Sunday, July 30, 2017

Today's News

Ricochet talks contract status:

"I don't have any hard feelings against anyone at Lucha Underground. That was just me poking at them a little bit, you know? If I was really mad at them, I would have said something more meaningful than 'pricks'. That's not even that bad of an insult, it was just more me poking at them and ruffling some feathers. My contract finished last June. I'm on the no-compete for the rest of Lucha Underground's season three, then I have 90 days after that. I can be on any TV as long as it's not American TV. I can work indies, I can do iPPVs, most anything, really, just not on American TV. I'm not sure about a Season 4 with Lucha Underground. I'm busy until October, and I might take November off to heal up again. I really want to work on my diet and get myself in the best shape possible."

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler's older brother has appeared in court on charges of murder. He rejected charges of aggravated murder, murder, kidnapping and felonious assault relating to the shooting death of a marine, but has pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and aggravated robbery charges. He will be sentenced on 28 August.


Enzo Amore has bruised his backside.

Hell In A Cell:

SmackDown will host HIAC this year, on 8 October.

DJZ recalls almost career ending injury:

DJZ admits to having panic attacks and coming back too soon as he shares the battle he had with his ruptured colon...

"I did a match in Mexico City at the beginning of April. Yeah, what sucked about this too was I came back from the wrist injury in January. I was just starting to get back to where I was before the wrist injury and then I get hurt in Mexico! But, yeah, basically, man, what happened was I took a 450ยบ splash in this match in Mexico City. And when The Laredo Kid landed on my with this 450, you might as well have dropped a bag of cement from the top rope. That's how hard he landed on me. I thought I broke a rib, he knocked the wind out of me immediately. And I finished the match. I knew something was wrong. I didn't know to what extent. After the match is over, I go to the locker room and I'm trying to catch my breath because, like, the wind is still basically knocked out of me. After laying in the locker room floor for almost an hour before anybody bothered to check on me, I was brought to a nearby hospital and felt better after being given an IV. I was released from the hospital, but s--t pure blood and fainted when I returned to his hotel. I ended up in the ambulance and that's where I recorded the now infamous video that I posted on Twitter, just letting the world know that I was going to the hospital because I was hurt and didn't know why. They take me to a hospital nearby and they stick me with an IV and pain medication and anti-nausea medication and I actually feel better when they do this. I'm like, 'I'm okay!' and they're like, 'oh yeah.' They never ran any tests. They were just like, 'yeah, you're fine! You can go.', so they release me and I go back to my hotel, which was like a 30-minute drive. As I start getting close to the hotel, I start feeling weird again. I walk into the hotel and there's a bathroom in the lobby of the hotel. I walk in there and as soon as I get in the lobby, throw my bags on the floor and go straight to that bathroom because I need to go. I went to use the bathroom and I go and I s--t pure blood and I know that's not normal. My body temperature is rising. I'm sweating profusely, but I'm just sitting on this toilet going, 'I know something is really, really wrong with me.' And I finally, like, try to walk out of the bathroom, and, as I'm walking out of the bathroom, I grab the handle to open the door and I just faint, just faint, drop on the bathroom floor. I don't know how much time passed, but eventually, I woke up on the bathroom floor, my head throbbing because I smacked my head when I fell. I have no idea how much time passed, but I knew I fainted. I'm like, 'oh, this is bad! This is so bad!' Yeah, I crawled out of the bathroom and the hotel staff finally got me and called an ambulance. I go into the hospital and these people are like, 'we're not touching you until you pay us $500 right now. Like, we're not running any tests.' 'Wow, okay,' so I gave them my credit card. This is how the debt I mentioned earlier started to form, they run a bunch of tests. They tell me, 'you're bleeding internally really bad. Like, this is serious. Your colon appears to be ruptured. That's what's causing you to bleed internally, so what we're going to have to do to save your life,' that's how serious it was, 'what we're going to have to do to save your life is cut open your abdomen, clean all of this internal bleeding, and then remove part of your colon, and resection your colon back together. 80% chance that we can do this and it'll be okay, 20% chance we can't do this and you're going to be rocking a s--t bag for the rest of your life.' Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Right before it's time for me to go for surgery, they hold me up for more money! They tell me, 'we're not starting the surgery until you pay us $2,000 cash right here on the spot.' And I'm in shock. I'm bleeding internally, worst pain I've ever felt in my life by the way, so I'm like, 'wow, guys, okay, well, here's my credit card again, sure.' So yeah, they run the surgery. When they put me under for that anesthesia, bro, I've never been more terrified in my life because I didn't know when I wake up from this surgery, I won't know if I'm going to be okay, if I'm going to have a s--t bag, if my [pro wrestling] career is going to be over. I might be dead. Who knows? In the end, they removed two litres of blood from the internal bleeding. That's yeah… I lost half the blood in my body. I lost two litres of blood and they resectioned my colon. I was told, 'hey, it's going to be a long time before you're able to wrestle again.' But me, being the dummy that I am, looked at that as a challenge and said, 'sure, no, I'll be back in a wrestling ring in eight weeks. Just watch.' And it [has] been a really hard road ever since that injury. I think about it, not only did I lose about two litres of blood and part of my colon, I think of everything else that I lost! I lost tons of bookings; I lost opportunities that I had outside of wrestling, which were going to be some good paying gigs - I lost over $10,000 easily from what I would have been making from taking wrestling bookings and whatnot; I lost my mind a little bit, so all of these things, I lost and still had the goal in mind: eight weeks, I will get back in a ring, right or wrong. I ended up in a lot of credit card debt just because of the surgery and having to use my credit card to have to pay the bills in Mexico. And they would not let me leave the hospital until I paid the full balance, so I got no choice. I had to use my credit card. I had to use my credit card, but this debt was like so high my mom was basically like, 'listen, you're never going to get out of this credit card debt with your lifestyle, but I'd rather you be in debt to me than the credit card company and the interest, so let me cover it and I'll pay myself back every time you get a paycheck, from Impact or whatever.' I was terrified, man! I've been having panic attacks, from the trauma of the injury and how much of a crazy situation it was. I've never had a panic attack in my life and now I find that I'm getting them all the time. I still continue to, man. I feel like I'm dying because I'm so paranoid that, like, I'm ruining something internally because basically I was told if I get a hernia I'm screwed, so that's, like, in my mind right now because I'm not healed yet, I shouldn't be wrestling just yet as we know. But, like, the thing about it is when you make a living as a wrestler, if you ain't wrestling, you ain't making money, so I can sit here and let myself get broke, but hey, I've got credit card debt to pay. Well, actually, I have my mom to pay. I've got bills to pay, rent to pay, like, I know I've got to get back in there."


Jon Jones has called Brock Lesnar out for an MMA fight and Cyborg wants to come the other way, challenging Becky Lynch for SummerSlam.

Broken fight:

GFW have had their TM claim refused. They were told that, if Broken Matt refers to a living person, then that person (Matt Hardy) would have to sign off on an agreement before they would be presented with the rights. They also had the claim to ownership of Jeff's gimmick refused, as Nero is his real middle name, and Jeff would have to sign off on their use of the character. They also lost TM claims for 'Broken brilliance' because it is not wrestling specific, and 'Vanguard1' because a non wrestling TM of very similar nature already exists.


Raven says scripted promo's are killing wrestling...

"I think it's bad for the business. Now they write promos for people. In the old days, you got bullet points. They said, 'Here are the points you gotta hit, so do it in your character.' If you didn't know how to be a character or how to be a star, you didn't get over. Now they write for everybody, which is good for the lower-tier guys who can't write, who aren't creative enough yet or don't have enough psychology yet. But for guys who have potential star power, you're really killing it, because Austin would've never came alive if they would've been writing his character for him. If they told him to just stay with these promos. It's a whole different world now."

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