Saturday, December 15, 2018


ROH sign off:

ROH signed off for the year with their last PPV of 2018 last night, which was headlined by the Briscoes winning their tag straps.

WWE Alum The Sandman was also involved, costing Bubba Dudley a match.

Mania celeb dies:

One of the NFL players from the WrestleMania 2 battle royal has died. Bill Fralic was 56.

NXT release(s):

Nick Miller recently went home to Australia for the birth of his new baby. He is not coming back. He has informed the office that he plans to stay. WWE have told him they will keep the door open for him, and continue to employ his tag partner Shane Thorne.

Tucker of NXT UK has also been removed from .Com, but it is not confirmed that he has gone as yet.

Gay not OK?;

Darren Young has suggested that his coming out as gay cost him his WWE career, but that he is proud that his sacrifice will help open doors for future LGBTQ stars...

"I came out and I made a sacrifice. I sacrificed my career so others can live their authentic selves. Like I said, I'm going to be that superhero no matter what. I'm not going anywhere."

Becky cleared:

Becky Lynch says she was cleared on December 4 and will wrestle this weekend.

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