Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Rollins lashes out at Lesnar:

Seth Rollins said Brock Lesnar is insulting fans and the roster with his Universal title reign, and that he feels his IC title is the real top prize on Raw...

"I understand it, I understand Brock Lesnar. Lesnar's our Universal Champion and he hasn't been on Monday Night RAW in some time. From my perspective, as a person who's on every show, every week, I'm out on the live events trying to bring people in to see these shows, it's slightly insulting to me that he's our champion and he's the face of our show, and he's not at our live events. So people who watch the television shows, now they're not getting the same thing when they come to the live events. So it makes it hard for us, as a team, to sell tickets. I would agree with that, yes. I think the champion makes the championship. So what I do is, every week I try to be the champion that the show needs since the one we've got isn't around to be that champion. So yes, the Intercontinental Championship is the championship of RAW and has been for the last year because that's about how long Lesnar has been Universal Champion, off and on."

Huge debut:

Mustafa Ali made his SmackDown debut vs Daniel Bryan, no less, this week.


Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio has been added to TLC, as a chairs match.

Raw hits new low:

For the third time this year Raw have scored their worst ever viewing figures.

SD guest:

Jeff Jarrett was backstage at SmackDown last night.

Cena awarded:

John Cena has been presented with the Muhammad Ali award, he joins an exclusive group of American sports icons as a winner of the prize, and called the honour a huge night for WWE, in it's fight for recognition by mainstream sports media.

USADA take blame:

A drugs test result, for Brock Lesnar, went missing in recent weeks, leadng to some tongues wagging, given his last foray into MMA, but USADA say a technical issue caused an error on their online system. A test he did was inputted twice, in error, so the unnecessary data was removed.

Becky Lynch talks recent injury:

"I got a severe concussion and I broke my nose, so I was in hospital that night after the event, so I completely blacked out after I got hit, right? But I rolled to the ropes and got back up again. I guess my autopilot kicked in and I smashed half of RAW including Runny Ronnie, "so it turns out that my autopilot is a badass too."

Rebel, Rebel:

Sgt Slaughter has shared his difficult start to his relationship with Vince McMahon, and how he helped the WWE boss get around his father's ban on his getting in the ring...

On sneaking Vince into the ring...

"Vince never was able to become a wrestler, his father wanted him to be behind the microphone, so he could control things a little better. One night we were driving in the car together and he says, 'One thing I miss Sarge is getting in the ring.' I asked him if he wants to get in the ring, he says yes, so I tell him to go put a mask on one night when we have a smaller event and I'll wrestle you. So we did, and it wasn't the funnest time of my life, but we got it done."

On annoying him on their first meeting...

"Vince hates sneezing, he hates smoke. When I first came into the WWE, he had you do promos about wrestlers. Vince just wanted to see if you could do a promo. I met his father and he said to go out and do a promo with his son and see how it goes. Nobody had ever seen me before. I played the marine for him, put the sunglasses on, I had my swagger stick and by the time I almost got to him I almost caused a riot. He went to say something to me and I said, 'Shut your hole puke, who gave you permission to speak?' It kind of stunned him a bit. I berated him and his magnificent body that he worked so hard to chisel up. I heard through the grapevine that he spent $200 on a haircut so I took my swagger stick up and down his hair and I said, 'Who cut your hair, Ray Charles?' When we were all done I got my cigar and took a big puff of it, I blew it in his face and I didn't know that he hated smoke. He started turning blue and red. I walked back to the dressing room and all the wrestlers were giggling, saying that poor guy got fired before he got started. In comes Vince's father and he starts walking around me. He told me to follow him and we went into this little room. He walked around me a few more times and said, 'Sgt. Slaughter that's the greatest character I've ever seen in my life. Even my son hates you.' He told me I needed to start right away."

Cena talks why he will not wrestle while making films:

Saying, if he was injured...

''150 people that are expecting a paycheck for that movie are just screwed out of their wage. It ups the budget of the movie, so I could put the movie behind the eight ball of possibly being a financial success."

The Meltzer rubbishes Mania 35 story:

Dave Meltzer says his WWE sources have rubbished the story of The Rock winning next years Royal Rumble and then wrestling Roman Reigns in the last match at Mania 35.


WWE have officially unveiled the UK Tag Titles (Photo).

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