Sunday, December 9, 2018


Kaval talks why WWE was wrong for him:

"Being a part of this industry you go through ups and downs. Being a part of environments like that, they're illogical. Because no matter how good you are, there are other factors that play into decision making that had nothing to do with what you are doing. This is very discouraging for people like me who are only merit based. Everything that I've done is based on hard work and by earning respect. I've never had to undercut anybody, berate anybody or back stab anybody. I've done everything the old fashioned way which is simply hard work that doesn't rely on anybody else. With eyes on you as an individual if you want to succeed you need to shut up and get yourself to work, it doesn't mean out-hustle people."

Cody says WWE are not trying to kill UK wrestling:

"Well, I think it just means more opportunity. There is obviously a deep roster of talent and maybe some talent we're not seeing because we're seeing so many NXT UK guys, that we all know are wonderful. I saw a tweet that Pete Dunne put out that I really liked too though. There is such a tendency to jump on WWE and talk bad about them in terms of these contracts and what they are doing. But with the people they have in place, Johnny Saint, William Regal, and Triple H, and how he is, there is no secret plan to destroy the indy scene in the UK. They just see a wonderful product and they want to protect their guys.''

Alum takes ill:

Big Cass suffered a seizure at the HOH event last night. He was in the foyer talking to fans at the merch tables during an intermission when he suddenly keeled over, face first. Medics quickly rushed to his aide and he did gain responsiveness before an ambulance came to take him to a local hospital. Tommy Dreamer made an announcement in the ring to apologise for him not competing, and explained what happened to those in attendance. Interestingly, he chose to state that drugs were not involved in his sudden illness.

Flair ready to return:

Ric Flair has claimed his doctors have given him permission to start bumping again.

Cena talks Reigns illness:

"I texted him the day of the announcement, just letting him know that he is in really good hands. He is part of a very exclusive fraternity. We all love him for what he has done. We all respect the fact that he is taking care of his health, which is first and foremost. And I told him if he needs anything, he knows where to find me. And I know Joe, I know Joe is a tough s.o.b. I don't ever expect him to say, 'Hey man, I need this.' I don't ever expect to get that text, but if I ever do, I think we have a mutual understanding that it is as good as done."

Cody defends wife from, fake troll:

Cody Rhodes angrily reacted to a Twitter troll using the ''F'' word in a number of tweets attacking his wife, with...

"Christian Bale wasn't actually Batman, but no human being ever was so f---ing flat out stupid that they needed to say it aloud.''

Cena rewarded:

John Cena will light up the Empire State Building. in yellow, to mark his movie, as reward for granting 500 wishes with the Make-A-Wish foundation.

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