Wednesday, November 29, 2017


WWE return:

WWE hosted their first televised live show from Kentucky for six years last night.

Team splits:

Hype Bros split last night. Mojo took the heel turn.

Punk return:

CM Punk has a meeting booked with Dana White regarding his next UFC fight.

Starrs at Starrcade:

Rikishi, Grand Master Sexay and Jerry Lynn were backstage at the special WWE live over the weekend.

Name change:

WWE have changed the spelling of Ruby Riot's name by adding a second t.


Naomi suffered a separated shoulder, neck strain and facial bruising on TV last night.

Boxer wants Mania match:

Tyson Fury says he is training for WrestleMania 34, and wants Stone Cold Steve Austin to be on the other side of the ring waiting for him.


WWE are giving Matt his old gimmick back... sort of. It won't be called broken, but will be very similar. Impact naturally aren't happy, writing...

"We have seen the character development and will be interested to see where they take the concept. Our new talent agreements all incorporate language that allow talent to continue to use their IMPACT persona after they leave the company. We are working with our legal team to amend our existing agreements to extend this to all of our current and former talent."

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