Sunday, July 16, 2017

Today's News


ROH star Bobby Fish has joined the official NXT roster.

Triple H pops for wrestling show:

"Now I have not had a chance to actually see the show, but I've heard nothing but rave reviews. Popularity in our industry ebbs and flows, but it seems people have come to accept what we are -- not only what they see, but the behind-the-scenes of how it comes together. It's a fascinating world and a fascinating combo of entertainment and sport, and teamwork that comes across not as teamwork. All of it. It's what everybody who is in it falls in love with. And when you show it to the outside world in a way that a show like 'GLOW' does, it's really intriguing. That fascination makes you appreciate what you see and the performance art of it; it can connect you as a fan even greater because now you can appreciate what went into making it as opposed to saying, 'Was that real?' When you realize what it is and what went into it, it's hard not to say, 'That was amazing.'"

Why show was axed:

Vince McMahon killed 'Talking Smack.' He does not attend events in person as often as he used too, but was at last weeks SmackDown and stood and watched John Cena on the show. He was angered at what he saw. He did not like the unscripted and loose nature of the broadcast and demanded it be ended. Officials had a go at changing his mind, but he was adamant. He initially wanted it gone from the weekly schedule, but now says he wants it cancelling altogether. Neither Daniel Bryan or Renee Young were informed of the decision, and both found out on social media.

Indie star pops for Big Show:

Marty Martinez says Big Show demanded WWE give him a tryout...

"I said Hi to The Big Show again, this is the third week in a row. And he is like 'Didn't I just see you in Colorado?' I say 'Yeah, I was there.' 'But didn't I see you the week before that in California.' I said 'Yeah yeah yeah.' 'Wait, so where are you from. Are you from here in Texas?' I'm like 'No, I'm from Utah.' – 'Wait, you're from Utah and you went all three different places' – 'Yeah, I flew myself in. I just want a chance to the city.' And he grabs me and says 'Follow me.' He takes me into the office and this is The Big Show. I haven't had any interaction with him at all except for Hi and Bye. He pulls me in there and says 'Hey, this guy flew himself in to the last three different states in the last three weeks and he doesn't live in either of them. Give this guy a tryout right now.' – 'Oh, okay.' And then he took me to John Laurinaitis, everybody knows Laurinaitis because of his time on TV there. He said 'Okay, yep, come here kid I'll put you in a tryout.' I said 'Cool' and thought that was very nice of The Big Show to just take a guy he saw working hard to be there and give him a shot."

Dusty Rhodes:

Dusty Rhodes has been announced for this years national wrestling HOF.

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