Saturday, January 7, 2017

Today's News

Cody crashes bar:

Cody Rhodes snuck into Manchester's 'Star Wars' themed bar after a match in England last night (Photo).

Indy star re-debuts:

Chris Hero had his first match back on the WWE NXT live circuit last night.

Vader talks why he quit WCW:

For the first time, Vader, has told his side of that fight with Paul Orndorff, and confirmed he quit because he did not want to pay the fine, or serve the six month suspension, WCW gave him for the brawl...

"Eric Bischoff called me at 8 in the morning at the Marriott and said, 'Leon, you have promised me pictures or a photoshoot for weeks, you have to do them today or you're fired.' I'm not kidding. So hey, you get up and you go. Four hour photoshoot, grueling and exhausting. You gotta go in your street clothes and put your hot stuff on, get all pumped up and put your uniform on, and start posing right? And if that photo doesn't look good let's do it again, that photo doesn't look good, 'let's do it again,' so it just became grueling. So I called Eric and said, 'Please call over and tell someone I'm going to be late because I'm doing this.' Of course he didn't do it. I just did a four hour photo shoot, I had my bag and I went into the room to sit down, I just did that traffic from the Atlanta towers over to the CNN center. So you're gonna sit down right? So I sit down, he comes in, and he says 'You're fu*king late, why are you late?' I said 'Paul, didn't someone tell you? I'm f*cking doing this photo shoot. Didn't Eric tell you?' He said 'No nobody told me a f*cking thing.' And I said 'Well that doesn't give you a reason to f*cking mistreat me.' Then I said 'If that's not good enough for you then you can go f*ck yourself, because I've had it, because I'm not getting cussed out by you, you're not my boss.' And he thought he was. And I had been told specifically that during that period of time, Dusty Rhodes was my boss and Eric Bischoff, those two. Other than that, no one is above you. He turned around and walked out, and Terry Taylor comes in and gets me [and says], 'Leon, regardless of where you were, we gotta do some interviews.' I got my mask, took my shirt off, got my rubber hose so I could pump up, and I'm running to do the interviews. Paul steps in and blocks me from doing the interviews and called me everything in the book and threatened me, in my face. Face-to-face. So I slapped him. I thought that was a threat to my well being and my safety. You tell me you're going to beat the hell out of me, then I'm going to defend myself. So I slapped him, feet came off the ground, his back hit the cement and his head just missed the steel tool box where we put the tools to put the ring together. I thought 'My god if his head hit that, I'm done.' No matter why I'm late, if his head hits that and he's hurt I'm fired and will probably go to jail. I went over and put my hand on his chest and said, 'Paul are you okay?' And he was coming to because he hit the ground hard because I slapped the sh*t out of him. So Paul has a right arm about the size of this wrist, all the way up. He's 200 pounds, he's really in bad shape physically. He's not the Paul Orndorff, 260, 270 pound guy, he's 215. When he gets up, he gets up and I'm thinking, 'If I fight him back and do what I think I should do to defend myself, I'll get fired at the very least. Maybe I'll hurt him.' I thought I had slapped him initially so I wanted to get that back, so I let him hit me in the face. It was nothing, it was that weak right hand. He hit me a second time, a third time, I dragged him down with me. And Paul, some of the wrestlers helped Paul up, and he kicked me once or twice before he got up. I remember that I got up and grabbed him and we went into the coaches room fighting like a wrestling type fight. He had boots on, and I don't know why that matters but I guess if you're barefoot or have slippers on it's harder to fight somebody. He's an agent, he has his work boots on. The next day, [everyone is like] how 'Paul had beat me up?' What they're seeing, those three hits to the face, it was like my twelve year old son hitting me in the face. My role was to be the bad guy who beat everyone up. So everyone that I wrestled, I spun right?"

He says Haku then told him to stop, and he knew better than to ignore him, and did so.


WWE have confirmed the 16 names that will fight for the new UK Championship...

  • Danny Burch
  • Mark Andrews
  • Roy Johnson
  • Dan Moloney
  • Joseph Conners
  • Tyson T-Bone
  • James Drake
  • Tyler Bate
  • Sam Gradwell
  • Jordan Devlin
  • Wolfgang
  • Pete Dunne
  • HC Dyer
  • Trent Seven
  • Saxon Huxley
  • Tucker

TNA star leaves:

Raquel (Gabi from Tough Enough) has left TNA.

JBL vs Bret:

JBL has rounded upon Bret Hart, reacting to some of his recent controversial attacks on others, and sharing his view on why he is so bitter and angry...

On Michael Hayes...

"I'd like to tell Bret Hart, please don't get hot. What are you mad at, Bret? Bret, you're one of the greatest superstars of all time. You're a multimillionaire. You're a legend in Canada. You're a legend around the world. I personally like you very much. You've been very great, great, to me your entire career, but what are you mad at? You come out and you talk about Michael Hayes, The Freebirds, and you bash Michael Hayes, [saying] he shouldn't be in the Hall Of Fame. But you don't say anything about Sting, who didn't make his name in the WWE. What in the world is Bret Hart mad at?"

On Seth Rollins...

"What about Seth Rollins? He claims that Seth Rollins hurts people. I mean, people get hurt in this business. Look, Bret was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. People get hurt all the time. I think Bret should understand that. I'm not sure what has made Bret, appearingly, so bitter."

On why he feels Bret is angry with the world (Goldberg kick)...

"My career ended because I got my back broken in a match in Earl's Court, it was just a mistake, over in London. It ended shortly thereafter. I wasn't able to do anything after that. I'm not mad about that. Do you know what I'm happy about? I'm happy about the fact that I got to do what I wanted to do since I was a kid. The fact that I got to live the dream that I wanted to live. And I think Bret has to understand he's an incredible superstar. Could he have had a few more years? Absolutely. But you can't get hot about the fact that something bad happened and it was a mistake. It wasn't like Goldberg did that on purpose."

Reunion world:

Zack Ryder bumped into WWE Alum, and new TNA star, Hornswoggle, at Disney World this week.

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