Thursday, November 30, 2017


Cody Rhodes vs racism:

Cody Rhodes has shared a recent incident on social media, and why it saddened him...

"It bothers me, but even surprises me when racism pops up. I had a fan tweet to tell me he'd been a fan for a long time, but he had the Confederate flag as his profile picture. I said, 'Hey man, you've got to get rid of that,' and he did, but what surprised me about that interaction was the amount of apologists who defended what the Confederate flag actually stood for. That always surprises me–that there are still apologists, essentially, for racism. We don't need to be educating people on the Confederate flag, it just needs to be gone. In Germany, there are not swastikas on every corner. That part of their past is history and they've progressed. I'm always shocked when I see apologists for racism, which has no place. We're all in this together. Why would we ever divide?"


Wolfgang has been cleared from his Euro tour knock.

NXT signs off:

WWE completed 2017 for NXT last night with their last block of tapings for the year. The shows included a title change.

Jerry Lawler retracts claws:

The King has named the worst celeb in Mania history...

"Aretha Franklin is still alive. Remember what a pain in the butt she was at WrestleMania that year? Oh my gosh! Way passed her glory days, but still the biggest diva that we'd ever seen. Very high maintenance, Aretha Franklin."

And then he tore Michael Cole a new one for his anal bleeding joke...

"We could do a whole show about the things we know that Vince either told JR to say or told Michael Cole to say. The most embarrassing one that I can remember, and later on I went to him and I went, 'what the hell, man?' and he said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it. I swear. You know I never would have thought about it.' And it was the time Mark Henry picked me up, and I don't know if I was wrestling Mark or what happened, but anyway, he picked me up and slammed me through the announce table and they carried me out or whatever. And then, after the break, he said, 'we want to give you an update on 'The King'. He's not doing too well' and then he says, 'he's suffering from anal bleeding.' So that's when I went to Cole afterwards and said, 'what the hell are you doing.' He said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it.'"

WWE on tour:

Team blue are in Peru.


205 Live is celebrating it's first anniversary.

Dudley's don't care for HOF:

Bubba Ray says WWE HOF induction is not something he hankers for...

"I don't care about the Hall of Fame. I get inducted into the Hall of Fame every single night I go through that curtain. This is my Hall of Fame. It's the fans. If they're cheering, if they're booing, if they're laughing, crying or throwing tomatoes at my head I don't care. That's the Hall of Fame to me. I don't need anything else and I've never really needed anything else. Not that being inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame wasn't "nice" or if the WWE ever wanted to induct us that it wouldn't be "nice". I don't want to be selfish about it, I know the people would enjoy that. So if the day comes, ok cool. If the day never comes I'm not losing an ounce of sleep over it."

Swagger training with Alum:

Batista is helping Jack Swagger train for his move into MMA.

Singh brothers dropped:

WWE have written the Singh brothers off TV and will replace them as Jinder Mahal's followers. They feel the comedy schtick doesn't work as they want it too.

Job done:

The Rock has completed a 30 hour re-work of his iconic bull tattoo.

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