Wednesday, November 8, 2017



Pete Dunne vs Johnny Gargano for the UK title has been added as the pre show match for NXT WarGames.

Survivor Series:

The main event of Survivor Series has been changed after AJ Styles beat Jinder Mahal to become WWE champion. He will now face Brock Lesnar in the champion vs champion match. John Cena took the last spot on team blue, to the chagrin of some of his team mates, who question his loyalty.

WWE on TV:

Luke Harper has a starring role in new TV series 'Damnation' which will debut on USA next month.

Old boy elected:

Matt Morgan won in his bid to be elected to public office in Florida this week.

Actor returns to ring:

Stephen Amell will be working the ROH show later this month.

WWE announcer feuding with celeb:

TV presenter Piers Morgan took legit offence to Corey Graves calling him the most hated man in England on WWE TV this week. He responded on social media, telling Graves he couldn't wrestle so sat and talked, and that he was bad at that too. Corey mocked him, saying he was more famous, to which Mr. Morgan claimed to have 5.8 million more followers than the WWE man. They went back and forth for some time and some other WWE stars joined in, including Renee Young who mocked Morgan for searching for his own name because he had nothing better to do.

Brother Love battle:

Brother Love has challenged Puff Daddy to a match over his decision to use the wrestling manager's name as his new stage name. He may be joking about that, but is legit upset at his announcement. He has filed for the TM of the name to try to stop him using it.

No Hogan:

Kevin Sullivan says having a McMahon in Governmant has killed any hope Hulk Hogan may have had at a WWE return...

"I think if there's one tape out there, there may be another. But the main thing is, because Linda McMahon is in the cabinet, she's the head of the Small Business Administration, I don't think they need any more heat. All you need today is for one person to say it, take something out of context. And they're very, very concerned about their public image now, and rightfully so."

Impact heat on Spud:

Impact are furious that Rockstar Spud is now confirmed to be going to WWE. Visa problems had kept him out of the States for two weeks and cost the company $20,000 in legal fees to get sorted. As soon as the paperwork was put in place he went back to the US and promptly quit the company upon his return.

Euro tour heat:

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn have been packed off back to the US after disciplinary issues during the Euro tour. They apparently went off script on TV and Vince was less than impressed. They were supposed to get beat down by New Day after a match, but both walked away from the ring leaving them awkwardly standing there. They have also been ''Increasingly difficult to work with'' and were left off Survivor Series because of their poor attitudes. They were sent to the airport right after the show.

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