Sunday, January 29, 2017

Today's News

It's the most wonderful night of the year...

Chris Jericho talks 2017 plans:

Chris Jericho has named his ideal Rumble surprises for tonight...

"You hear that Kurt Angle is heading into the Hall of Fame which is great so maybe he'll make an appearance. There are a couple of guys currently in NXT who I think should be in the big leagues like Shinsuke Nakamura, Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode as well. And I always like when sometimes they'll throw a Kevin Nash in there, or a Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese. I'm hoping for Duke this year, that's what I want to see."

He also talked about his plans for the year...

"It's time to get back into Fozzy and there are a couple of other projects I've got going on because I don't do WWE part-time, I do it full-time. I come and go, but when I'm working there I'm definitely a full-timer. There will be no wrestling from May, you don't do both at the same time. I've had a great year which has gone way longer than it was supposed to. It was only supposed to be four months, then it got extended to eight, then 12 and 16. Wrestling will go on hold for a while which is the way I've been doing it since 2010."

UK takeover:

Corey Graves has announced he is retiring from NXT to focus on his main roster duties. Nigel McGuiness will be his replacement from the next block of tapings.

A number of the UK tourney stars, including champ Tyler Bate, have arrived in Texas for the show, and one beat Bayley's fiance in a dark match last night, before the NXT special.

Tyler will make his NXT debut on February 1. The match taped last night.

NXT - San Antonio:


  1. Eric Young bt Tye Dillinger.
  2. Roderick Strong bt Andrade Cien Almas.
  3. Authors Of Pain bt DIY to win the NXT Tag titles.
  4. Asuka bt Billie Kay, Nikki Cross and Peyton Royce.
  5. Bobby Roode bt Shinsuke Nakamura to win the NXT gold.


  • Samoa Joe, Michael Hayes and Matt Riddle were in the crowd.
  • Seth Rollins crashed the show and demanded a fight with Triple H. He was kicked out by security.

Royal Rumble SPOILERS???:

Sharp eyed fans noticed some interesting names on a graphic WWE aired to promote tonight's Royal Rumble, last night. James Ellsworth and Jack Gallagher may not be the biggest eyebrow raisers, but Zack Sabre Jr and Sting were also listed on the Rumble match card.

Samoa Joe is in Texas, potentially for his main roster debut, and after losing his title last night Shinsuke Nakamura is strongly expected to appear in the 30 man match too, but they ran an injury angle with him last night, so maybe / maybe not.

New belt coming:

WWE have commissioned a new Universal title, but from what I have seen of it, it will be a minor tweaking of the design, nothing noticeable.

Steve Austin calls out The Rock:

Steve Austin says Rock's segment at Mania 32 was too long, and he should have killed it much sooner...

"It was WrestleMania a couple of years ago. His segment lasted about 30 minutes. And you could feel the energy just draining out of 100,000 people. Now, The Rock is probably my most favorite opponent of all time. We had some epic feuds and epic battles, angles, and he's a very dear friend. I got to call him out on that. Rock, you sucked all the energy out of that building. And he's the most electrifying guy in sports entertainment and he's the biggest movie star in the world right now, but that one time Rock, you didn't know when to go home when you should have." 

UFC star breathes new life into WWE:

Conor McGregor says he is still listening to offers from WWE for an appearance with them at Mania 33...

"Never say never. I know there's been conversations. I know Triple H was at the show. I'd love to go to that WWE and have a real knock. Let one of them have a real knock and see what's what. We'll see. There's conversations ongoing. I've turned down some things, conversations still ongoing."

He also says his next fight will be against one time WWE star Floyd Mayweather.

Inside the Rumble match:

Former WWE star Matt Morgan has revealed how the Rumble match is booked from the talent's perspective...

"2004. My rookie year. My first full year there," Morgan said. "We're in the locker room, Pat Patterson was the quarterback of it, the producer of it, I guess they would say now. And I remember he had this dry erase board. He would list all of our names and then write out who is eliminating who. And then, as he's doing it, he looked at me and said, 'alright, Morgan, you're eliminating Hurricane Helms' or 'then, you're doing this'. And then, really quickly, I'd have to turn to Hurricane and say what I'm going to do to him, like right there on the spot and have an idea right then and there, so they would know. It was really quick thinking, I remember. It was just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, when they'd get to your name, what you would do to eliminate your talent or get eliminated yourself. And you had to keep it moving because there are some many guys in that Rumble. I think in that locker room, that afternoon, I should say, yeah, we knew Chris was going over. I'm pretty sure I knew that the week beforehand. I could be wrong, but we knew going into this, this was designed for Chris Benoit to go over and then eventually go over to RAW as well. You could go in the ring afterwards, and say, many guys do that, and say, 'look, this is what I'm going to be doing with you. Are you cool with this? I'm supposed to be eliminating you. Are you cool with me doing this or this or that?' And then, if you want to walk through it, you can. You don't walk through the eliminating part. You generally walk through what your comeback is. I'm sure you already know this as fans, every time somebody comes out, he just blows a comeback for whoever's in the ring and you get all your s--t in and you look like a monster for those 10, 15 seconds. Rikishi comes out; he gives everyone a stink face. A-Train comes out; he gives everyone the gimmick in the corner. It's always like that. So if you want to talk about it, you definitely have to talk about it, but you don't have to really walk through it."

WWE hacked:

An online activist group hacked into the Twitter account of WWE's social media manager last night. The account has all the log in info for all of the roster, to use the accounts for promotion, and they accessed a number of the high profile stars, John Cena and Triple H amongst them, to show how weak their security settings were.

Becky Lynch adds voice to Rumble campaign:

Becky Lynch says a women's Royal Rumble match could be just a year or two away...

"I've been asked that a fair bit, and I don't think we're that far. The only thing is — when you look through the roster of Smackdown, and you look down the roster of Raw — we don't have that many women. That is the only problem. I think it's not outside the realm of possibility, but I don't think it's going to happen in the next year or two — simply because we don't have that many women. But I think that's all going to change, because we have amazing women in NXT. We have such an incredible facility in NXT, that keeps bringing up more and more talent. So it's not impossible: I just don't think we have the bodies at the moment."

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