Thursday, November 30, 2017


Cody Rhodes vs racism:

Cody Rhodes has shared a recent incident on social media, and why it saddened him...

"It bothers me, but even surprises me when racism pops up. I had a fan tweet to tell me he'd been a fan for a long time, but he had the Confederate flag as his profile picture. I said, 'Hey man, you've got to get rid of that,' and he did, but what surprised me about that interaction was the amount of apologists who defended what the Confederate flag actually stood for. That always surprises me–that there are still apologists, essentially, for racism. We don't need to be educating people on the Confederate flag, it just needs to be gone. In Germany, there are not swastikas on every corner. That part of their past is history and they've progressed. I'm always shocked when I see apologists for racism, which has no place. We're all in this together. Why would we ever divide?"


Wolfgang has been cleared from his Euro tour knock.

NXT signs off:

WWE completed 2017 for NXT last night with their last block of tapings for the year. The shows included a title change.

Jerry Lawler retracts claws:

The King has named the worst celeb in Mania history...

"Aretha Franklin is still alive. Remember what a pain in the butt she was at WrestleMania that year? Oh my gosh! Way passed her glory days, but still the biggest diva that we'd ever seen. Very high maintenance, Aretha Franklin."

And then he tore Michael Cole a new one for his anal bleeding joke...

"We could do a whole show about the things we know that Vince either told JR to say or told Michael Cole to say. The most embarrassing one that I can remember, and later on I went to him and I went, 'what the hell, man?' and he said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it. I swear. You know I never would have thought about it.' And it was the time Mark Henry picked me up, and I don't know if I was wrestling Mark or what happened, but anyway, he picked me up and slammed me through the announce table and they carried me out or whatever. And then, after the break, he said, 'we want to give you an update on 'The King'. He's not doing too well' and then he says, 'he's suffering from anal bleeding.' So that's when I went to Cole afterwards and said, 'what the hell are you doing.' He said, 'I swear, Vince told me to say it.'"

WWE on tour:

Team blue are in Peru.


205 Live is celebrating it's first anniversary.

Dudley's don't care for HOF:

Bubba Ray says WWE HOF induction is not something he hankers for...

"I don't care about the Hall of Fame. I get inducted into the Hall of Fame every single night I go through that curtain. This is my Hall of Fame. It's the fans. If they're cheering, if they're booing, if they're laughing, crying or throwing tomatoes at my head I don't care. That's the Hall of Fame to me. I don't need anything else and I've never really needed anything else. Not that being inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame wasn't "nice" or if the WWE ever wanted to induct us that it wouldn't be "nice". I don't want to be selfish about it, I know the people would enjoy that. So if the day comes, ok cool. If the day never comes I'm not losing an ounce of sleep over it."

Swagger training with Alum:

Batista is helping Jack Swagger train for his move into MMA.

Singh brothers dropped:

WWE have written the Singh brothers off TV and will replace them as Jinder Mahal's followers. They feel the comedy schtick doesn't work as they want it too.

Job done:

The Rock has completed a 30 hour re-work of his iconic bull tattoo.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


WWE return:

WWE hosted their first televised live show from Kentucky for six years last night.

Team splits:

Hype Bros split last night. Mojo took the heel turn.

Punk return:

CM Punk has a meeting booked with Dana White regarding his next UFC fight.

Starrs at Starrcade:

Rikishi, Grand Master Sexay and Jerry Lynn were backstage at the special WWE live over the weekend.

Name change:

WWE have changed the spelling of Ruby Riot's name by adding a second t.


Naomi suffered a separated shoulder, neck strain and facial bruising on TV last night.

Boxer wants Mania match:

Tyson Fury says he is training for WrestleMania 34, and wants Stone Cold Steve Austin to be on the other side of the ring waiting for him.


WWE are giving Matt his old gimmick back... sort of. It won't be called broken, but will be very similar. Impact naturally aren't happy, writing...

"We have seen the character development and will be interested to see where they take the concept. Our new talent agreements all incorporate language that allow talent to continue to use their IMPACT persona after they leave the company. We are working with our legal team to amend our existing agreements to extend this to all of our current and former talent."

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


New stars:

Sarah Logan has been added to the WWE roster after her debut last week. Fabian Aichner, Taynara Conti and Vanessa Borne have joined NXT.

Heat continues to burn:

Lio Rush hasn't worked a WWE match since his tweet mocking Emma's release. This is deliberate, it has emerged, he is still being punished for the dig at the Alum.

IC swap:

Elias was the first challenger for Roman Reigns IC title, not the originally announced Jason Jordan.

Broken debut:

Matt Hardy started using his broken mannerism's on Raw last night, and WWE are teasing that losing to Bray Wyatt has caused a mental transformation in the Hardy brother.

3 go home:

Dean Ambrose and Renee Young are having a belated honeymoon this week, and Sheamus has gone back to Ireland to visit family and friends.

SD teaser:

  • Randy Orton battles Kevin Owens
  • AJ Styles faces The Singh Brothers in a Handicap Match
  • The New Day square off with Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable
  • The Fashion Files returns with a question: "Do you want to play a game?"

ROH change home:

ROH will air on Watch Stadium, a 24 hour sports streaming service from now on.

Angle recalls Mania win:

"Shawn Michaels, I remember at WrestleMania 21 Vince didn't have a winner. He left it up to us. Shawn said 'well, you know, you win because you're going to have a program with Dave Batista, next so I want you to look good in this match. I was like, wow. He didn't have to do that. I thought that was really cool of Shawn."

Otunga wins:

David Otunga has won custody of his son. Judges deemed his former partner moving to the UK for a number of months to film a reality show and her travel schedule with other work commitments could be detrimental to her child. She has agreed to the order proposed by the judge. She has also dropped the protective order she filed against him and vacated the family home. Otunga will be moving back in.

Monday, November 27, 2017


Raw tease:

  • Will Roman Reigns institute an open challenge for his Intercontinental Championship?
  • Can Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose reclaim the Raw Tag Team Titles?
  • Will Paige, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville's rampage continue?
  • How will Braun Strowman attain retribution against Kane?
  • Who can derail "The Zo Train"?

Jason Jordan will be the first challenger for Roman Reigns and Paige  will wok her first WWE match for over a year tonight.

WWE champ vs Alum:

Pete Dunne will wrestle Austin Aries in Toronto next January.

Chris Jericho:

Y2J has launched a YouTube account.

DMc out until Mania:

Drew McIntrye will be out of action until April with a torn bicep.

AA pisses off more indie fans:

Austin Aries cut an angry promo slagging off the ring at a show in Australia last night, then stormed away to a hail of boos. X-Pac explained that the ring had hurt him more than the match had done and he was angry at that, not the crowd.

Nikki upset with Cena:

Nikki Bella says her time on DWTS strained her relationship with John Cena...

"I fell in love with dance. I have not, in so many years – and this was hard on John because I was very honest with him - but I have not felt this young and, like, alive…And now I found this new passion, and I felt young and free."

Goldberg on TV:

Goldberg has joined the cast of 'Flash' for their next series.

Ken Shamrock:

Ken Shamrock wants the WWE World title, but that is not all...

"In the WWF, or the WWE as they call it now, the one thing that I was not able to capture was that Heavyweight belt. I'm telling you, I want a chance to be able to go after that belt but only if Brock Lesnar has it, or The Rock has it or Kurt Angle has it."

Sunday, November 26, 2017



WWE held a live tribute to WCW last night. Arn Anderson made a rare ring return, attacking Dolph Ziggler, Goldust competed under his old WCW ring name, and a plethora of legends were in attendance. Jeff Hardy also appeared.

Old boy upsets Japanese great:

Satoshi Kojima was not happy with Sami Callihan kissing him during a match for NJPW this weekend.

Worst moment revisited:

Marty Jannetty paid Brutus The Barber a visit at a fan convention this weekend (Photo).

Backstage bully:

Nia Jax says she has been getting some abuse from fellow talent...

''In this line of work and with the world of social media, I am subjected to body shaming & it’s something I have accepted. It sucks when you get it in your own backyard around people you’re changing in front of and trust with your body. I am a HEALTHY bigger woman, I LOVE MY BODY. Body shaming is WRONG! I hope every person struggling with their body WHATEVER shape or size you are, do not allow someone to shame their perfectly beautiful body! ''

Why Hogan may stay away:

Hulk Hogan's son says his dad may not come back to WWE, but his health and racism storm won't be the reason...

"It's not the wrestling that's taxing on him, it's the traveling. He just doesn't wanna stay on the road all the time."

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Bullies return:

Maria is still getting trolled for becoming pregnant...

"I signed a contract with WWE in March and had no plans of getting pregnant until my contract was up," Kanellis wrote. "So, yes I have only been signed for a few months this time but, I worked for WWE before. For 5 and a half years. I've also been working in wrestling for 13 years. AND I've been working since I was 12. I was a bus girl for my first job. Thus, I have been working for 23 years. I CAN get pregnant. I can even stay home while pregnant and have a job because WWE thinks I am important and this baby is important enough to do so. After 23 years of work, do I deserve maternity leave? I think so and so does WWE. Women deserve maternity leave and men deserve paternity leave. It should be a right not a privilege. I will continue fulfilling the obligations of my WWE contract even after the baby arrives so, SMGMB. (Suck My Giant Momma Boobs) Hahaha"

No Rumble:

Despite a number of new female talent coming to WWE recently it is being reported by the Meltzer that they do not plan to host a female Rumble match next year. Although a British media outlet claim the exact opposite, and say WWE will be announcing the first all female Royal Rumble match.

So, yeah, takes your pick on that one!!!

Legend at PPV:

The Undertaker was backstage at Survivor Series. He was working Gorilla with Kane and the King.

Relationship over:

Davey Richards and Angelina Love have ended their marriage. They have a child together.

Alum talks to boss:

Batista says he has recently talked to Vince McMahon about a potential WWE return, and made clear what he wants from the run.

WCW return:

WWE will host a live event called Starrcade tonight.

Fan incident:

A fan has blasted Austin Aries for an incident after an indie show...

"WHO THE F__K IS AUSTIN ARIES?!!! After what happened this morning, you've lost a true fan who's been supporting you since Day 1. I can't believe you think my friends & I aren't supporters just because we asked nicely for a photo at the airport & you start abusing us saying why didn't we pay at the show plus on top of that, you tried to get us kicked out of Qantas but lucky the amazing staff defended us saying we're doing nothing wrong. We pay YOUR salary, YOUR tickets, put food on YOUR table & make you who YOU are today. Be f--king grateful you've got fans coming to the airport, wanting your photo/autograph, don't be all greedy/money hungry thinking you're f--king king s--t lol"

AA responded with his view of the incident...

''Today, 3 adults at said show, who bought 0 from anyone, stalked at the airport wanting free pics. It’s rude and unfair to all the REAL fans.''

Angle talks injury:

"Leg is ok. I tore a muscle in it doing wind sprints 2 days before PPV. It's okay though. I feel good and should be 100% in a week."

Rift resolved:

The war of words between WWE and Paige's family appears to be in the past. Her dad has tweeted...

''So proud of my daughter for fighting back from a year of injury and massive problems to see her back on TV brought tears to my eyes and sense of pride beyond description thanks to the WWE for sticking by her it would have been so easy to give up on her.''

King reveals heat with actor:

He says Jim Carrey made a fool of him during the making of a movie...

"So I was going to get to go to dinner and after all this bad blood between he and I during the filming of the movie, we were going to go out to eat together and then then sit and talk about all of this stuff. So he told me this really nice restaurant and to meet him at there in New, York, City. Anyway I went and he stood me up and he talks about that. I didn't realize at the time that he did it intentionally. But I didn't know that until I saw this documentary. He was even more of a jerk than I thought."


NJPW have launched an English language YouTube channel.

LU star quits:

Angelico of LU has quit parent company AAA.

Friday, November 24, 2017


Impact return:

Madison Rayne has returned to Impact to compete in a tournament for the vacant women's title.


WWE are taking part in the black Friday retail sales campaign.

WWE outreach:

WWE have sent a World title to Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton.

Miz wants match:

The Miz wants Daniel Bryan to be signed off by docs...

"I would love to beat him up. I would love to beat him up in a WWE ring, all day every day. But I don't know what the plans are for Daniel. I know his passion is in the WWE ring, now whether that's as a general manager or as a professional wrestler, I don't know, I don't know his plans. I know he's working tremendously hard to get back in the WWE ring, and I have my fingers crossed because I would love to have a match with Daniel Bryan. He's one of the best in-ring technicians that WWE has ever seen, and I would like to showcase how much better I am than him. If doctors sign him up and say, 'Listen, this guy is OK,' I am more willing to kick him in the chest, in the stomach, and hit him with the Skull-Crushing Finale a couple of times."

Thursday, November 23, 2017



WWE have added some NXT stars to their roster. Bianca Belair, Cezar Bononi, Lacey Evans and Lio Rush. They have also returned Danny Burch to the official roster.


Ring Of Honor have named Jay Lethal as their most decorated star.

Attitude era anniversary:

As WWE enter the 20th anniversary of the height of the attitude era next year, they are teasing a re-visit to the period, with suggestions of an AE battle royal at Mania and surprise appearances by AE talent in the Rumble match. Ken Shamrock has advised fans not to expect him to be one of the cameo appearing wrestlers next year...

"I doubt it. I've been saying this for years. I'm not understanding that with everybody that I've seen come back - Kurt Angle, The Rock - how isn't Ken Shamrock there? If anybody makes sense in coming back and doing something with those guys coming back, there is no other better person than myself."

WWE spat:

Carmella and Liv Morgan's personal issues were revealed on Twitter last night. Liv had blocked the MITB holder on the site, but managed to see a tweet Carmella made about the new women on team blue this week, one of which was Liv, and took offence. The two ladies then traded a number of barbed tweets mocking each other.

WWE moving home:

WWE have reportedly opened secret, and it must be said early, talks with Fox in America. Their current deal with NBC runs until 2019, but they promise to have their long term TV future in their domestic market sorted and announced by late summer next year.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


WWE games:

2K have released some new DLC characters for this years game...

  • Aleister Black
  • Drew McIntyre
  • Elias
  • Lars Sullivan
  • Ruby Riot

NXT promotions:

WWE had 4 women backstage at Raw, to debut with Paige. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville got the nod, but Liv Morgan and Ruby Riot are still coming to the main roster, with SmackDown, they appeared with Sarah Logan on the blue brand last night. Also, Hideo Itami has been confirmed as a 205 Live star.

Clash Of The Champions:

AJ Styles vs Jinder Mahal will main event the last blue show of the year.


Kamala is off a ventilator and doing better, but still cannot talk after his recent emergency surgery.

Batista reveals when he fell out with WWE:

"I was really upset that we weren't the main event of Mnaia 23. I just felt like we should have been. We deserved to be. We set some milestones with that and I know with the exchange of title and everything, it was just more significant of a match. And I also just felt like Take deserved that to be the main event and should've gone on last. So I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder. It was John Cena/ Shawn, I believe. And I just didn't.. I felt like we got robbed of that top spot and we should've had it. And I felt like our match speaks for itself. I think we had the match of the night. And I just felt like Taker should have been the last thing that people saw that night, so I had a chip on my shoulder and I was a little bent out of shape that we didn't."

WWE schedule 2018:

WWE have released their PPV schedule for next year...

  • January 28th, Philadelphia: Royal Rumble
  • February 25th, Las Vegas: Elimination Chamber (RAW)
  • March 11th, Columbus, OH: Fast Lane (SmackDown)
  • April 8th, New Orleans: WrestleMania 34
  • May 6th, Newark, NJ: Backlash (RAW)
  • May 27th, Baltimore: Payback (SmackDown)
  • June 17th, Chicago: Money In the Bank
  • July 15th, Pittsburgh: Battleground (RAW)
  • August 19th, Brooklyn: SummerSlam
  • September 16th, San Antonio: Extreme Rules (RAW)
  • September 30th, Nashville: Hell In a Cell (SmackDown)
  • October 21st, Boston: TLC (RAW)
  • November 18th, Los Angeles: Survivor Series
  • December 16th, San Jose: Clash of Champions (SmackDown)

WWE movie:

The Miz, Becky Lynch and Shawn Michaels will be off screen for a few weeks. They are all off to make the latest 'Marine' film.

New names:

WWE have dropped the first names of Harper and Rowan on their site. They will now be known by their surnames alone.


Vader is working on his biography.


Rock is getting more work done on his new brahma bull tat.

Nikki dances again:

Nikki Bella returned to the dance floor for the final episode of this series of 'Dancing With The Stars' she was eliminated mid way through the competition.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Otunga vs Hudson:

David Otunga says Jennifer Hudson was having an affair for months with musician Mali Music before their break up and bitter dispute over their child's custody.

Bayley in ad:

Bayley helped a fan propose to his girlfriend recently, right from accompanying him ring shopping to getting his girl in the ring. It was all taped for an ad for Kay Jewelers.

She's back:

Paige returned to WWE TV last night. She also brought two women out of NXT to join her. Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose. She has been gone for over a year with a neck injury, two wellness bans and a multitude of personal issues.

New champion:

Roman Reigns took the IC title from Miz last night. This completes his grand slam of title wins. Miz needs time away to make a movie.

Jericho says Vince is happy:

Chris Jericho says Vince McMahon is happy he is going to Japan...

''He was cool with me doing this match and he's cool with Jim Ross doing New Japan shows because I think deep down inside, Vince loves wrestling and he loves WWE wrestling, but he knows, guess what, it doesn't matter what you do, J.R., or what I do, we're WWE guys. It's what we are. The more they can see us outside of that, the more it promotes his brand."

X-Pac confirms Neville is coming back:

X-Pac says Neville and WWE have settled their issues, and he will be back, but he might regret it...

"I'm very happy to know that they have ironed everything out. Here's the thing. It's not about how much money you can make on the indies, it's about your sanity. It's about when you get back there and they start f'ing with you and burying you. You can go, crazy dude. Creative satisfaction is highly underrated. Highly, it's right up there with money. Pretty close."

Balor bumped:

The main event of Royal Rumble has changed. The plan was Brock Lesnar vs Finn Balor, but Vince does not feel he is as over as he needs him to be to be seen as a realistic challenger. No word on who is taking the spot, but it will not be Braun Strowman. They want to continue to monster him for another 6-8 months before putting him into an angle with Roman Reigns next summer.

Jinder bumped:

Jinder Mahal will not get a rematch for the WWE title tonight. The rematch will be at Clash Of The Champions.

SmackDown tease:

  • How will Shane McMahon deal with the fallout from Survivor Series?
  • Will AJ Styles cross paths with Jinder Mahal after tangling with The Beast?
  • Will the SmackDown Women's division bow down to The Queen?
  • Will The Bludgeon Brothers make a dominant reemergence against The Hype Bros?
  • What will Baron Corbin do next after clobbering The Miz at Survivor Series?

Monday, November 20, 2017


Survivor Series:


  1. Elias bt Matt Hardy (Pre)
  2. Enzo Amore bt Kalisto (Pre)
  3. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn bt Breezango (Pre)
  4. Shield bt New Day
  5. Raw women bt SmackDown women.
  6. Baron Corbin bt Miz
  7. Uso's bt The BAR
  8. Charlotte bt Alexa Bliss
  9. Brock Lesnar bt AJ Styles
  10. Raw men bt SmackDown men


  • Triple H cost Kurt Angle his spot, and was attacked himself by fellow red survivor Braun Strowman.
  • Triple H walked into the set as he was leaving and sold the bump for the laughing fans.

Heyman pops for AJ:

''AJ is more phenomenal than he's supposed to be, and if you''re not a fan of AJ then you shouldn't be watching WWE. AJ is what WWE Hall of Famers Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels were to their generations, but he's updated it and evolved their styles to truly be the single most phenomenal in-ring performer I've ever had the honor and pleasure of watching up-close.''

Raw teaser:

  • Game on, fallout from Survivor Series main event
  • What's next for The Shield?
  • Asuka proves she's a survivor
  • The Beast Incarnate makes SmackDown LIVE see red
  • How will Alexa Bliss, The Miz and "The Bar" handle defeat to SmackDown LIVE?

WWE star robbed:

Naomi's car was broken into last night.

Mania venue destroyed:

Georgia Dome, which played host to Mania 27, was imploded today.

Rock the vote:

Batista says Rock has his vote for US president in 2020. He also says he plans to move to Europe if current president Donald Trump runs again that year.

Wrestler fights for life:

Kamala was rushed into emergency surgery in the early hours of the morning yesterday. He is now on life support.

Sunday, November 19, 2017



WWE hosted their first WarGames last night, as an NXT special...


  1. Ruby Riot bt Sonya Deville (Pre)
  2. Pete Dunne bt Johnny Gargano (Pre)
  3. Lars Sullivan bt Kassius Ohno
  4. Aleister Black bt Velveteen Dream
  5. Ember Moon bt Kairi Sane, Nikki Cross and Peyton Royce to win the Women's title
  6. Andrade Cien Almas bt Drew McIntyre to win the NXT title
  7. The Undisputed Era won WarGames


  • Drew McIntyre was injured towards the end of his defeat. WWE suspect a torn bicep, which would require surgery if confirmed. Speculation is he was going to be returned to the main roster after his surprise defeat last night, that is now going to be delayed.
  • Alexander Wolfe was bust open during WarGames.

WWE Network offer:

WWE are offering three months free subscription to their Network covering tonight's Survivor Series through until Royal Rumble.

WWE outreach:

Booker T helped to build homes in Houston today.

Survivor Series:

Tonight will be the final big 4 event of the year. Unfortunately I can't do a live commentary tonight.

Booker T has criticised the new main event...

"Me personally, I've been looking forward to the Jinder Mahal versus Brock Lesnar match. As far as AJ Styles/Brock Lesnar, I don't like that match-up. To step up to Brock Lesnar's level, that's almost like a middleweight going up against a heavyweight; a heavyweight that can move like a middleweight. I don't give AJ too much of a chance."

Matt Hardy vs Elias and Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs Breezango have been added to the card's pre show.

**Jana Novotna**

Saturday, November 18, 2017


Flair response:

Ric Flair's former manager has responded to his legal action against them...

"Ric Flair has always been known to be dramatic and looking desperately for the spotlight. That's fine as a wrestler but it is despicable when he blatantly lies. As anyone who read the Grantland article knows, Ric has always left a trail of destruction in his wake whether it be from his ex wives, the IRS, creditors, or from his former business partners and friends... the debris is everywhere. Our client wishes Flair nothing but the best and is sad that things have come to this after over a decade of hard work and incredible results for their client. Our client provided Flair an accounting of funds as they always did throughout their representation. Flair then demanded funds that belonged to buyers be released from trust that he had not yet earned and our client would not be bullied into doing anything unethical. In reality the $37,000 in dispute are in his management company's trust account while we were working out a settlement on the sums of money owed our client from deals and money Flair hid from his management."

Bret recalls most beautiful moment:

Bret Hart says punching Vince McMahon in 1997 was beautiful...

"It was only one punch but it was such a beautiful punch. Of all the things I've ever done in my life, it was the sweetest, most beautiful punch anyone could ever throw. It was just amazing. The whole memory of it brings a smile to my face. I just maybe wish that I'd mopped the floor with Triple H and Shawn Michaels both at the same time right after. That would have been ideal. ... I think what it really amounted to was a case of Vince — and he's a very macho kind of guy — he wanted to back me down in front of everybody in the dressing room and show that he was the boss and save face. So he took it upon himself to put himself in a physical situation, which was laughable. But he put himself in that situation and I knocked him out."


Tonight is NXT WarGames, exclusively on the Network.

Survivor Series:

Natalya has been confirmed for team blue this weekend, after losing her title and match vs Alexa Bliss. WWE have also announced that you can now pay to watch an event without taking a subscription with their channel. This Sundays show will be $24.99


Scott Dawson is scheduled back in mid December. Adam Cole needed 7 staples to close a head wound at a live over the weekend.

ADR closes up:

Alberto Del Rio has closed his Texas restaurant.

Actor joins club:

Stephen Amell has joined Bullet Club. He couldn't celebrate too long though, he was put  through a table after interfering in an ROH match.

Champ ready to retire:

AJ Styles says he will stop in a couple of years...

"In a couple of years, I'll be able to catch every football game, every baseball game, every basketball game, cheerleading, gymnastics, whatever they're in."

HHH updates UK expansion:

"As we move forward, I'm hoping something more definitive for them will be coming soon and we'll certainly be letting everyone know. They are all very talent kids and a bunch of them are at the Performance Center now, training and constantly working with us as we try to improve them so that, when the opportunity comes, we are ready to go."

**Malcolm Young**

Friday, November 17, 2017



Gail Kim officially retired on Impact TV last night. She also vacated the Knockouts title.

LU relax contracts:

Lucha Underground will not be as strict over appearance deals as they have been for their next series. They had demanded that their talent not appear for any other shows that aired on TV whilst theirs was airing, that will not be the case for series 4.


WWE have held their on sale party for next years WrestleMania, to mark the tickets becoming available to buy.

WWE star reported to police:

David Otunga's 10 year relationship with singer and actress Jennifer Hudson is over. They have a son together. Hudson has filed for a protective order against him, and police have launched a domestic violence investigation. She claims he is aggressively possessive of her, even asking their son to record any conversation she has with men, to prove she is cheating on him. The boy refused and when they got home he grabbed the boy by the arm and shoved her to the floor, witnessed, she says, by some of her staff. She also accused him of leaving a gun on the kitchen counter top, although later conceded it was a movie prop.

Otunga says, via his lawyer, that she only made the report as he was awarded the custody of their child, due to her busy career...

"David Otunga has been trying to negotiate the terms of an amicable parenting agreement with Ms. Hudson for several weeks now. However, when it became apparent to Ms. Hudson that Mr. Otunga would be the parent granted residential care of the child, as a result of Mr. Otunga being the child's primary caregiver while Ms. Hudson pursues her career all over the world, Ms. Hudson decided to file a meritless Petition for Order of Protection in an effort to gain an unfair advantage in the custody dispute. As a result of Mr. Otunga's career in the WWE, Ms. Hudson felt that she could give an award winning performance in court to portray herself as the victim. Mr. Otunga has never abused or harassed Ms. Hudson or their son, and it is unfortunate, especially in today's climate, that she would feel the need to make these false allegations against him. Mr. Otunga looks forward to his day in court and in being awarded the residential care of the parties' only child."

WWE have granted him time away to prepare for his legal battle.

Kurt Angle:

Triple H talks how Kurt Angle was medically checked and signed off to return to wrestling in an afternoon...

"I think it's awesome that Kurt's back in the ring. When Kurt first came back to the company we said let's take it one step at a time and see where things go. It's funny that we had just started the process of taking Kurt through the medical and making sure he was healthy and all those things. Coincidentally, it ended up being completely a coincidence that Kurt and I had a conversation that started that process and then all of a sudden there was this opportunity and a need, and his results had just come in, so it just was a great coincidence in some ways."

WWE awards:

Kalisto represented WWE at the Latin Grammy awards last night.

Broken Matt:

Matt Hardy may be 30 days away from regaining his broken gimmick, from December 19. An opposition motion will be opened on that date and will then leave any one that opposes ownership 30 days to challenge Matt for it, if no one does, it will be his.

Flair sues manager:

Ric Flair is suing his former manager for keeping the $25,000 from his recent TV documentary and $12,000 for a TV ad he did. They say they used the money to pay his legal fees, he sees he was not informed, and did not give permission and wants his money back.

New job for old boy:

Mr. Kennedy has started working as a boxing ring announcer.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


WWE pop for Ellsworth:

James Ellsworth's former colleagues have been full of praise for his handling of his release from the company. He thanked WWE for allowing him to live out his childhood dream, promised that we haven't seen the last of him, expressed his admiration and gratitude to and for SmackDown and it's locker room, and credited the fans of WWE for giving him his twelve month career competing at the highest level in wrestling.

He is taking bookings now, and will be free of his WWE no compete on February 12.

Impact retract release?:

Alisha has been re-added to the active Impact roster just days after being removed.

Flair blasted by celeb:

Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler says he does not believe Ric Flair's stories of his sexual conquests, and claimed that he had had more and Flair was ''Full of sh!t''.

Lashley wants Lesnar:

Bobby Lashley has made an interesting comment after claiming he will face Brock Lesnar at some point...

"There's not too much time left on my contract but I like it here (Impact). There are some big fights and big matches that people are constantly bugging me about that I have to consider. The only natural one is Brock [Lesnar]. Whether it's in fighting or wrestling, that match needs to happen. If he retires without doing that match, it's stupid. If I retire before doing that match, it's stupid. I could post a picture of my kids or of me eating a Popsicle and people will ask me when I'm going back to WWE or when I'll go against Brock. It's one of those things that if the fans want it and beg for it enough, it'll happen."

... He says Paul Heyman contacts him because Brock p!sses him off and hinted that he may be the key to the match happening...

"I'm going to send Paul another tweet. Paul will reach out to me out of nowhere with a tweet or text. Those are the times where Brock kind of pisses him off a little bit. Then he calls me and sees how I'm doing. Then him and Brock make up and he disappears. I think Paul says if Brock pisses him off enough and he needs to bring someone in to shut him up I'm the man. But then they make up and he leaves me alone. Then I get another tweet out of nowhere and then he disappears again. It's kind of like the boyfriend and girlfriend, where the boyfriend says hes going to cheat on her and then she cooks him dinner and he changes his mind. Heyman is a big tease to me. I am the side chick. I'm okay with it. The side chick usually gets whatever she wants at the end of the day. Maybe it'll happen one day – Lesnar vs Lashley."

Young Bucks have Punk's promise:

Young Bucks say they have told CM Punk that they need to be the first phone call he makes when he is ready to return to wrestling. They also have their sights on Daniel Bryan...

"I talk to him a lot. I bugged him for like, I don't know, a year or two? I was really aggressive and at one point I realized that I should probably let him make his own decisions. He knows that there's an offer there and he knows that I'm the first phone call that he should make if he decides to get back into the business. He's told me that, he says when or if or ever he does decide to possibly get back into it, I'll be the first guy he calls. It'll be interesting. Whether or not he plays on our team or an opposing team, it'd be fun. When we're talking about guys, another guy would be Bryan Danielson. I don't see him necessarily joining Bullet Club, but he'd be a fun guy to wrestle or to work with or whatever. Just to have him in the ring with us would be incredible."

Survivor Series:

WWE are taking Survivor Series to LA's Staples Center next year.

Heat on KO / Zayn:

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn had heat from the locker room at TV this week. The roster were said to be angry that Kevin Owens was posting images of himself having fun with his family after being sent home for disciplinary issues from the Euro tour, whilst they were still busting their butts on the most grueling overseas trip WWE  undertake.

DDP saves a life:

A local news report has praised DDP's yoga regime for saving a military veteran's life. The soldiers weight had ballooned after he was injured in service, and he had become suicidal, until he started the programme. DDP has visited him at home to congratulate him on losing over a 100lbs.


Ric Flair has been confirmed for the WWE live special.

Raise the roof:

Triple H says WarGames will not have a roof on the double cage this weekend.

Rock Jr:

The Rock's 16 year old daughter has confirmed she wants to wrestle...

"It's a sport that is unlike anything else in the world. There's just a certain amount of passion that every move and match requires, and that's so admirable. It's definitely something I've thought about and want to pursue."