Saturday, November 18, 2017


Flair response:

Ric Flair's former manager has responded to his legal action against them...

"Ric Flair has always been known to be dramatic and looking desperately for the spotlight. That's fine as a wrestler but it is despicable when he blatantly lies. As anyone who read the Grantland article knows, Ric has always left a trail of destruction in his wake whether it be from his ex wives, the IRS, creditors, or from his former business partners and friends... the debris is everywhere. Our client wishes Flair nothing but the best and is sad that things have come to this after over a decade of hard work and incredible results for their client. Our client provided Flair an accounting of funds as they always did throughout their representation. Flair then demanded funds that belonged to buyers be released from trust that he had not yet earned and our client would not be bullied into doing anything unethical. In reality the $37,000 in dispute are in his management company's trust account while we were working out a settlement on the sums of money owed our client from deals and money Flair hid from his management."

Bret recalls most beautiful moment:

Bret Hart says punching Vince McMahon in 1997 was beautiful...

"It was only one punch but it was such a beautiful punch. Of all the things I've ever done in my life, it was the sweetest, most beautiful punch anyone could ever throw. It was just amazing. The whole memory of it brings a smile to my face. I just maybe wish that I'd mopped the floor with Triple H and Shawn Michaels both at the same time right after. That would have been ideal. ... I think what it really amounted to was a case of Vince — and he's a very macho kind of guy — he wanted to back me down in front of everybody in the dressing room and show that he was the boss and save face. So he took it upon himself to put himself in a physical situation, which was laughable. But he put himself in that situation and I knocked him out."


Tonight is NXT WarGames, exclusively on the Network.

Survivor Series:

Natalya has been confirmed for team blue this weekend, after losing her title and match vs Alexa Bliss. WWE have also announced that you can now pay to watch an event without taking a subscription with their channel. This Sundays show will be $24.99


Scott Dawson is scheduled back in mid December. Adam Cole needed 7 staples to close a head wound at a live over the weekend.

ADR closes up:

Alberto Del Rio has closed his Texas restaurant.

Actor joins club:

Stephen Amell has joined Bullet Club. He couldn't celebrate too long though, he was put  through a table after interfering in an ROH match.

Champ ready to retire:

AJ Styles says he will stop in a couple of years...

"In a couple of years, I'll be able to catch every football game, every baseball game, every basketball game, cheerleading, gymnastics, whatever they're in."

HHH updates UK expansion:

"As we move forward, I'm hoping something more definitive for them will be coming soon and we'll certainly be letting everyone know. They are all very talent kids and a bunch of them are at the Performance Center now, training and constantly working with us as we try to improve them so that, when the opportunity comes, we are ready to go."

**Malcolm Young**

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