Monday, July 17, 2017

Today's News

Today's news is dedicated to George A. Romero... RIP sir, thank you!. There Goes My Hero.

Too ugly to stay:

Senior WWE officials have blasted the Mae Young classic as a waste of time because most of the 32 women in it were ''Not hot enough'' for WWE standards, according to a backstage leak. The source of the leak did not name the officials that were not happy.

Come back Punk:

Kurt Angle has called on CM Punk to return to wrestling...

"I hope he comes back. I think his MMA career is over. He needs to go back to what he does best!"

Hebner talks WWE:

Earl Hebner says he was miserable working for WWE...

"There was so much stress down there, it was miserable it was like you were in prison."

Please come:

WWE have slashed ticket prices for this weekends Battleground. Some have been cut almost in half by the venue.

AAA star quits:

John Morrison's future wife, Taya, has quit AAA via Twitter. She is furious that the belt she was stripped of after being DQ'ed in a no DQ match was won by the retired Sexy Star this week.

Raw tease:

  • Universal Champion Brock Lesnar's SummerSlam challenger to be determined
  • Kurt Angle to expose controversy to the world
  • Dean Ambrose to kick off Raw
  • The Hardy Boyz gain new enemies
  • Will Bayley continue to gain momentum?
  • Big Cass has a big problem with Big Show

Couple back together:

Alberto Del Rio and Paige were together at a footie game in Mexico last night. Her family aren't happy. They have stripped Del Rio of their promotions title.

Bidding war for Alum:

WWE, GFW and LU are negotiating with Rey Mysterio. He is contracted to LU until September and they hope to keep him, if they get a fourth season, but GFW want a top level Latino in case they do not bring Alberto Del Rio back, and WWE have never been able to replace ADR as their main event Latin star. It is thought he would opt for WWE, as they could price the competition out of the water with their pay offer to the former World champ.


Batista is taping the sequel to cult classic 'Blade Runner.'

John Cena:

John Cena has starred in an ad with his mum.


WWE Raw will decide the title challengers for the red gold at SummerSlam tonight. Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe hope to face Brock, Sasha and Bayley want Alexa, and the Hardyz and Revival have their sights set on a tag chance.

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