Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Otunga vs Hudson:

David Otunga says Jennifer Hudson was having an affair for months with musician Mali Music before their break up and bitter dispute over their child's custody.

Bayley in ad:

Bayley helped a fan propose to his girlfriend recently, right from accompanying him ring shopping to getting his girl in the ring. It was all taped for an ad for Kay Jewelers.

She's back:

Paige returned to WWE TV last night. She also brought two women out of NXT to join her. Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose. She has been gone for over a year with a neck injury, two wellness bans and a multitude of personal issues.

New champion:

Roman Reigns took the IC title from Miz last night. This completes his grand slam of title wins. Miz needs time away to make a movie.

Jericho says Vince is happy:

Chris Jericho says Vince McMahon is happy he is going to Japan...

''He was cool with me doing this match and he's cool with Jim Ross doing New Japan shows because I think deep down inside, Vince loves wrestling and he loves WWE wrestling, but he knows, guess what, it doesn't matter what you do, J.R., or what I do, we're WWE guys. It's what we are. The more they can see us outside of that, the more it promotes his brand."

X-Pac confirms Neville is coming back:

X-Pac says Neville and WWE have settled their issues, and he will be back, but he might regret it...

"I'm very happy to know that they have ironed everything out. Here's the thing. It's not about how much money you can make on the indies, it's about your sanity. It's about when you get back there and they start f'ing with you and burying you. You can go, crazy dude. Creative satisfaction is highly underrated. Highly, it's right up there with money. Pretty close."

Balor bumped:

The main event of Royal Rumble has changed. The plan was Brock Lesnar vs Finn Balor, but Vince does not feel he is as over as he needs him to be to be seen as a realistic challenger. No word on who is taking the spot, but it will not be Braun Strowman. They want to continue to monster him for another 6-8 months before putting him into an angle with Roman Reigns next summer.

Jinder bumped:

Jinder Mahal will not get a rematch for the WWE title tonight. The rematch will be at Clash Of The Champions.

SmackDown tease:

  • How will Shane McMahon deal with the fallout from Survivor Series?
  • Will AJ Styles cross paths with Jinder Mahal after tangling with The Beast?
  • Will the SmackDown Women's division bow down to The Queen?
  • Will The Bludgeon Brothers make a dominant reemergence against The Hype Bros?
  • What will Baron Corbin do next after clobbering The Miz at Survivor Series?

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