Sunday, December 2, 2018


Raven talks multiple rejected bids to save ECW:

"Billy Corgan was talking about how one day he wanted to buy ECW from Paul Heyman and Paul wanted to charge him a ridiculous mark price for it and he didn't do it. To be honest, I don't think Paul wanted to sell it. He gave you a price you couldn't match because he didn't want to sell it. That was why he didn't want to sell it to Tommy Dreamer, because he wanted it to go under with him in charge so that it was his show, and that if it continued the way it did, it was his baby. If it got buried the way Vince McMahon buried it it didn't effect the magic that he created so I don't really think he really ever wanted to sell it and he just wanted it to go down with him as the captain of the ship."


A wrestling fan was so offended by the quality of this weeks Raw he edited the Wikipedia page for Milwaukee to read...

"... Milwaukee is the main cultural and economic center of the Milwaukee metropolitan area. It is also the city where wrestling died during an episode of RAW that aired from Milwaukee on 11/26/2018."

They were not the only one. A German newspaper blasted the programme and told it's readers to refuse to watch it.

The show was written entirely by Vince McMahon after getting impatient with creative output on the day.

Indie legend at PC:

Mike Quakenbush has been coaching at the PC this week.

Seth talks life after wrestling:

"I've already kind of got something going with my wrestling school back home in Iowa. I think once I get off the road and my in-ring career is done take probably at least take a few years off and relax a little bit. You know, but who knows I always like giving back to the business. It's been my passion, like you said, my entire life. So it's certainly something I feel like I'll be involved in one way or another for as long as I can as long as I'm giving something and you know making progress, not just kind of stagnating."

Jake the drug mule Roberts:

Jake The Snake says WWE provided talent with any drugs they wanted in the 80s...

"What they would do is, we'd get booked in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Now, when somebody told me this story at first, I was like, 'this is an old wive's tale because s--t like that does not really happen.' You get to Allentown/Hershey, you go to the locker room and all-of-a-sudden, somebody says to you, 'hey, they need to see you in locker room three.' 'What the f--k did I do?' Then I'd go in there and there's a doctor there and he [has] got suitcases over here, boxes here, suitcases over here, boxes there, 'what do you need, kid?' 'Excuse me?' 'What do you need?' Up, down, what?' 'What do you have for sleep? Oh, Halcion, those are good! How many can I get? As many as I want? 300.' 'I've got them right here.' 'Steriods?' 'Yeah, absolutely!' 'I'll take that, I'll take that, I'll take that.' It was grocery shopping!"

He also confessed to smuggling drugs into Canada...

"And it used to be funny, guys would be like, 'hey Jake, will you carry my s--t for me?' when we'd be going over to Canada. And I'd be like, 'sure! It's going to cost you a percentage of your s--t. Give me 10% of what you've got and I'll carry it across the border for you.' So I've got eight of 10 guys and I've got all their s--t, where am I hiding it? In the snake bag for crying out loud!"


Riddick Moss is back after an achillles tendon surgery.

High stakes:

In a move that will likely leave some in awe and excitement and purists really p!ssed off,  a UK promotion have booked a match between Will Ospreay and Neville, in London. Slo-mo technology at the ready I would guess.

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