Monday, January 9, 2017

Today's News

Drax Shadow dies:

I hate having to do this...

Stardust and WWE superfan Elijah 'Drax Shadow' Mainville has died, aged 9, after a long battle against cancer. The youngster was awarded an honourary WWE contract after applying for Tough Enough in 2015, and signed his contract with his favourite talent Stardust, live on Raw. His health has sadly deteriorated since then, leading to this too awful outcome.

It was his hero Cody Rhodes that broke the news. He thanked him for teaching him to be brave, and promised his dad would be waiting to meet him on the other side.

Cancer really is a cold, cruel bitch...

NJPW change contracts:

NJPW say they are tired of losing talent to America and will change how they employ their stars. They are implementing a world standard multi year contract system, and also say they are going to be running shows in America this summer.

War games:

Kevin Owens says Goldberg is his enemy, as he was a figure head of WCW, and he has always been a loyal WWF/E guy...

"I guess the one word I would call him is the enemy. Because growing up as a hardcore, die-hard WWE fan, he was the enemy, because he was the figurehead of WCW. The poster boy."

Raw tease:

  • What do The Deadman and The Showstopper have planned?
  • Can Reigns defy the odds against Owens and Jericho in a Handicap Match?
  • Who will declare for the Royal Rumble Match?
  • Will Bayley dethrone Charlotte Flair?
  • Is Neville our next WWE Cruiserweight Champion?

Kenny Omega:

Kenny Omega will not be in the Royal Rumble. Even if he does sign with WWE, his NJPW deal covers him until the last day of this month, two days after the Rumble PPV. It is likely mute anyway, because speculation is he has signed an extension with New Japan, and will return after a break back in the States, probably in March.

Title change SPOILER!!!:

Bobby Lashley has regained the TNA title from Eddie Edwards.

WWE save Foley:

Mick Foley has been rescued from his own self mutilation. His terrible self done haircut from last week was fixed by one of the WWE stylists backstage today.

WrestleMania 34:

WWE have officially confirmed the venue of WrestleMania 34 will be Mercedes Benz Superdome in New Orleans.

Major name in Rumble:

Seth Rollins has confirmed he will enter the Royal Rumble match, via social media.

It's time:

JBL feels Hulk Hogan has been punished enough and should be brought back to WWE ASAP...

"I think we will see Hogan back with WWE and his comments were past inappropriate. I think they were detestable and I abhor what he said and I condemn what he said. I run a program founded years ago in Bermuda with at-risk kids and I took those kids to NXT and watched Tough Enough. Hogan had a terrible back at the time and he got up, but he brought all those kids up on stage. It absolutely made a life moment for those kids. That's what you hear so much about Hogan. What happened on this tape, I think, it was horrible. I think it was, I can't say if it was a one-off or not, but he was punished. He was punished and he was punished severely. He's going to be hounded about that tape the rest of his life and I think that's enough. I think he's an icon and I think he's welcome back. I would like to see him back at the WWE. I think Hulk Hogan will be welcome back into the WWE Universe when Vince McMahon deems it worthy to welcome him back."

''Don't fear the darkness, fear the shadows.''

Dedicated and RIP to Elijah 'Drax Shadow' Mainville (2007 - 2017).

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