Thursday, July 13, 2017

Today's News

On the trail:

Ric Flair is campaigning for Kane's political bid in Tennessee this week.

Dixie Carter addresses Raw rumour:

"I did hear Raw will be in Nashville, which is very interesting. But I wouldn't tell you either way."


Kyle O'Reilly debuted at NXT last night, as did ex TNA star Lei D' Tapa.

Sami fronts campaign:

Sami Zayn has become the face of a campaign to aid displaced Syrian refugees with medical care.

MMA star targets WWE:

Cyborg has called Becky Lynch out on Twitter. Telling her not to get near a ring with her because Ireland already have enough losers.

Heat on team:

Cass and Enzo were split because they both have heat, but for different reasons. Cass is unpopular with the boys because he is an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, which is not an opinion shared by most of the locker room. Enzo though, has nuclear heat. He is currently 'Mized' out of the locker room, meaning he is banned from changing with the rest of the boys. The issues started several weeks ago when he was mouthing off on the WWE tour bus, telling the rest of the talent that his real life was better than his fantasy (WWE) life, gloating about his lifestyle in LA. He angered the others on the bus so much Roman Reigns had the vehicle pull over, and he was kicked off the coach.

TE winner shares bad news:

Matt Cappotelli has a grade IV GlioBlastoma Multiforme in his brain. The surgery he went through earlier this month could not get all of it, and they fear it may have spread into his spinal fluid.

Sasha on tour:

Sasha Banks is on a promotional trip in Australia this week.

Alum blasts Jarrett:

Shane Helms is not happy with Double J telling people the backstage producers, including himself, were released for financial reasons...

"Jeff Jarrett would rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stay on the ground and tell the truth. Carney"

TNA star gets WWE name:

Thea Trinidad is now Zolita Vega.

New DVD:

WWE are working on their first AJ Styles DVD.

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