Friday, November 10, 2017


Maria responds to pregnancy trolls:

Maria Kanellis has been getting abuse on social media for being pregnant, and for ruining her career by becoming pregnant so soon after coming back to WWE...

''I am writing you today not out of some frivolous need but out of real necessity. I am a pregnant woman and I realized that even though I find being pregnant empowering, many people find it gross, a disability, or not sexy. People on Instagram make comments like, I don't want to see that or you will never come back to the WWE. Which I try to delete. But, it is hard. Let me repeat, Pregnancy is HARD. Not because I am sick or hungry or tired (which I am sometimes) but because people make you feel powerless. Like, now all I am is a incubator for this tiny human. And I am supposed to be Happy about my new title. Which I'm happy to be pregnant and I can't wait to meet this little one that is starting to kick me and get the hiccups, (adorably) BUT, that is not my only title. I am someone more that a waiting room. I fight to be more everyday, I fought even before I was pregnant. I waited to start a family because I wanted to be more, give more, and inspire more. I am a small town girl that had a big dream to make it in the entertainment world. And in some ways I did and then I lost everything, my job, my house, and my direction. Until I found my husband. Mike has drive and a willingness to do the work without EVER getting the accolades he deserves. He has wrestled for 16 years and has worked towards one dream to come to WWE. What he brought with him into WWE, other than his incredible talent, was an addiction, a demon, which he has fought and will continue to fight to to overcome. He almost lost everything. Jobber. Jobber is the word "they" use to describe us on blogs, websites, and even comments on our own social media pages. I have a question for you, "Do you think you are clever?" Do you think we have no heart, no soul, no emotions, do you think this is easy? We fought to get to WWE and by the time we got there Mike had an addiction and in July I got pregnant. Is it a blessing that we are having a little one? YES! But, easy? NO. This is our dream job!! WWE is our dream company to work for! We are doing our best and if that is not enough, then look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself… Have I worked for anything for over 10 years, lost everything and then fought back? If not, then don't comment and don't try to teach me anything. Because we have. We continue to. I am pregnant, not powerless and I plan, God willing, to come back. I will be bringing the Milk Money. Now, chill, and enjoy the show because we don't quit, we don't give up, we just DO IT ANYWAYS.''

Hardy Boyz:

WWE are making a DVD set on the brothers of extreme.

Bubba defends WWE:

Bubba Ray says he agrees with WWE's action against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn...

"When you go into business for yourself, it means you're being self serving and selfish. You're doing something that you want to do for your benefit that might not be in the best interest of the story, the angle, or what the company wants to push forward. If they went so against the script or the story, back in the day it might have been tolerated, but today it will not be. Vince sent a very strong message to these young men. He sent a stronger message to his locker room. The message is 'This is my business. I'm a billionaire. I created this place. Do what you're told, or I don't care who you are, I will send you home and I will sit you home so you can think about your screw ups.'"

Alum quits:

Jonathan Coachman has left his job at ESPN. He had been there since he left WWE in 2008.

Is Jericho through with WWE?:

WWE have no issue with Chris Jericho's NJPW match and fully expect him to be back with them, possibly as early as Raw 25 in January.

Impact lose top star:

James Storm has left Impact. He plans to get in shape ready for new doors to open.

AA thanks WWE:

Austin Aries has revealed WWE allowed him to rehab a neck injury at the PC after he left their company.

Fight for HOF'er:

WWE officials are in talks over a potential return for Hulk Hogan, The interest came after hearing another promotion offered him a return to the public eye. Nothing came of the other offer, but WWE are weighing up whether to throw out an olive branch.

Emma talks herself out of international job:

Emma's $2,000 per match asking price, and demands of first class travel and full creative control has cost a booking with the highly respected World Wonder Ring Stardom in Japan.

D-Bry getting close:

Daniel Bryan says he is getting close to being cleared to return to the ring. Hopes that will be with WWE after Kurt Angle was recently allowed back in the ring are not enthusing him however, he believes business decisions are the reason WWE are saying no and is not confident that will change...

"I'm trying to get cleared as we speak. All my tests have come back fantastic, better than people who have never had any concussion-type stuff. But it's a weird thing. We're in a weird situation politically with the climate around concussions; right now, it's very difficult. WWE would love to have me back, but is that the smart thing for me as a business to bring me back? If I was to come back, and they let me back, would they get a lot of flak for it? They have a ton of stockholders that they're responsible for. It's more than just, 'Is he healthy to do it?'"

WWE support:

WWE are donating 10% of earnings from their online store this weekend to a veteran's charity.

Last minute rewrite:

Vince McMahon changed the script for Survivor Series personally. He felt lack of interest in the Lesnar / Mahal match necessitated the change, so he brought forward the title change planned for Clash Of The Champions, took John Cena out of the referee role to replace AJ Styles and dropped Jinder from the card completely.


Paige told a fan she is single during a video on social media. She had been dating Alberto Del Rio.

LU renewed:

Lucha Underground have confirmed a fourth season is coming.

Flair refuses help:

Jake The Snake says Ric Flair refused help from himself and DDP after his recent illness...

"I even tried to help Mr. Flair and I hope Ric can do it. He's sure going at it with the wrong attitude. He thinks he snapped his fingers, that he can just beat it. There's a lot more to it. … He's in the hospital and he's made that decision to quit drinking. My God I made that decision a million times and he thinks that's all there is to it. There's a lot more to it because you know why he's in that hospital, that disease we call alcoholism is outside doing pushups getting ready for him to come out of the hospital. You're in a guarded position in the hospital. You know, there's not a lot of alcohol around."

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