Saturday, November 25, 2017


Bullies return:

Maria is still getting trolled for becoming pregnant...

"I signed a contract with WWE in March and had no plans of getting pregnant until my contract was up," Kanellis wrote. "So, yes I have only been signed for a few months this time but, I worked for WWE before. For 5 and a half years. I've also been working in wrestling for 13 years. AND I've been working since I was 12. I was a bus girl for my first job. Thus, I have been working for 23 years. I CAN get pregnant. I can even stay home while pregnant and have a job because WWE thinks I am important and this baby is important enough to do so. After 23 years of work, do I deserve maternity leave? I think so and so does WWE. Women deserve maternity leave and men deserve paternity leave. It should be a right not a privilege. I will continue fulfilling the obligations of my WWE contract even after the baby arrives so, SMGMB. (Suck My Giant Momma Boobs) Hahaha"

No Rumble:

Despite a number of new female talent coming to WWE recently it is being reported by the Meltzer that they do not plan to host a female Rumble match next year. Although a British media outlet claim the exact opposite, and say WWE will be announcing the first all female Royal Rumble match.

So, yeah, takes your pick on that one!!!

Legend at PPV:

The Undertaker was backstage at Survivor Series. He was working Gorilla with Kane and the King.

Relationship over:

Davey Richards and Angelina Love have ended their marriage. They have a child together.

Alum talks to boss:

Batista says he has recently talked to Vince McMahon about a potential WWE return, and made clear what he wants from the run.

WCW return:

WWE will host a live event called Starrcade tonight.

Fan incident:

A fan has blasted Austin Aries for an incident after an indie show...

"WHO THE F__K IS AUSTIN ARIES?!!! After what happened this morning, you've lost a true fan who's been supporting you since Day 1. I can't believe you think my friends & I aren't supporters just because we asked nicely for a photo at the airport & you start abusing us saying why didn't we pay at the show plus on top of that, you tried to get us kicked out of Qantas but lucky the amazing staff defended us saying we're doing nothing wrong. We pay YOUR salary, YOUR tickets, put food on YOUR table & make you who YOU are today. Be f--king grateful you've got fans coming to the airport, wanting your photo/autograph, don't be all greedy/money hungry thinking you're f--king king s--t lol"

AA responded with his view of the incident...

''Today, 3 adults at said show, who bought 0 from anyone, stalked at the airport wanting free pics. It’s rude and unfair to all the REAL fans.''

Angle talks injury:

"Leg is ok. I tore a muscle in it doing wind sprints 2 days before PPV. It's okay though. I feel good and should be 100% in a week."

Rift resolved:

The war of words between WWE and Paige's family appears to be in the past. Her dad has tweeted...

''So proud of my daughter for fighting back from a year of injury and massive problems to see her back on TV brought tears to my eyes and sense of pride beyond description thanks to the WWE for sticking by her it would have been so easy to give up on her.''

King reveals heat with actor:

He says Jim Carrey made a fool of him during the making of a movie...

"So I was going to get to go to dinner and after all this bad blood between he and I during the filming of the movie, we were going to go out to eat together and then then sit and talk about all of this stuff. So he told me this really nice restaurant and to meet him at there in New, York, City. Anyway I went and he stood me up and he talks about that. I didn't realize at the time that he did it intentionally. But I didn't know that until I saw this documentary. He was even more of a jerk than I thought."


NJPW have launched an English language YouTube channel.

LU star quits:

Angelico of LU has quit parent company AAA.

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