that are being competed over by a number of networks in the States.

Enzo reveals why he pulled Survivor Series stunt:

"Why did I do it? It had nothing to do with my music. I'll tell you why I did it. Because I knew for a fact that Vince McMahon would hate it more than anything in the world, but he would respect the f--k out of it. That's why I did it. Because it was about one person, and that was it. Because I proved to him that I could beat him at his own game of statistics and numbers, and this & that & the other, and I don't even work for your company. I broke no laws, I bought a ticket and with that said, I did purchase my ticket. ... $2,500. My name was on the ticket, they could've found me."

Vince / Trish 2:

Remember those angles between Vince and Trish Stratus? Well prepare for a sequel... Vince is very high on Trish look-a-like, Mandy Rose, and is planning on pushing her to the top in 2019, even if he has to get involved in her angles himself.

New year - new promotion:

Matt Jackson has started a countdown to January 1, probably for his new promotion.

Cena regrets WWE work:

John Cena says his early forays into movies, with WWE, were not enjoyable experiences because he only wanted to be in the ring. He says he regrets now that he did not put more effort into those films.

Worst show ever:

For the 4th time in recent months Raw scored it's record worst ever viewing figures on Christmas Eve.

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