Saturday, November 4, 2017



Rocky Romero will be the next challenger for Cody Rhodes' title.

Nikki wants new job:

Nikki Bella wants to have the comeback match with her twin next year, then move into acting. She says DWTS gave her a love of performing that she wants to pursue.

Rock the vote:

The Rock continues to tease a presidential run is in his future plans...

"I think the 'People's President' has a really nice ring to it. I'll just say that."

Kane has released wrestling themed shirts to promote his mayoral bid (Photo).

Media heat on Taker:

Undertaker got some negative media attention for leaving a restaurant wearing a t-shirt embossed with a gun in the colours of the American flag.

Match off:

Personal issues have cost Impact a BFG match. Taya has had to withdraw her services until January.

UK Mania:

After an article was released rubbishing news that London was on the short list for Mania 35, UK fans took their plea to the boss. Chanting ''We want Mania'' throughout HHH's match last night. They drew this response from the man himself...

"There's only one guy that can make that decision for ya, but unfortunately he's not here. If you're loud enough, maybe he can hear you on the other side of the Pond. Try again!"

The article stated that Vince was dead against the idea because of time differences. The show would air too early on one coast, and too late on the other. Loyalty of international fans also, it was suggested, counts against them, as fans from the UK and Australia in particular are happy to travel to the show every year in their droves. WWE do not believe American fans would be any where near as willing to do the trip the other way, as they are used to having WWE come to them, and feel entitled to having that continue. Any international Mania would only come out of Mexico City, in the reporter's opinion, but even that would be a push, and would be a long way off.

Rapper wants WWE name:

Puff Daddy says he plans to change his stage name to Brother Love.

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