Saturday, January 14, 2017

Today's News

UFC boss makes offer:

Dana White has stepped into the Floyd Mayweather / Conor Macgregor feud and has offered his promotion as a platform to make the fight finally happen...

"I'll tell you what, Floyd. Here's a real offer, and I'm the guy that can actually make the offer, and I'm actually making a real offer. We'll pay you $25 million, we'll pay Conor $25 million, and then we'll talk about pay-per-view at a certain number. There's a real offer. To think that you're the 'A' side? How are you the 'A' side? The last major fight you were in, you left such a bad taste in everybody's mouth nobody wants to see you again. His last fight did 350,000 pay-per-view buys. Conor's last two did 1.3 and 1.5 million buys, so I don't understand how you think you're the 'A' side. There's a reason you want this Conor fight so bad, because you know that's your money fight. If they're going to box, Floyd looks at this thing like an easy match for him. For Conor, this is his money fight."

The one time WWE star laughed at the offer, and said his watch was worth more.

Triple H reveals why WWE are in the UK:

"The long term goal from WWE's point of view is to turn this into a weekly show in the U.K., if at the end of the day the goal is to get guys to NXT, to get guys to RAW or SmackDown or WrestleMania, this just deepens that talent pool and it gives people variety of being able to see talent from all over the world. I can tell you, when people see this tournament, they're going to be impressed, this is some of the best talent in the world."

Mandrews admits to taking risk:

Mark Andrews says he quit TNA to join WWE UK because he felt it was time to take a risk on himself...

"I had a great time in TNA, but I decided it was time to finish up with them to try and take a bet on myself, because the UK has been such a hot spot for wrestling. Fortunately for me, literally instantly after my contract was up, this opportunity came around, so it was kind of perfect timing. I had a great two years with TNA -- there were no hard feelings when I left. There's a lot of incredible talent in that company. Not just with the roster, but the staff and everyone involved. I think a lot of rumors online make it seem a lot worse there than it actually is. I just wish them the best of luck, and I really hope they can carry on doing well. I never planned for this to happen, but everybody wants to work with WWE. It's the top company in the world for professional wrestling. If this hadn't happened, I think I would have just kept my doors open and carried on doing this more as a labor of love than a labor. I still planned to leave TNA after these two years, not with any hard feelings, but just because I'm young and I'd like to get as much experience as possible to become the best possible all-rounder I can be. I wouldn't know what was in sight, but I would still be looking to broaden my horizons in wrestling."

The competition is currently taping.

Sgt Slaughter interview:

Sgt. Slaughter has recalled that a former US President wanted to wrestle him...

"Reagan was a big fan of mine, we were in this big room, about 200 celebrities and my wife and I were the last two to be in line and Secret Serviceman came over to me and said, 'excuse me, will you follow me?' So we go around the corner, and we go through this door, and there is President [Ronald] Reagan standing there, saluting me, and he said, 'I've always wanted to meet you. I thank you for all the work you do for patriotism and I flew the flag over the capital in your honor' and he handed me the flag. And he said, 'in fact, I would like you to put me in The Cobra Clutch. Secret Service, Secret Service said, 'no, no, Mr. President, we don't think that's a good idea.' And he said, 'well, how about a pushup?' 'No, no, Mr. President. How about just a handshake and a photo?' And so we took a photo."

He has also talked about the extent to which his life was turned upside down during his WWF title reign...

"The night I beat Ultimate Warrior in Miami, pretty much everything kind of hit the fan. Jay Strongbow was there and he was one of the backstage talents and he said, 'have you talked to your wife today?' I said, 'no.' He said, 'have you talked to Vince today?' I said, 'no.' He said, 'well, give them a call.' So I call my wife. There was nobody home. I call Vince and ask 'what's going on?' He said, 'well, someone called the wrestling office and didn't like the way you won the Championship and threatened to kill you and kill me and kill our families, blow up the wrestling office, blow up the studio, blow up our homes,' and he said, 'I took a precaution just to call your wife and to have her get out of the house till I can get security around the house.' So I got back home and the FBI, they've got this truck up into my driveway, and when I got there, they all came over, they all wore suits, and they showed me they were packing and they said, 'we're going to walk the perimeter of the property 24/7, we'll take your wife to the grocery store, and take your kids to school, and whatever has to be done.' I said, 'no, we're not going to do that. We'll be fine.'"

JR angers employers:

Jim Ross may have angered his NJPW bosses by advising one of their top stars to leave for WWE. He sais that if Kenny Omega had any ambitions to have a big run, he needed to sign now, as his age would count against him if he waited another two years.

Obviously wasn't watching WWE much this year... AJ Styles anybody?

King returning to his throne:

Jerry Lawler will be back on WWE TV next week. He will bring back his old interview segment 'The King's Court'.


Danny Burch was bust open during the UK tourney today.

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