Thursday, November 16, 2017


WWE pop for Ellsworth:

James Ellsworth's former colleagues have been full of praise for his handling of his release from the company. He thanked WWE for allowing him to live out his childhood dream, promised that we haven't seen the last of him, expressed his admiration and gratitude to and for SmackDown and it's locker room, and credited the fans of WWE for giving him his twelve month career competing at the highest level in wrestling.

He is taking bookings now, and will be free of his WWE no compete on February 12.

Impact retract release?:

Alisha has been re-added to the active Impact roster just days after being removed.

Flair blasted by celeb:

Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler says he does not believe Ric Flair's stories of his sexual conquests, and claimed that he had had more and Flair was ''Full of sh!t''.

Lashley wants Lesnar:

Bobby Lashley has made an interesting comment after claiming he will face Brock Lesnar at some point...

"There's not too much time left on my contract but I like it here (Impact). There are some big fights and big matches that people are constantly bugging me about that I have to consider. The only natural one is Brock [Lesnar]. Whether it's in fighting or wrestling, that match needs to happen. If he retires without doing that match, it's stupid. If I retire before doing that match, it's stupid. I could post a picture of my kids or of me eating a Popsicle and people will ask me when I'm going back to WWE or when I'll go against Brock. It's one of those things that if the fans want it and beg for it enough, it'll happen."

... He says Paul Heyman contacts him because Brock p!sses him off and hinted that he may be the key to the match happening...

"I'm going to send Paul another tweet. Paul will reach out to me out of nowhere with a tweet or text. Those are the times where Brock kind of pisses him off a little bit. Then he calls me and sees how I'm doing. Then him and Brock make up and he disappears. I think Paul says if Brock pisses him off enough and he needs to bring someone in to shut him up I'm the man. But then they make up and he leaves me alone. Then I get another tweet out of nowhere and then he disappears again. It's kind of like the boyfriend and girlfriend, where the boyfriend says hes going to cheat on her and then she cooks him dinner and he changes his mind. Heyman is a big tease to me. I am the side chick. I'm okay with it. The side chick usually gets whatever she wants at the end of the day. Maybe it'll happen one day – Lesnar vs Lashley."

Young Bucks have Punk's promise:

Young Bucks say they have told CM Punk that they need to be the first phone call he makes when he is ready to return to wrestling. They also have their sights on Daniel Bryan...

"I talk to him a lot. I bugged him for like, I don't know, a year or two? I was really aggressive and at one point I realized that I should probably let him make his own decisions. He knows that there's an offer there and he knows that I'm the first phone call that he should make if he decides to get back into the business. He's told me that, he says when or if or ever he does decide to possibly get back into it, I'll be the first guy he calls. It'll be interesting. Whether or not he plays on our team or an opposing team, it'd be fun. When we're talking about guys, another guy would be Bryan Danielson. I don't see him necessarily joining Bullet Club, but he'd be a fun guy to wrestle or to work with or whatever. Just to have him in the ring with us would be incredible."

Survivor Series:

WWE are taking Survivor Series to LA's Staples Center next year.

Heat on KO / Zayn:

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn had heat from the locker room at TV this week. The roster were said to be angry that Kevin Owens was posting images of himself having fun with his family after being sent home for disciplinary issues from the Euro tour, whilst they were still busting their butts on the most grueling overseas trip WWE  undertake.

DDP saves a life:

A local news report has praised DDP's yoga regime for saving a military veteran's life. The soldiers weight had ballooned after he was injured in service, and he had become suicidal, until he started the programme. DDP has visited him at home to congratulate him on losing over a 100lbs.


Ric Flair has been confirmed for the WWE live special.

Raise the roof:

Triple H says WarGames will not have a roof on the double cage this weekend.

Rock Jr:

The Rock's 16 year old daughter has confirmed she wants to wrestle...

"It's a sport that is unlike anything else in the world. There's just a certain amount of passion that every move and match requires, and that's so admirable. It's definitely something I've thought about and want to pursue."

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