Thursday, November 2, 2017


Flair worries for Hulk's health:

Ric Flair has recalled a visit from Hulk Hogan, when he was in hospital himself recently...

"You can imagine how everybody was bugging Hulk, and even though he came in through a security area where I was, but the Nurses and everybody wanted a picture with him; he's Hulk Hogan, and he was gracious to do it, but one of the Doctor's said to me, 'Geez. Hulk Hogan can barely walk.' It's true; he can barely walk. His back is so bad. I feel terrible for him."


William Regal officially announced NXT WarGames last night. As well as confirming the bout, and it's participants, he also booked Aleister Black vs Velveteen Dream for the show.

WCW star puts HOF'er on blast:

Buff Bagwell has gone on another sweary, angry rant against Jim Ross, who he blames for lying to ruin his WWE career, before it really started...

"Do you really believe that you're gonna fire Buff Bagwell over one bad match? Come on, man. Do you really believe, out there in video world, that Buff Bagwell got fired because of his mother? Do people really believe that I had my mother call the WWF and say let him off Augusta in Birmingham? Well f**k no that's not true! Why would I do that? But people believed it. And one person was responsible: Jim Ross. And only God, Jim Ross and me know the truth, and who's gonna believe me. Nobody... The true, true story is Jim Ross created that monster, and people believed it. It may not have been Jim. Jim made the call, and that's the route he took. He said, 'Hey, it's a s****y job what I got here. It's a job I gotta do, I gotta call people. It's a bad job.' To be honest with you, that could be true, but somebody, and I was told it was Jim, somebody started the 'mother called in'. And what Jim's leaving out right there, is on video they have a roundtable meeting, and Jim Ross rips my f***ing ass out. There's no way to mend a fence, brother, of costing me my life. Jim Ross, I feel and I just proved on tape, Jim Ross ruined my career. He started this f***ing rumor about my mother and ruined my career. How do you mend that fence? How do you do that? Now, do I think he was the mastermind behind it all? Absolutely not... But I think Jim has all to do with what I'm talking about with my mother calling the office, and starting that rumor and everybody believed it. I think Jim was 1,000 percent behind that."

Impact release:

Referee Brian Hebner has left Impact.

Impact awarded:

Impact have earned a gold plaque from YouTube for securing a million subscribers to their channel.

Why Raw did not invade:

WWE did not have Raw attack SmackDown in retaliation to team blue doing so to them because they had to fly out for the Euro tour. They may still do the angle before this months PPV.

Impact champ blames Alum for failing at NXT:

Eli Drake says Bill DeMott fought against him during his time with NXT...

"We were hot and cold from day to day. It would be very strange when you would walk in and go 'Hey Bill, Good morning, how are you doing?' and you go to shake the guy's hand. He looks at it and then walks away. This guy's the head coach. I'm not trying to air out dirty laundry. It's onward and upward at this point. At this point, I'm Global Champion. I'm living the dream. I'm getting taken care of well. I'm doing well for myself so I can't even contemplate or dwell on that. Was it kind of a bad rep at the time? Yeah, yeah. Forget it. Move on. Who cares?"

Poster leak spoils angle:

The poster for Survivor Series has leaked, and seemingly confirms the guest ref angle (Photo).

Party sell out:

The pre sale bookings for tickets to Raw 25 sold out in under a minute today. They go on general sale tomorrow.

Why WWE snubbed Japanese:

WWE rescinded a contract offer to Lo Shirai after their doctors found a problem with her heart.

Feud continues:

Tyrese continues to attack Rock on social media for delaying 'Fast 9' to make a spin off film. The actor now says when the film is made, it's filmmakers better not cast Rock, or they will lose his services.

World champ ready to go:

James Storm is expected to leave Impact after Bound For Glory.

SS change:

AJ Styles has been pulled from his qualifier for Survivor Series next week, and instead will challenge for the WWE title. Rusev has claimed the last spot as his own.

Rhodes on TV:

Brandi Rhodes has joined the cast of WAGS.

Feud taken to court:

Hulk Hogan has made good on his threat to take his former best friend, Brutus Beefcake, to court over their social media feud. Brutus received a legal letter today.

Bella boss:

Nikki Bella says signing for 'Dancing With The Stars' may have cost her the GM job for SmackDown. She had offered her services, but was told they would need her full commitment to do it, and her DWTS deal was already signed.

New WSM?:

This years winner of World's Strongest Man, Eddie Hall, says he has a booking with WWE within the next month.

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