Friday, July 21, 2017

Today's News


Buddy Murphy hurt his ankle on the NXT live tour last night and Evan Bourne dislocated his shoulder working for GFW.

Heat on Alum:

Ryback is taking a kicking online for reducing the women of WWE to sex objects...

"This is what I've always said the women are lacking today, is playing up to their sexiness. They did a bodyslam and whatever but then they got on the rope and just like shaking their ass. I was like if a girl did that today, she'd be the most over Diva on the roster. That's why I always like Melina doing the splits before. Not to be like a creep… this is what makes women different than men because the women they can do all the moves, not as good as the guys (laughs). They can't climb ladders. We'll talk about that. That's a joke, guys. No but like that's the one thing they have over men, that sexuality. Men can sit there and tell their wives that, 'No, I'm just watching wrestling hun.' And that comes on and they get away with watching it. Like they should play up to that. They could still do all the wrestling stuff, but just throw me some sexiness in there. I'm not saying they've all got to go shake their ass on the top rope. Just play up the sexuality a little more. It's very subtle and I'm telling you it makes all the difference for that casual viewer."

Why Vince killed show:

Vince McMahon killed 'Talking Smack' because he was angry that New Day debuted on that show, rather than the main blue brand show.

James Ellsworth:

James Ellsworth has gotten his first WWE action figure.

Fan committed:

An obsessed fan that stalked Lita at the WWE PC, leading to an incident outside the venue, where he was shot by police after rubbing his excrement onto the building because they wouldn't send Lita out to talk to him, back in 2015, has been deemed mentally incompetent. He was out on bond for his campaign against the WWE PC, which went on for weeks, before he turned up with a knife on the day he was shot, and assaulted police with rocks, but has been taken back into custody due to his mental state after committing an unrelated to WWE crime.

Women on top:

Perhaps in response to Ryback's comments on the WWE women, HHH has revealed that the women regularly top the viewing figures when they break their shows down each week.

Al Snow:

Al Snow has launched a clothing brand called CollarxElbow. He says it is a brand for, and dedicated to, wrestling fans.

Del Rio cleared:

Orlando police have absolved Alberto Del Rio of blame in the domestic incident with Paige.


A group of WWE employees are running this years New York marathon in the name of the Connor's Cure charity.

YouTubers at PC:

A couple of YouTubers have recorded a video training with WWE stars Naomi and Charlotte today.

Bella confirms return plans:

Brie Bella says she has started training, and hopes to back in the ring next year.

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