Thursday, November 9, 2017



Kassius Ohno vs Lars Sullivan has been booked for the pre Survivor Series NXT special.


Cameron has modeled for Eva Marie's new clothing range website.

New champion:

Impact crowned a new Knockouts champion last night. The match hasn't aired yet, so I won't say who for SPOILER!!! reasons, but the contenders were Laurel Van Ness and Rosemary. The belt had been vacant since BFG where Gail Kim won the gold in her retirement match.

He's the best... around:

Chris Jericho says his next opponent, Kenny Omega, is the best in the world right now.

Rhodes on board:

Cody and Brandi Rhodes have confirmed they will be a part of Chris Jericho's Rock 'N' Wrestling cruise.


Sin Cara has quickly shaken off a knee injury. He was back in the ring in Leeds last night.

Owens / Zayn:

More has emerged on the issues surrounding Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. They were sent home from the Euro tour this week. They were asked to leave the venue during, not after, SmackDown after going off script during a match. They were supposed to take a beat down from New Day to set up a match between the teams next week, Owens and Zayn didn't play. They walked away from the ring without doing the angle. It is reported that one or both men blamed mis-communication from the producers, but that did not go down well. They were asked to leave the building, go straight to the hotel, pack their gear and get to the airport to take the next flight home.

Shane slip cut:

Shane McMahon's promo fumble was cut from SmackDown. He was announcing the return of Daniel Bryan for next week when fans started booing (Because he was not in the UK for this weeks show) and Shane was thrown off, as he did not expect that reaction.

Roman Reigns SPOILER!!!:

Roman Reigns is cleared from his illness and will be back on Raw next week. An inter brand match will be announced, as he and Shield will throw out a challenge to New Day for Survivor Series.


Rock may be appearing in 'Suicide Squad 2' as Black Adam.

Alum turns Impact down:

Impact wrote a backstage skit for Santino Marella at BFG, but he refused to do it, and watched the show as a fan.

Heat on Del Rio:

Del Rio has upset his Impact colleagues. He has demanded a private locker room as a contractual clause.

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