Friday, January 27, 2017

Today's News

Omega makes decision:

Kenny Omega will not be at the Royal Rumble. He has announced he will be re-signing with NJPW for another year soon. He says he broke the news because it is unfair for fans to think he may turn up, when he won't.

Hall Of Fame:

Eric Bischoff says he finds it ''Weird and uncomfortable'' that he is being linked with WWE HOF induction. He also hinted that he may refuse if asked...

"I don't know. First of all I'm not holding my breath that it's going to happen. There's a lot of dynamics involved. Honestly I don't think about it. I'm not assuming it'll happen, and I won't be disappointed if it doesn't."

HHH unhappy with NXT:

Triple H feels the brand split has had a detrimental effect on his pet project NXT, and is very unhappy with how things are going right now...

"I'm not happy with where it is right now by far. I want it to be much better than it is, but it's a rebuilding process. All these things going on, they all make changes in the ecosystem. Where everything lands at the end of the day is a moving target."

Del Rio wins national award:

Alberto Del Rio is being presented with an award for his contributions to Mexico this weekend.

Match demoted:

The six woman tag has been dropped onto the Royal Rumble pre show.

SmackDown title creative path leaked (SPOILERS!!!):

Randy Orton is reportedly booked to win the Royal Rumble to earn a shot at the WWE champion Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania. Wyatt is, if the report is accurate, set to win the gold at Elimination Chamber.


Scott Dawson has dislocated his pinkie finger.

TNA phasing out name:

Anthem are gradually removing the initials of the promotion, hoping to eventually re-brand the company as Impact Wrestling.

New baby:

James Storm has become a father.

TE star released:

Mada has been dropped from his PC deal. He says he requested the release.

WWE address UK issues:

William Regal talks WWE vs ITV...

"I heard about that probably the same time as you did... This is not something that's just come up, we know what we're doing. I probably knew about that other thing maybe a week before anybody else knew, because I knew somebody involved in it. That's why I've been able to put this one together, because I know all these people and I had everything in line. Not just me, all of us. We've scouted everybody, these fellas can go, we've put them through tryouts you can check. I'm happy to give you our tryout list, in fact you can look at it from November that we just did in Glasgow, you'll see most of these fellas, or they were from the one in April, or they were on one before, or they were at shows I saw in July. It was all well thought out and put together, you can not just throw things together, you have to plan them out and put it all together. I hope that works as well, because if it does then great that's another group of fellas and ladies that get a chance. And we'll go from there. That's more people we can keep an eye on, and the best will come working for us anyway."

Triple H on pulling talents from UK shows, despite promising they wouldn't do so...

"There's a lot of confusion based on that, and a lot of the confusion is people's refusal to acknowledge the reality of the situation. We signed talent as a part of this UK tournament and are looking forward to doing hopefully what will become a weekly show over there. The talent knew what the deal was, they knew what the restrictions were and they knew what the restrictions weren't. We're not restricting them from working for anybody as long as it's not distributed, as long as there's no distribution outside of the live event. Some of these promotions tried to come in after the face and add a distribution component to that. Talent didn't sign up for that to start with, they just had that added coming off of the success of what we did or whatever they were working on. That's a change. That's a change in how the talent were being dealt with. Talent had an agreement to go to an event to compete on a live event, not to do other things and that's a change. We're not heavy-handing anybody, we're asking them to approve, to work with us, to work with the groups that are... and I was very clear about this when I was over there, we want to work with groups that are cultivating talent, not groups that are just coming in and just one-offing talent. So, is there a period of time right now we're allowing guys to work for people? Absolutely. Every single one of these talents knew the deal, they knew the deal going into it, they knew what the ask was and they knew what their restrictions were. Coming out the other side of it, there's a lot of confusion but it's not on our side and it's not on the talent side I believe. It's on the promoters side, who just kind of change things and do things however they feel like they want to do things. Trust me, there are a lot of... you can call them promotions but there are a lot of people who do one-off shows over there and there's a big difference. All of this is strategic. You're going to see a lot of announcements over a short period of time where I think all the questions that you're asking now and all the fears that everybody has will go away. People are going to go, 'Oh, it's very clear what they were doing right now.' But obviously because it's strategic, you can't come right out and say those things."

Paul London recalls being punished for iconic Rumble spot:

Remembering his 2005 elimination...

"They felt that it stole the moment, in a way, because they replayed, but they didn't want to replay it. They did it, because it looked spectacular as it was, and I specifically remember, there's a guy over there, Michael Hayes, he said 'That was really good, but that was too good.' Then next thing I know I'm off TV for the next six months. So that was frustrating."

WWE star given major new role:

Nikki Bella has been named as the new lead producer of the 'Total Diva's' show, from April.

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