Thursday, November 23, 2017



WWE have added some NXT stars to their roster. Bianca Belair, Cezar Bononi, Lacey Evans and Lio Rush. They have also returned Danny Burch to the official roster.


Ring Of Honor have named Jay Lethal as their most decorated star.

Attitude era anniversary:

As WWE enter the 20th anniversary of the height of the attitude era next year, they are teasing a re-visit to the period, with suggestions of an AE battle royal at Mania and surprise appearances by AE talent in the Rumble match. Ken Shamrock has advised fans not to expect him to be one of the cameo appearing wrestlers next year...

"I doubt it. I've been saying this for years. I'm not understanding that with everybody that I've seen come back - Kurt Angle, The Rock - how isn't Ken Shamrock there? If anybody makes sense in coming back and doing something with those guys coming back, there is no other better person than myself."

WWE spat:

Carmella and Liv Morgan's personal issues were revealed on Twitter last night. Liv had blocked the MITB holder on the site, but managed to see a tweet Carmella made about the new women on team blue this week, one of which was Liv, and took offence. The two ladies then traded a number of barbed tweets mocking each other.

WWE moving home:

WWE have reportedly opened secret, and it must be said early, talks with Fox in America. Their current deal with NBC runs until 2019, but they promise to have their long term TV future in their domestic market sorted and announced by late summer next year.

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