Thursday, January 5, 2017

Today's News

Deceased Alum in Japan:

A fan has reported an earthquake happened during the big NJPW show last night.

Alum says WWE won't touch ''Broken'' Rousey:

Jonathan Coachman says WWE will not take Ronda Rousey onto their books because she is broken, and the reason WWE were interested is gone, she is not unbeatable anymore. He also said WWE would not take on someone who has confessed to mental health and suicidal thoughts, as the rigours of their schedule could be unhealthy for them.

Lesnar banned again:

Brock Lesnar has been banned from competing in MMA for a year, backdated to the night, in July, of his UFC fight. This time by USADA. He has already received a ban in the state of New York (NYSAC) for the same time frame.

New owners:

Anthem are now officially the majority shareholders of TNA wrestling. They have moved quickly, Jeff and Karen Jarrett and Dutch Mantell are said to be returning to the creative department for their next TV taping.


Goldberg has signed a three PPV deal which covers Royal Rumble, Fastlane and WrestleMania.


Current TNA star Mark Andrews (Mandrews) will take part in the WWE UK tournament next week, and a British promotion have countered the WWE argument that they will not stop them working for other groups, as WCPW have confirmed the loss of four of their talent to WWE.

New intake:

Seven new stars have reported to the PC to start their WWE careers today.

Indy star pulling a Rick Rude:

La Luchadora, Deonna Peruzzo, who worked SmackDown on Tuesday is going to be working for TNA for their next taping too.

WWE want Hardyz:

WWE want both of the Hardyz back this year, but may be resigned to just getting one or the other. Both are close to the end of their deals, and are talking to TNA about extending. The feeling is Matt may do so, as he is enjoying the creative freedom he has with them, but Jeff may be more open to the idea of a comeback.

Women's Rumble:

Bayley has poured cold water on the idea of an all women's Royal Rumble match. She says there are not enough girls on the roster to make it work, but that it would be a fun thing to do in the future.

Hall Of Fame:

Another two members of the class of 2017 have reportedly leaked, if true one will be Ravishing Rick Rude, the other is a current WWE employee, likely meaning JBL. Again though, as with DDP, until this is confirmed by WWE themselves, this should be taken as rumour at this stage, as they have a habit of changing plans.

Alum returning:

Great Khali will be coming back to the States this spring to work the indies.

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