Monday, July 31, 2017

Today's News

Quick move:

Bully Ray says ROH called him and D'Von a day after they left WWE...

"Yeah, Ring of Honor did contact me and D-Von a day after our WWE contracts expired and they wanted me and D-Von to come in and work there. We were very interested, D-Von has a larger family, D-Von wanted to take a step back for a little while, so I said, 'Bro, you do what you gotta do and I'm gonna keep doin' what I do' and that was it. I always knew Ring of Honor and Bully Ray would be a perfect fit."

Next best:

HOF'er's Jim Ross and Steve Austin say Kenny Omega is ready to become the next best thing in wrestling...


"He's very reminiscent to me and indicative of today's wrestler, what they think, and how they act, and how they perceive the business. And I'm not saying any of this in a negative way, just there's a new era and a new wave of thinking. And for us old guys, we kind of have to be willing to hear their point of view because their point of view sometimes isn't what we were raised with."


"Hands down, he is one of the best in the world, if not the best in the world, in my opinion. If he came to the WWE, if he had any interest in doing so, I think that guy could be the next big thing. I don't know if it's going to happen. I said he has the potential to be, if he was given the platform, just not be put in a box."


Donovan Dijak has started his farewell tour of the indies before joining NXT.

Low Ki talks WWE career:

"It was never my goal to go there in the first place, they approached me at my height of my career in Japan. I was hired virtually on the spot due to Vince McMahon seeing me live, they brought me in and then treated like someone who was just there, it was an opportunity I took but it was what it was, I have seen things have changed but it's still operated by the same person."

Raw tease:

  • Three's a crowd in the main event
  • Jason Jordan to speak out on "Miz TV"
  • Brothers in arms: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
  • Hardy Boyz and "good brothers," meet Team Red's "top guys"
  • Bálor to Wyatt: "Let's play"

WWE star in verbal assault:

Chris Jericho was involved in a spat with a fan in NYC over the weekend. Jericho was leaving a tribute gig to a recently deceased musician when he was approached by a number of wrestling fans. He took time to sign some autographs and take some pics, but one guy was not happy and started to verbally abuse the former champ, Y2J gave as good as he got, but has received heat in mainstream media for telling the guy to ''Get f!!!ed in the ass.''

Jericho has since apologised, saying he was very upset by the loss of his friend and was not up to dealing with the pushy fan, but should not have reacted as he did.

Punk to return soon:

CM Punk's MMA coach says he expects him to fight again soon.


Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari will determine Neville's SummerSlam opponent this week.

Cena lands biggest role yet:

John Cena has been cast in the lead role of 'Bumblebee' the 'Transformers' franchise spin off movie.

Paige backstage:

Internet tongues have been wagging today after Paige was spotted backstage in a social media post. It wasn't her. It was Sasha Banks dressed as a zombie. WWE have been doing their annual Halloween photo shoot today, and they had Sasha gothed up for it.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Today's News

Ricochet talks contract status:

"I don't have any hard feelings against anyone at Lucha Underground. That was just me poking at them a little bit, you know? If I was really mad at them, I would have said something more meaningful than 'pricks'. That's not even that bad of an insult, it was just more me poking at them and ruffling some feathers. My contract finished last June. I'm on the no-compete for the rest of Lucha Underground's season three, then I have 90 days after that. I can be on any TV as long as it's not American TV. I can work indies, I can do iPPVs, most anything, really, just not on American TV. I'm not sure about a Season 4 with Lucha Underground. I'm busy until October, and I might take November off to heal up again. I really want to work on my diet and get myself in the best shape possible."

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler's older brother has appeared in court on charges of murder. He rejected charges of aggravated murder, murder, kidnapping and felonious assault relating to the shooting death of a marine, but has pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and aggravated robbery charges. He will be sentenced on 28 August.


Enzo Amore has bruised his backside.

Hell In A Cell:

SmackDown will host HIAC this year, on 8 October.

DJZ recalls almost career ending injury:

DJZ admits to having panic attacks and coming back too soon as he shares the battle he had with his ruptured colon...

"I did a match in Mexico City at the beginning of April. Yeah, what sucked about this too was I came back from the wrist injury in January. I was just starting to get back to where I was before the wrist injury and then I get hurt in Mexico! But, yeah, basically, man, what happened was I took a 450º splash in this match in Mexico City. And when The Laredo Kid landed on my with this 450, you might as well have dropped a bag of cement from the top rope. That's how hard he landed on me. I thought I broke a rib, he knocked the wind out of me immediately. And I finished the match. I knew something was wrong. I didn't know to what extent. After the match is over, I go to the locker room and I'm trying to catch my breath because, like, the wind is still basically knocked out of me. After laying in the locker room floor for almost an hour before anybody bothered to check on me, I was brought to a nearby hospital and felt better after being given an IV. I was released from the hospital, but s--t pure blood and fainted when I returned to his hotel. I ended up in the ambulance and that's where I recorded the now infamous video that I posted on Twitter, just letting the world know that I was going to the hospital because I was hurt and didn't know why. They take me to a hospital nearby and they stick me with an IV and pain medication and anti-nausea medication and I actually feel better when they do this. I'm like, 'I'm okay!' and they're like, 'oh yeah.' They never ran any tests. They were just like, 'yeah, you're fine! You can go.', so they release me and I go back to my hotel, which was like a 30-minute drive. As I start getting close to the hotel, I start feeling weird again. I walk into the hotel and there's a bathroom in the lobby of the hotel. I walk in there and as soon as I get in the lobby, throw my bags on the floor and go straight to that bathroom because I need to go. I went to use the bathroom and I go and I s--t pure blood and I know that's not normal. My body temperature is rising. I'm sweating profusely, but I'm just sitting on this toilet going, 'I know something is really, really wrong with me.' And I finally, like, try to walk out of the bathroom, and, as I'm walking out of the bathroom, I grab the handle to open the door and I just faint, just faint, drop on the bathroom floor. I don't know how much time passed, but eventually, I woke up on the bathroom floor, my head throbbing because I smacked my head when I fell. I have no idea how much time passed, but I knew I fainted. I'm like, 'oh, this is bad! This is so bad!' Yeah, I crawled out of the bathroom and the hotel staff finally got me and called an ambulance. I go into the hospital and these people are like, 'we're not touching you until you pay us $500 right now. Like, we're not running any tests.' 'Wow, okay,' so I gave them my credit card. This is how the debt I mentioned earlier started to form, they run a bunch of tests. They tell me, 'you're bleeding internally really bad. Like, this is serious. Your colon appears to be ruptured. That's what's causing you to bleed internally, so what we're going to have to do to save your life,' that's how serious it was, 'what we're going to have to do to save your life is cut open your abdomen, clean all of this internal bleeding, and then remove part of your colon, and resection your colon back together. 80% chance that we can do this and it'll be okay, 20% chance we can't do this and you're going to be rocking a s--t bag for the rest of your life.' Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Right before it's time for me to go for surgery, they hold me up for more money! They tell me, 'we're not starting the surgery until you pay us $2,000 cash right here on the spot.' And I'm in shock. I'm bleeding internally, worst pain I've ever felt in my life by the way, so I'm like, 'wow, guys, okay, well, here's my credit card again, sure.' So yeah, they run the surgery. When they put me under for that anesthesia, bro, I've never been more terrified in my life because I didn't know when I wake up from this surgery, I won't know if I'm going to be okay, if I'm going to have a s--t bag, if my [pro wrestling] career is going to be over. I might be dead. Who knows? In the end, they removed two litres of blood from the internal bleeding. That's yeah… I lost half the blood in my body. I lost two litres of blood and they resectioned my colon. I was told, 'hey, it's going to be a long time before you're able to wrestle again.' But me, being the dummy that I am, looked at that as a challenge and said, 'sure, no, I'll be back in a wrestling ring in eight weeks. Just watch.' And it [has] been a really hard road ever since that injury. I think about it, not only did I lose about two litres of blood and part of my colon, I think of everything else that I lost! I lost tons of bookings; I lost opportunities that I had outside of wrestling, which were going to be some good paying gigs - I lost over $10,000 easily from what I would have been making from taking wrestling bookings and whatnot; I lost my mind a little bit, so all of these things, I lost and still had the goal in mind: eight weeks, I will get back in a ring, right or wrong. I ended up in a lot of credit card debt just because of the surgery and having to use my credit card to have to pay the bills in Mexico. And they would not let me leave the hospital until I paid the full balance, so I got no choice. I had to use my credit card. I had to use my credit card, but this debt was like so high my mom was basically like, 'listen, you're never going to get out of this credit card debt with your lifestyle, but I'd rather you be in debt to me than the credit card company and the interest, so let me cover it and I'll pay myself back every time you get a paycheck, from Impact or whatever.' I was terrified, man! I've been having panic attacks, from the trauma of the injury and how much of a crazy situation it was. I've never had a panic attack in my life and now I find that I'm getting them all the time. I still continue to, man. I feel like I'm dying because I'm so paranoid that, like, I'm ruining something internally because basically I was told if I get a hernia I'm screwed, so that's, like, in my mind right now because I'm not healed yet, I shouldn't be wrestling just yet as we know. But, like, the thing about it is when you make a living as a wrestler, if you ain't wrestling, you ain't making money, so I can sit here and let myself get broke, but hey, I've got credit card debt to pay. Well, actually, I have my mom to pay. I've got bills to pay, rent to pay, like, I know I've got to get back in there."


Jon Jones has called Brock Lesnar out for an MMA fight and Cyborg wants to come the other way, challenging Becky Lynch for SummerSlam.

Broken fight:

GFW have had their TM claim refused. They were told that, if Broken Matt refers to a living person, then that person (Matt Hardy) would have to sign off on an agreement before they would be presented with the rights. They also had the claim to ownership of Jeff's gimmick refused, as Nero is his real middle name, and Jeff would have to sign off on their use of the character. They also lost TM claims for 'Broken brilliance' because it is not wrestling specific, and 'Vanguard1' because a non wrestling TM of very similar nature already exists.


Raven says scripted promo's are killing wrestling...

"I think it's bad for the business. Now they write promos for people. In the old days, you got bullet points. They said, 'Here are the points you gotta hit, so do it in your character.' If you didn't know how to be a character or how to be a star, you didn't get over. Now they write for everybody, which is good for the lower-tier guys who can't write, who aren't creative enough yet or don't have enough psychology yet. But for guys who have potential star power, you're really killing it, because Austin would've never came alive if they would've been writing his character for him. If they told him to just stay with these promos. It's a whole different world now."

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Today's News


Impact will tape 12 episodes of their TV show in 5 days next month.

Why show was axed:

GFW cut their Bridgeport, CT show because of poor ticket sales.

Karen at fault?:

A patron at an Orlando bar says Karen Jarrett was as much at fault as Braun Strowman in an ugly incident between the two. He says Jarrett was ''Belligerent'' in her approach, and bullying and threatening after Braun refused to sign an autograph for her son. He says the incident amounted to two drunken people having a drunken row.

WWE bringing back event:

WWE have applied for the TM 'Taboo Tuesday' as they hope to bring back the fan interactive PPV for next year.

Bella wants Raw switch:

Nikki Bella says she wants to face Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam.

Show axed:

WWE have killed the E&C show from their network.

Cena won't get it:

Ric Flair says John Cena will not take his record of World title wins...

"No. Randy Orton is close, so is Triple H. I think John is kind of winding down. He's got so many other things going on. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not a host on Good Morning America or The Today Show. I mean he loves wrestling but he's got so diversified now that I don't think I'll see him chasing the Championship realm. But if he does, I'm all about it."

I am retiring, but I'm not retiring:

Rocky Romreo of NJPW says he will be retiring, but won't stop wrestling...

"Yes, I am retiring, and no, I'm not retiring. Yes, I'm going to be retiring from active competition in the Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Division. I'm done with it, I mean, how could I get another tag team partner after Trent? He's the man. It's been crazy, this week, whenever I think about the moment we had two weeks ago at the G1 Special, it's just like crazy. I get all teary eyed. Don't make fun of me! Yeah, I'm done with the Tag Team Division - the Jr. Tag Team Division, I'm done with it. Yeah, I'm retiring from that division, but am I retiring from wrestling? Hell no! I feel like I've got a lot left in me, I'm 34-years-old, yes I've been wrestling for 18 or 19 years, something like that, but I am still not done.


Summerslam 2017 promotional poster released.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Today's News

Network en Espanol:

WWE are planning on going hard with Spanish language broadcasts for the Network, including re-uploading their PPV's in Spanish.

Injured star coming back:

Darren Young has started training at the PC.

John Cena:

John Cena has autographed 25,000 copies of this years WWE video game for a special edition in his honour.

GFW show cancelled:

GFW have cancelled a live in Bridgeport, CT next month.

Name change:

Elias Samson has dropped his surname from his WWE ring name.

Al Snow talks creation of his gimmick:

"Oh, back in '97. Yeah. At that time, I was pretty frustrated and had a pretty bad attitude and was pointing fingers at everybody else instead of pointing them at myself as far as my not taking advantage of opportunities that were presented to me. That invasion, I think probably saved my career because that partnership and cooperation between Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman allowed me to recreate myself. I tried to quit WWF at the time. I had a contract and asked for my release, and kind of to teach me a lesson, I wasn't allowed to have the release. But I was able to talk to Chris Candido, god rest his soul, and he talked to Paul Heyman, and Paul Heyman talked to Vince and got me put on loan to ECW. So I could take advantage of an opportunity to go somewhere else, recreate myself, and to get myself back over, make myself a brand or product that they would ask me to come back. And it worked, and I'm so grateful for that chance."

Rock reveals reason:

The Rock has finally revealed why he always over-sold his taking of the stunner...

''Me and steveaustinBSR used to bet cases of beer on how crazy I could get with my "sell" of his famous Stunner.''

HOF'er gives health update:

Harley Race has given his first update since falling at home and breaking his legs...

"Right now, it's the legs that are bothering me. I'm sitting here now with two legs that aren't very good. They're in route to recovery, and I'm right along with them. In a little amount of time, I'll be up walking again."


Remember that scene in 'Simpsons' when the huge guy climbed out of the tiny car? Kane seems to be trying to recreate it.

Kofi makes history:

Kofi Kingston is the only man in WWE history to hold every incarnation of the Tag titles...

"I had no idea. I don't think we look at accomplishments that deeply in terms of pursuing them. We usually find out on Twitter. Like, 'Hey! Did you guys know you're the only ones to win the Raw and SmackDown Titles?' It's pretty cool when you sit back and look at it, but it's weird; the more time that passes, we keep attaining these unattainable goals, if that makes sense. Hosting WrestleMania is not something set for yourself when you're a kid. You don't say, 'One day, I'm going to host WrestleMania, and this is my goal; I'm going to work toward it." It just happened. Same thing with winning this championship title. It's a very strange stat to be celebrating. You don't set these goals, but we're very fortunate to have had these things happen to us."


WWE are hosting their last ever show at Joe Louis Arena tonight. They are selling exclusive superstar merch to mark the evening.

WWE leaving TV:

CBS say WWE will likely want to move away from TV and take their shows online...

"By and large, television viewership is down across the board. That holds true for sports, network and cable programming. The number of households 'cutting the cord' and turning exclusively to streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu is accelerating. Traditional broadcast networks such as CBS, which owns this website, have launched their own over-the-top networks in an effort to keep up with the rapidly evolving way media is consumed. That's why it's arguable that more people than ever are watching WWE programming, despite the drop in traditional viewership. There is no panic at the company headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. This is a trend that executives saw coming years ago and have been working feverishly to keep pace with. The videos posted on WWE's digital platforms, including Facebook and YouTube, were viewed more than 9.1 billion times during the first six months of the year — an increase of nearly 20 percent from the same time last year. Likewise, WWE's social media channels continue to explode and now have 800 million followers."

JR dates:

JR says he will work 40 dates a year for WWE.


WWE have made some changes to their office team this week.


Truth is making a new EP this week.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Today's News

Broken blockade:

Impact boss Ed Nordholm says he will no longer negotiate with the Hardyz over the ownership of 'Broken'...

"I've stopped thinking about this. We have a show to put on, and a company and a brand. We've got things on our plate that are more important than sorting out the "Broken Brilliance." I made a genuine effort to resolve something to benefit the Hardys as a goodwill gesture to Matt. It didn't reach a conclusion and we're moving on. We're not going back to it, I'm not interested in opening a new dialogue, I'm not interested in opening another conversation about it. We made our best effort, it didn't happen, and I'm not going to negotiate all over again."

Angle accused:

Kurt Angle's former girlfriend Rhaka Khan has been tweeting WWE officials accusing him of physically, mentally and financially abusing her during their brief relationship in 2009. She says she is breaking her silence after a seven year order of agreement not to discuss it expired.

GFW sign champ:

Moose has signed a new three year deal with Impact.

Help TE winner:

Matt Cappotelli needs $500,000 to fund treatment for his battle against brain cancer. He has set up an online fundraiser here.


Asuka vs Ember Moon has been booked for Brooklyn 3, the pre SummerSlam special.

Superstar shakeup:

WWE are planning a post SummerSlam roster shakeup, which will include the option to relegate talent from Raw and SmackDown into NXT. This may be because they want to raise NXT onto a par with the other two shows, but will likely not be seen that way by the ones that take the step back.

Cody planned escape:

Cody Rhodes says he planned his escape from WWE for 6 months...

"I was just talking about this and it's made the difference. When guys leave – whether they decide to leave or they're forced out – there's usually this period of time we see them around the world and they can ride that WWE wave and use it, and then it goes away. It loses its luster after a few months. I planned my escape for six months before I left. I loved WWE, but in the end I was unhappy. It was just like planning an escape from a maximum security prison. I'd released a list of potential opponents online so when the 90-day no-compete clause was up, I had matches booked on good faith. I thought about the follow-up."

Alum in movie:

John Morrison has scored a role in 'Sharknado 5'.

Braun begs:

Braun Strowman dropped to his knees in a bar and begged for forgiveness from a woman he had refused to sign an autograph for. The incident happened in Orlando, in a bar where talent from WWE and GFW were socialising together. A woman approached him and told him he was her sons favourite wrestler, and asked for an autograph for him, Braun, not recognising the lady as Karen Jarrett blew her off, in a sweary rant. She then responded that she would inform the father of her son, Braun's Raw GM Kurt Angle, that he had snubbed their boy, leading to Braun apologising and begging for forgiveness. Jarrett wasn't having it, and Strowman dropped to his knees in front of WWE and GFW talent and pleaded for her not to talk to Kurt about the incident. Karen still refused to accept, saying he was only sorry because of who she was, and he should not treat people the way he had just treated her. Braun conceded she was right.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Today's News

Botch fixed?:

AJ Styles has recaptured the US title after the Battleground match was reportedly botched.

World champ returns:

Chris Jericho returned to TV last night.


John Cena and Shinsuke Nakamura will fight for the right to face Jinder Mahal at SummerSlam next week.

Brock Lesnar:

UFC reportedly want Brock Lesnar and Ronda Rousey back because they are having a bad financial year. They are said to have Jon Jones lined up as his opponent.

Promise kept:

Daniel Bryan and Renee Young made good on their promise to host their own version of Talking Smack on Tout. Smacking Talk's first episode mocked the Raw angle with Kurt and Jason Jordan.

Austin hot with WWE:

Steve Austin has criticised WWE's booking of Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar's feud, Braun Strowman and Shinsuke Nakamura.

Fire Road Dogg:

An online campaign has sprung up hoping to have Road Dogg fired by WWE. Some fans are unhappy with the poor Battleground event, the US title changing twice in a week and the booking of Cena vs Nakamura for TV not a PPV event, and want him removed from the booking of the show.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Today's News

GFW quitters inc:

Davey Richards is the latest star to quit Impact. He says his ambition to go through medical school is stronger than his desire to continue wrestling.


Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman vs Samoa Joe for the Universal will headline Summerslam next month. Alexa Bliss vs Bayley for the red Women's is also official.

"Go For Broke" by Machine Gun Kelly (Featuring James Arthur) is the theme song for the event.

WWE ad:

Bayley and the Hardyz star in an ad for a fast food brand, which debuted during Raw.

Result changed during match:

WWE sources say the US title match result at Battleground was changed during, or right before, AJ Styles and Kevin Owens match over the weekend. There had been speculation that the match was botched by AJ, who failed to kick out of a sloppy pin attempt because he mis-counted how many times the ref hit the mat, so this may be WWE covering their bases.

SmackDown tease:

  • Who will step up to challenge Jinder Mahal?
  • Will AJ Styles continue his pursuit of the United States Championship?
  • How will The New Day's title win change Team Blue's Tag Team division?
  • Who blindsided The Fashion Police?

JR jabs fans:

"While I admire and respect the passion of 'rasslin fans, I can only hope that they are as passionate about the more significant things in their lives as they are about show biz athletics. This may be like the 'pot' calling the 'kettle' black, too, I will readily admit. I've been as guilty as most in this department."


Abyss has commissioned a new mask.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Today's News



  1. Aiden English bt Tye Dillinger (Pre).
  2. New Day bt The Uso's to win the Tag.
  3. Shinsuke Nakamura bt Baron Corbin.
  4. Natalya bt Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Lana and Tamina Snuka.
  5. Kevin Owens bt AJ Styles to recapture the US.
  6. John Cena bt Rusev.
  7. Sami Zayn bt Mike Kanellis.
  8. Jinder Mahal bt Randy Orton.


  • New Day are the first team to hold both red and blue Tag titles.


Naomi vs Natalya is now official, the blue Women's gold will be on the line.

The Rock:

The Rock has starred alongside mobile phone app Siri in a short that has been released by Apple on YouTube today...

World champ returns:

Great Khali is back. He returned to aid Jinder Mahal in his defense of the World title at Battleground last night.

Raw tease:

  • Can Ambrose and Rollins co-exist?
  • Which Horsewoman will ride into Brooklyn for a date with Little Miss Bliss?
  • Jason Jordan's opportunity to develop under the learning tree of an all-time great
  • Third time's the charm for Elias Samson and Finn Balor
  • Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns will likely demand an answer from Angle as soon as possible

Old boy claims creator rights:

Armando Estrada says he invented 'Talking Smack'...

''In December 2011, I drove to a Smackdown taping in Indianapolis to have a meeting with Vince. Finally, after blowing me off for most of the day, we sat down in Gorilla before the taping and I pitched him an idea for a show. At the time, WWE was looking for ideas to create content for this vision they wanted to call "The Network". The show I pitched Vince was a non-wrestling show that would allow talents that don't get much mic time, the opportunity to pseudo-shoot and help get them comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. The show I envisioned was titled "Smack Talk" and I was to be the host. Vince smiled, said he liked the idea, shook my hand and said thank you. I drive home to Chicago that night thinking I was on to something. Little did I know I was about 5 years too early. RIP Talking Smack, you were a breath of fresh air!''

Baby Bella:

Brie Bella says she has turned down Daniel Bryan's request for a second baby, because she wants a ring return, but does want to have another baby eventually...

"I have to make a comeback to wrestling before having another. I miss that ring. But I told Bryan, I was just like, listen I want a second one…because he's like let's do it when Birdie's nine months! I was like, 'Whoa. You're not the one who gets pregnant and goes through the labor. So no.'"

Morgan quits:

Matt Morgan has quit GFW. He says he had agreed to work weekends for them but they changed TV tapings to weekdays, which, when coupled with the plans to take their show on the road, left him no choice but to leave as he wants to continue with his real world job.

Alum teases one more match:

Christian has teased dusting off his wrestling boots on social media, earning the support of Randy Orton, who asked for the chance to face him.

Total Divas:

Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax and Carmella have been added to the cast of TD.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Today's News


Christy St. Cloud has been added to the NXT roster.


Tonight WWE will host their blue brand special, Battleground.

Sasha adds voice:

Sasha Banks is the latest woman to add her voice to the all female Royal Rumble match...

"A first-ever women's Royal Rumble? January is coming up, I think that would be awesome to have all the women: past, present, future, let's do it, let's get that rumble going."


Finn Balor has tweaked his shoulder.

Jericho - wedding singer:

Chris Jericho sang a cover of the Kinks 'You Really Got Me' at a wedding he was a guest at this weekend.

Hurricane passed through:

Shane Helms was backstage at the Raw live tour this weekend.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Today's News

Aries loss for everyone:

Kurt Angle says Austin Aries WWE departure is a loss for all sides...

"I'm sure that neither side was happy. Austin is a very, very talented wrestler. Love his style."

DX highlight:

Billy Gunn has recalled DX's best moment...

"How can you forget it? It's the funniest thing we ever did. DX did a lot of crazy stuff, and a lot of stuff off-script, but that was awesome. Most people remember me and Brian doing the dumpster match, but the parody against Nation of Domination. We were having some fun, everyone took it like that, and it was one of the funniest things we ever did."

New podcast:

Sean Mooney has returned to wrestling broadcasting with a new podcast show.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bella has started skateboarding again. She says she stopped 10 years ago, when she joined WWE.

Attitude Era remembered:

WWE have listed the twenty most under-rated attitude era stars...

  1. Steve Blackman
  2. Ivory
  3. D'Lo Brown
  4. The Kat
  5. Val Venis
  6. Big Boss Man
  7. Too Cool
  8. Dean Malenko
  9. Ken Shamrock
  10. Dan The Beast Severn
  11. Molly Holly
  12. Goldust
  13. Test
  14. Southern Justice
  15. Gangrel
  16. The Jackyl
  17. Kaientai
  18. Al Snow
  19. Faarooq
  20. Steven Richards

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan was locked out of his house in nothing more than his underpants last night.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Today's News


Buddy Murphy hurt his ankle on the NXT live tour last night and Evan Bourne dislocated his shoulder working for GFW.

Heat on Alum:

Ryback is taking a kicking online for reducing the women of WWE to sex objects...

"This is what I've always said the women are lacking today, is playing up to their sexiness. They did a bodyslam and whatever but then they got on the rope and just like shaking their ass. I was like if a girl did that today, she'd be the most over Diva on the roster. That's why I always like Melina doing the splits before. Not to be like a creep… this is what makes women different than men because the women they can do all the moves, not as good as the guys (laughs). They can't climb ladders. We'll talk about that. That's a joke, guys. No but like that's the one thing they have over men, that sexuality. Men can sit there and tell their wives that, 'No, I'm just watching wrestling hun.' And that comes on and they get away with watching it. Like they should play up to that. They could still do all the wrestling stuff, but just throw me some sexiness in there. I'm not saying they've all got to go shake their ass on the top rope. Just play up the sexuality a little more. It's very subtle and I'm telling you it makes all the difference for that casual viewer."

Why Vince killed show:

Vince McMahon killed 'Talking Smack' because he was angry that New Day debuted on that show, rather than the main blue brand show.

James Ellsworth:

James Ellsworth has gotten his first WWE action figure.

Fan committed:

An obsessed fan that stalked Lita at the WWE PC, leading to an incident outside the venue, where he was shot by police after rubbing his excrement onto the building because they wouldn't send Lita out to talk to him, back in 2015, has been deemed mentally incompetent. He was out on bond for his campaign against the WWE PC, which went on for weeks, before he turned up with a knife on the day he was shot, and assaulted police with rocks, but has been taken back into custody due to his mental state after committing an unrelated to WWE crime.

Women on top:

Perhaps in response to Ryback's comments on the WWE women, HHH has revealed that the women regularly top the viewing figures when they break their shows down each week.

Al Snow:

Al Snow has launched a clothing brand called CollarxElbow. He says it is a brand for, and dedicated to, wrestling fans.

Del Rio cleared:

Orlando police have absolved Alberto Del Rio of blame in the domestic incident with Paige.


A group of WWE employees are running this years New York marathon in the name of the Connor's Cure charity.

YouTubers at PC:

A couple of YouTubers have recorded a video training with WWE stars Naomi and Charlotte today.

Bella confirms return plans:

Brie Bella says she has started training, and hopes to back in the ring next year.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Today's News


Drew McIntyre is number one contender to the NXT title.


Sami Zayn vs Mike Kanellis has been booked for this weekends special.

Punk offers support:

CM Punk sent a video of support to a fan of his, who was suffering with a bout of depression after losing a video game tournament.

Paige faces police charges:

Police in Orlando have found probable cause to lay charges against Paige in relation to the domestic violence incident with Alberto Del Rio. This could cost her her WWE career. If charges are brought she would be suspended for a breach of the morals clause, if convicted of a crime she would be fired.

Lesnar to UFC:

UFC say Brock Lesnar has not entered USADA testing, and has not, as yet, requested to do so. He is also still a WWE star, and may be after Mania 34 because his current deal has a renewal clause, meaning unless he expresses his desire not to renew his contract, or WWE decide not to continue with his employment, he would stay on the books without the need to have a new one signed.

WWE business:

WWE have signed a multi-year deal with Supersport in South Africa, to air their TV shows. A new line of girls fashion dolls has also been announced.


Magnus has left GFW, just weeks after his return.

Impact > NXT:

Moose has revealed why he went to Impact instead of WWE...

"I just felt like it was a better situation. That's all I really want to say about that. I think it was just a better situation for me. That's why I decided to come to Impact."

Del Rio quits:

Alberto Del Rio has stepped down from his role with MMA group Combate Americas.

Cena's days numbered:

John Cena says he hasn't got long left...

"The reason that I wanted to be a free agent and the reason they kind of granted my request is because I don't know if I'll be available for Smackdown specific only or Raw specific only, and I also know that my days are numbered. I just turned 40 in April and we have so many young and talented performers, I don't know how many years I have left. So in the time I have left, I'm gonna do what I can to dedicate to this company I just want to be able to do it the most time that I possibly can."

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Today's News

New star:

After making his WWE in ring debut yesterday Mike Kanellis has joined the WWE roster.

Team split confirmed:

Chad Gable has confirmed he is not going to follow Jason Jordan to Raw and that their team is over.


Aiden English vs Tye Dillinger will be this weekend's pre show match.

TNA star chose retirement over WWE:

Taylor Wilde says she was asked to take a spot in the Mae Young classic, but chose to stay retired.

AAA roster feud:

John Morrison has joined his future wife in her feud with AAA, he singled out Vampiro as the problem with the company, calling him a liar, a stooge and a douchebag.

GFW reveal big meeting:

Karen Jarrett posted a picture of herself with Rey Mysterio last night. GFW hope to sign the former World champ. It is said she presented him with a contract.

Joe got poster boy job:

Samoa Joe has taken credit for getting John Cena his WWE job...

"Actually, John Cena's match with me, the one that kind of got him hired with WWE, I remember they were there to look at John, obviously. He looked great, he was like the blue-chipper, and John was a good friend of mine, so I had no problem whatsoever helping him kind of highlight and do his thing. Hey man, he was a hard worker, man. He got it done, so after the match, I remember Jim Ross, head of Talent Relations at the time, I went up to him and I was like, 'is there any interest over here?' 'Ah, no, son. I don't think you're quite going to work out here.' Two years in, but it was cool because I was like, 'well, if I can't go there, I'm going to focus on all this other stuff. Where else can you make money? Oh, Japan!' So I focused on Japan, I got a contract over there, and the rest is history."

Fight the power:

Daniel Bryan and Renee Young are teasing bringing 'Talking Smack' back themselves, via social media site Tout.

Brock going back:

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman met with UFC officials at the company's HQ recently. Rumour is they are interested in Lesnar having another cage match. He has re-entered USADA testing, but could not fight until December due to his ban for using drugs before his last fight. He has also reportedly (Meltzer) told WWE that he will not be re-signing for them after his deal runs out on the day after WrestleMania 34.

IC champ to GFW:

JoMo will be debuting for GFW at the NYC tapings later this summer.

Shane survives another big bump:

Shane McMahon has survived a helicopter crash at sea. The craft crashed off Gilgo beach in New York shortly after taking off this morning. There were no injuries to Shane, his passenger or the pilot, who were rescued from the water, and the FAA are investigating the incident.

WWE sweets:

WWE are releasing Bayley Gummy Bears soon.

New tattoo:

Randy Orton has gotten a new tattoo across his ribs.


GFW says they have signed two well known women, and that Gail Kim has taken a job as a backstage agent.