Saturday, July 15, 2017

Today's News

Network cancellation:

'Unfiltered' has followed 'Talking Smack' in being axed by WWE.

Mae Young moment:

The Four Horsewomen of WWE and MMA faced off during a match at the Mae Young classic last night.

Heat on Mania celeb:

Floyd Mayweather is getting heat for using a homophobic slur against Conor McGregor.

Ryback offends Warrior's family:

Ryback claimed WWE offered him a WrestleMania match vs Ultimate Warrior on his podcast this week. Warrior's wife Dana was not impressed, tweeting...

''Not true. It always saddens me when people tell untruths on a man's grave to promote their lives. Do your OWN work. Cultivating a legacy not living in fantasy.''

Young Bucks:

Nick of the Young Bucks had his passport and $2,000 stolen in Japan this week. It cost him as much again to get a replacement.

Simon Gotch:

Simon Gotch says he was very unhappy in WWE, but would go back... maybe...

"I wouldn't say the door is closed obviously because in wrestling if it's going to make them money, they're not going to care about anything else. Serena Deeb was actually just back in the Mae Young Classic and I'm pretty sure everyone thought she was blackballed after she got released and I must have heard she'd retired a couple of years ago. So she's an example of someone who a lot of people would've thought would never be back. Mickie James, Alundra Blayze, Drew McIntyre is probably one that people thought would never come back or Jinder Mahal. For me personally, I think it's a matter of – I would need to come back under the right circumstances. I wasn't happy with how I was used when I was there. I wouldn't want to come back to basically fall into that same trap again."

WWE on TV:

John Cena and his mum will be on 'The View' next week.

Hardyz vs Impact:

The Hardyz agreed to pay $10,000 - $15,000 for the rights to their broken gimmicks with a $5,000 penalty for every time his wife criticised the company and a joint statement saying the deal was agreed on good terms, but Impact's Ed Nordholm changed his mind and killed it.

WWE wedding:

Nikki Bella says she is open to having her wedding to John Cena at WrestleMania...

''You know in WWE, you never know what's going to happen. And if I was to get married in front of the WWE Universe, I think I would aim for WrestleMania. New Orleans would kind of be a cool wedding. I guess we'll see!"


WCPW have revealed the bracket for their world cup of wrestling.

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