Friday, January 20, 2017

Today's News

My best year:

Chris Jericho says 2016 was maybe the best year of his career...

"I have to say last year, 2016, was one of the best of my career. I still can't put it over the Michaels - Jericho feud and the Mysterio - Jericho feud and the Big Show - Jericho team which was 2008-2010, but it was pretty close. Maybe in retrospect I'll look back on it in a few years and think maybe it was the best, but it's one of those things, it was like a very nice surprise because I've come back quite a few times and somethings you don't hit as much. But it seems this year I had a late career resurgence to where if I was in a Rock n' Roll band, I had like three or four top ten hits this year that will go on the greatest hits of Jericho. I'd like to be able to sit back and say I planned this, I'm very smart, I'm a genius and I knew this was gonna happen, but you never know what's gonna happen and I think I kinda caught lightning in a bottle with this character and all the different aspects of it. It worked and it's been a lot of fun for sure."

He also revealed how he gimmicked the office into turning him heel...

"The original plan was for me to work with Ambrose at Wrestlemania, but I think I started planting those seeds as a babyface that were really pissing people off. I knew it and it was fun for me to see that 'Jericho's done, he's stale, he's so stale. Oh that scarf and the vest it looks ridiculous. Same old catch phrases and he's trying to get a Rooty Tootie Booty chant going, it's so annoying. It's sad to see Jericho falling so low.' And I was like oh you guys -- I'm the master of puppets yet again. Manipulating an entire business into planting those seeds for when I finally turn heel. And when I turned heel it was like, 'Well I'm glad he turned heel because he wasn't doing too good a job as a baby face' but I knew all that. That is one thing that I had planned."

No return:

Shawn Michaels says he has no plans to return to the ring, and has not been asked...

"It's funny because the two guys who really make the decisions, which is Vince and Hunter, in seven years have never even approached me. I guess I'm semi-amused that people think 'Vince is saying this' and whatnot because those are the two people that understand why and respect why I retired and understood it."

He then went on to list a number of people he would like to work with...

"I look at Samoa Joe and I've told him a number of times that I see his stuff at NXT and think to myself, 'Man, I could have a great deal of fun with you.' He's a guy I have sort of enjoyed, and one of those sleeper guys that no one talks about. We have contrasting styles. I get that everybody wants to see me and AJ or Seth or Dolph. From my standpoint, I think really telling a great story out there is most important. I could do it with a guy like Samoa Joe. His stuff looks really good, and sometimes he just looks like he's beating the tar out of somebody."

Rock offends:

The Rock was censored whilst accepting an award last night. He was addressing Kevin Hart, who had teased him earlier in the night, which led to the first censorship of Rock (He flipped him the bird), his mike was then cut, and none of what he said was broadcast.

WWE renege on promise:

WWE's promise not to stop UK stars from working events was not kept for long. IPW have been forced to withdraw two of the WWE UK 16 from an upcoming show, as WWE contacted them earlier today to revoke the appearances of the talents. This is because the event is scheduled to air on Floslam. One of the two, Pete Dunne, says he will still work the event, but the match will be dark, for the live crowd only. A second promotion revealed they had lost three of the 16 from their next event too.

Linda's job interview:

Linda McMahon will have her senate hearing to be a part of Donald Trump's team on Tuesday.

Hall Of Famer starts work:

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th American President earlier today. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon attended one of his celebratory meals.

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