Saturday, November 11, 2017


At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.

Ryder achieves 25 year goal:

Zack Ryder has managed to obtain a Hasbro Greg Valentine figure in Rhythm and Blues attire. The toy was never released for sale, but a friend he has working for the company managed to find the prototype used for advertising, and replicated it for him.

It was Dusty Rhodes over here. Never did find him.


Wolfgang was hurt working for WWE this week on the Euro tour.

WWE win:

WWE won 3 awards for their social media and Network content in NYC last night.

KO / Zayn:

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will be back at work on Tuesday.

Alum to ROH:

Simon Gotch will debut for ROH in Florida this weekend.

Rock hurt:

The Rock has damaged his shoulder making his latest film.

ROH network confirmed:

ROH COO Joe Koff says the ROH streaming service is coming in 2018...

"Yeah, we have an app coming out in the first quarter. It really became developmentally the right time to do it. We saw an opportunity. We had a long discussion about it. We looked at the business model and how it impacts our business. We just felt that this was the time to create our own Ring of Honor stream. ... Well we might continue PPVs on both. I would like to migrate personally to stream model, because a lot of people are watching on those devices anyway. And the quality is so good. And you know a lot of those boxes are hooked up to big sets and smart TVs and stuff like that. I'm not ruling out traditional pay-per-views, but the world is going that way."

Survivor Series SPOILER!!!:

Paige is set to return to TV next week, for Raw. She is scheduled to take the spot of one of the red women on their Survivor Series team. Bayley is rumoured to be the lady getting bumped.

Band unhappy with WWE:

Killswitch Engage have been commissioned to cover a WWE theme by the company, but they don't like the song...

"We're not actually not even supposed to talk about it, but we have two wrestling theme songs in the works right now. One I believe is finished… The first one is done and then the second one we're gonna start recording in like two weeks. One's for one company and then the other is for WWE. The WWE one was really complicated because it was another thing where they sent us a song and said, 'You need to cover this as best as possible or as close as possible' and it's not a good song."

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