Saturday, July 29, 2017

Today's News


Impact will tape 12 episodes of their TV show in 5 days next month.

Why show was axed:

GFW cut their Bridgeport, CT show because of poor ticket sales.

Karen at fault?:

A patron at an Orlando bar says Karen Jarrett was as much at fault as Braun Strowman in an ugly incident between the two. He says Jarrett was ''Belligerent'' in her approach, and bullying and threatening after Braun refused to sign an autograph for her son. He says the incident amounted to two drunken people having a drunken row.

WWE bringing back event:

WWE have applied for the TM 'Taboo Tuesday' as they hope to bring back the fan interactive PPV for next year.

Bella wants Raw switch:

Nikki Bella says she wants to face Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam.

Show axed:

WWE have killed the E&C show from their network.

Cena won't get it:

Ric Flair says John Cena will not take his record of World title wins...

"No. Randy Orton is close, so is Triple H. I think John is kind of winding down. He's got so many other things going on. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not a host on Good Morning America or The Today Show. I mean he loves wrestling but he's got so diversified now that I don't think I'll see him chasing the Championship realm. But if he does, I'm all about it."

I am retiring, but I'm not retiring:

Rocky Romreo of NJPW says he will be retiring, but won't stop wrestling...

"Yes, I am retiring, and no, I'm not retiring. Yes, I'm going to be retiring from active competition in the Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Division. I'm done with it, I mean, how could I get another tag team partner after Trent? He's the man. It's been crazy, this week, whenever I think about the moment we had two weeks ago at the G1 Special, it's just like crazy. I get all teary eyed. Don't make fun of me! Yeah, I'm done with the Tag Team Division - the Jr. Tag Team Division, I'm done with it. Yeah, I'm retiring from that division, but am I retiring from wrestling? Hell no! I feel like I've got a lot left in me, I'm 34-years-old, yes I've been wrestling for 18 or 19 years, something like that, but I am still not done.


Summerslam 2017 promotional poster released.

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